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Cognitive Systems Research 52 (2018) 715–728

Electroencephalography based fatigue detection using a novel

feature fusion and extreme learning machine
Action editor: Sebastien Helie
Jichi Chen, Hong Wang ⇑, Chengcheng Hua
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Northeastern University, 110819 Shenyang, Liaoning, China

Received 12 July 2018; received in revised form 5 August 2018; accepted 16 August 2018
Available online 23 August 2018


The unsafe behaviors of operators in fatigue state not only lead to declines of work efficiency but also higher error rates and more
injuries and even deaths. Automated fatigue detection using Electroencephalogram (EEG) due to helping us decline the occurrence prob-
ability of related accidents has gained more and more attention in recent years. Hence, designing a suitable feature extraction approach
and choosing an efficient classification methodology are considered as the key to successful implementation. We first propose a new min-
imum spanning tree (MST) feature extraction approach on the basis of the phase coherence (PC) and a power spectrum density (PSD)
method, respectively. Then to further improve the detection performance, we perform feature fusion (FBN-PSD-FF), where the func-
tional brain network (FBN)-based feature characterizing the relationship between brain network organization and fatigue and PSD-
based feature characterizing the relationship between power variation and fatigue. Furthermore, an automated fatigue detection system
has been developed, which is integrated between the novel fusion feature (FBN-PSD-FF) and extreme learning machine (ELM). Finally,
a driving simulation experiment is designed and conducted to demonstrate the proposed detection system, and the Karolinska Sleepiness
Scale (KSS) and the Stanford Sleepiness Scale (SSS) are employed to validate the results. Experimental results indicate that the proposed
method gives a sensitivity of 95.71%, a specificity of 94.29%, an accuracy of 95.00%, and a highest value of area under the receiver oper-
ating curve (AUC-ROC = 0.98). The ELM is employed for fatigue detection, reducing the time consuming greatly. Our proposed system
can be a viable solution for detecting operators’ fatigue and has great potential to reduce fatigue-related crashes in many circumstances
such as navigation, driving, aviation, construction industry, etc.
Ó 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Electroencephalography; Fatigue detection; Functional brain network; Power spectrum density; Extreme learning machine

1. Introduction construction industry, induced by fatigue was 10.6 per

10,000 workers (Aryal et al., 2017). Usually, construction
Fatigue is one of the crucial factors resulting in lower workers perform a large number of heavy tasks under
productivity, poor quality of work, increases accidents in harsh environmental conditions, which are likely to result
the construction industry and causes crashes in the trans- in fatigue (Cheng, Teizer, Migliaccio, & Gatti, 2013). Espe-
portation industry (Aryal, Ghahramani, & Becerik- cially, in cold and hot environmental temperatures, physi-
Gerber, 2017; Chen, Taylor, & Comu, 2017). Based on a cal fatigue not only leads to higher error rates but also
report released in 2015, the non-fatal injury rate in more work-related injuries (Rowlinson, Yunyanjia, Li, &
Chuanjingju, 2014). For the transportation industry, fati-
⇑ Correspondence author.
gue driving is a leading factor in road accidents which
E-mail address: (H. Wang).
results in serious injuries and fatalities (Chai et al., 2017;
1389-0417/Ó 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
716 J. Chen et al. / Cognitive Systems Research 52 (2018) 715–728

Michalaki, Quddus, Pitfield, & Huetson, 2015; Saxby, that phase synchronization (PS) analysis is an important
Matthews, & Neubauer, 2017). Driver-related fatigue has and effective means to infer neural connections (Kong,
been defined as feeling tired and less alert while driving Zhou, Jiang, Babiloni, & Borghini, 2017), and then, the
(Chen and Xie, 2014). With the ever-growing car owners PS and the phase coherence (PC), characterizing the syn-
on the road this issue will be even more severe (Wang chronization of EEG signals, have been used in the feature
and Pei, 2014). As a result, an automated fatigue detection extraction. Furthermore, graph analysis not only enables
while preserving the efficiency and simplicity is urgently us to clearly recognize the relationship between the brain
needed for reducing fatigue-related risks in the construc- network topology and fatigue (Zhao et al., 2017) but also
tion industry and transportation industry (Chai et al., helps to extract some of the graphic characteristics as the
2017; Fang, Jiang, Zhang, & Wang, 2015). final features and is hence used in this paper. However,
Currently, researchers have explored to develop various conventional functional brain network (FBN)-based graph
algorithms for the automatic fatigue detection based on analysis exists complicated problems in setting the thresh-
physiological measures such as electrooculography old procedures as well as comparing networks constructed
(EOG), electrocardiography (ECG), EEG, etc (Craig, for a range of thresholds (Boersma et al., 2013; Tewarie,
Tran, Wijesuriya, & Boord, 2006; Craig, Tran, Van Dellen, Hillebrand, & Stam, 2015). Hence, a novel
Wijesuriya, & Hung, 2012; Hu and Zheng, 2009; Patel, minimum spanning tree (MST) approach, which focuses
Lal, Kavanagh, & Rossiter, 2011; Tran, Wijesuriya, on the key structural network backbones and overcomes
Tarvainen, Karjalainen, & Craig, 2009). Physiological mea- the threshold problem (Stam et al., 2014; Tewarie et al.,
sures can provide a precise and reliable assessment of the 2015; van Wijk, Stam, & Daffertshofer, 2010), is used in
true state of an operator and, in particular, may help to this paper and to our best knowledge has not been applied
determine the early stages of fatigue (Zhao et al., 2017). to fatigue EEG signals.
Among these physiological measures, EEG is considered Another main task is to develop an efficient classifier
to be the physiological ‘‘gold standard”, and it has been with a low false rate to complete the fatigue detection suc-
verified that EEG is the most significant signal to indicate cessfully. The commonly used classifiers applied to fatigue
fatigue (Zhao et al., 2017). However, the traditional visual detection are summarized as follow. Artificial neural net-
inspection of fatigue EEG signals for an experienced neu- work (ANN), imitating the biological nervous system to
rologist is not only a challenging job but also a time con- process the information, has been developed to detect driv-
suming process (Nakamura, Chen, Sugi, Ikeda, & ing status (Garces Correa, Orosco, & Laciar, 2014; Singh,
Shibasaki, 2005). Hence, researches on automatic fatigue Conjeti, & Banerjee, 2013). Support vector machine
detection using EEG have become more and