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Lesson 4: 4 WEEK
Conceptual 8
Framework, Definition of Terms, and
Research Hypothesis
“I guess, I think, I know”
Name: _________________________ Grade Level: 12 Section: _____________
Activity Sheet No. 6 Date Answered: ____________
Content Standard: Demonstrates understanding of the formulation of conceptual
framework; the research hypotheses (if appropriate); and the
definition of terms as used in the study
Learning Competency: Illustrates and explain the conceptual framework (CS_RS12-
If-j-6); Defines terms used in study (CS_RS12-If-j-7); Lists research
hypothesis (if appropriate) (CS_RS12-If-j-8) .


Activity 1. Defining the Words

Directions: Using a dictionary, look for the definition of the words listed in the table
below. Write the definition of each given word in the second column. If the
word has many definitions, choose the definition that is most suited to

Word Definition







Activity 2. Unraveling Thoughts

Directions: Briefly answer the given questions in 3- 5 sentences. Write your answers
on the space provided for each item.

1. Why is there a need to define important terms in a research or study?


2. Justify the importance of Conceptual Framework in research.


3. Do all quantitative research designs use research hypothesis? Explain your answer.



Conceptual Framework
A Conceptual framework is a visual representation that helps to illustrate
the expected relationship between cause and effect in a quantitative research
study. It is also called a Conceptual Model or research model. Different
variables and the assumed relationships between those variables are included in
the model and reflect the expectations.
This framework is a schema which specifies the relevant variables and
their interrelationship. This makes a Conceptual Framework an analytical tool. It
is used to make conceptual distinctions and bring together different ideas. Strong
Conceptual Frameworks lead to actual realization of the intended objective.
Testing research
In a Conceptual Model, the relationships are clearly defined between the
different variables and their relationship to each other. Typically, the model is
prepared before actual research takes place. In addition, the type of research
determines whether it is wise and useful to work with a Conceptual Framework.
In testing research, the use of a Conceptual Framework is customary.
Based on hypotheses, a certain idea can be shown. The basis of testing
research is to demonstrate the cause-effect relationship, which is also reflected
in the Conceptual Framework. In testing research, one works with specific
expectations about cause-and-effect relationships, which are displayed in the
schematic model.
Nevertheless, the model is also suitable for exploratory research. This
often consists of broadly defined concepts instead of specifically defined
variables. In this type of research, the specific relationships are identified
afterwards, and the variables are directly measurable and formulated fairly
What does it look like?
The Conceptual Framework is a representation of a problem statement or
research question. It also looks pretty simple. Once the independent and
dependent variables have been determined, a Conceptual Framework can be
• Frameworks – The dependent and independent variables are drawn up
in the frames.
• Arrows – the arrows between two concepts indicate that there is a
causal link, where the arrow comes from influences where the arrow
points to.
• Lines – where a relationship (correlation) between 2 variables is
expected, but no connection, a line is used.
Source: Mulder, P. 2017. Conceptual Framework. Accessed August 18, 2021. ToolsHero:

How to Write the Definition of Terms?
Definition of terms works just like a glossary but have a different twist. It is placed
on the last part of Chapter 1 to tell the meaning of the terms used throughout the said
chapter. Here are some guidelines in writing the Definition of terms:
• There are two types of definition of terms to use on your research.
• Conceptual meaning and Operational meaning- Conceptual terms/meanings are
based on what a dictionary or an encyclopedia tells.
• On the other hand, Operational terms/meanings are based on how the researchers
used a term on their study.
• The terms should be arranged alphabetically and should be defined lexically and/or
Source: Lee, Karen Ross. n.d. How to Write the Definition of Terms in Chapter 1 of a Thesis.
Accessed August 18, 2021.

Formulating the Research Hypothesis

After specifying your research questions, you can now formulate the hypotheses
for your study. A hypothesis is a statement that defines the testable relationship you expect
to see from examining the variables in your research. From the hypothesis you can make
statements predicting what will happen in your research. Hypothesis formulation is
employed when conducting correlational, ex post facto, quasi- experimental studies.
There are two types of hypothesis: the null hypothesis and the alternative
hypothesis. The definitions of these hypotheses differ based in the kind of quantitative
research in which they are used. It should be noted that there are generally no hypotheses
used in descriptive research.
A null hypothesis (𝑯𝟎 ) states that there is no relationship between variables. In
correlational studies, a null hypothesis states that this relationship is indeed, absent. In
experimental, quasi- experimental, and ex post facto studies, however, a null hypothesis
states that the independent variable has no effect on the dependent variable.
On the other hand, an alternative hypothesis (𝑯𝑨) states that there is a
relationship between variables. Similar to the null hypothesis, alternative hypothesis in
correlational studies express the existence of this relationship. This statement changes in
experimental, quasi- experimental, and ex post facto studies. In these studies, an
alternative hypothesis states that the independent variable has an effect on the dependent
A hypothesis can also state a direction. The direction of a hypothesis points out if
the variables have a negative or positive relationship with each other. It means that the
increase or decrease of the value of a variable has a relationship with the increase or
decrease of another. This indicates that the hypothesis must explicitly suggest either a
positive or negative relationship between the variables. The hypothesis is now referred to
as the directional hypothesis. If the hypothesis is according to one specific direction, it is
examined through a one- tailed test. On the other hand, if the hypothesis does not specify
a particular direction, it is now called a non- directional hypothesis. Such hypothesis
states that there is a relationship between two variables. This relationship is not specified
as negative or positive. The hypothesis in this instance is examined through a two- tailed
Source: Barrot, Jessie S. 2020. "Formulating the research hypothesis." In Practical research 2 for senior
high school revised edition, by Jessie S. Barrot, 32-33. Quezon City: C & E Publishing,


Activity 3. Concept Mapping

Directions: Using your approved research topic, research questions and objectives,
construct a Conceptual Framework showing the relationship between the
key variables in your research. Utilize the box provided below for your
conceptual framework.

Conceptual Framework

Activity 3.1. Textual Presentation

Directions: In one (1) paragraph, provide a brief explanation of the Conceptual
Framework you constructed above.


Activity 4. Multiple Choice

Directions: Read and analyze the questions carefully. Circle the letter of the correct
1. This refers to a system of ideas, beliefs, assumptions, and theories that inform,
support, and cater specifically to your study.
A. Conceptual Framework B. Concept Map
C. Organizational Chart D. Theoretical Framework
2. It is a statement that defines the testable relationship you expect to see from
examining the variables in your research.
A. Research Hypothesis B. Research Objective
C. Research Question D. Statement of the Problem
3. In developing a Conceptual Framework, which figure is used to show relationship
between 2 variables with no connection?
A. Arrow B. Box
C. Frame D. Line
4. What sub-section in research tells the meaning of the terms used in the study?
A. Background of the Study B. Conceptual Framework
C. Definition of Terms D. Statement of the Problem
5. What type of hypothesis states that there is no relationship between variables?
A. Alternative hypothesis B. Directional Hypothesis
C. Non- directional Hypothesis D. Null Hypothesis
6. What type of hypothesis states that there is a relationship between variables?
A. Alternative hypothesis B. Directional Hypothesis
C. Non- directional Hypothesis D. Null Hypothesis
7. Which of the following is NOT an example of null hypothesis?
A. There is no relationship between Mathematics performance and attitude towards
B. There is a posttest gain on the students’ performance in Chemistry.
C. There is no difference between the pretest and posttest scores in Mathematics of
the students.
D. Time spent in studying has no effect on the academic performance of the students.
8. What does direct relationship between variables mean?
A. Negative Relationship B. No Relationship
C. Positive Relationship D. Undetermined
9. This type of definition is based on how the researchers will measure the variables
in their study.
A. Conceptual Definition B. Definition of Terms
C. Dictionary D. Operational Definition
10. Research hypothesis is also called the ____________________.
A. Alternative hypothesis B. Directional Hypothesis
C. Non- directional Hypothesis D. Null Hypothesis

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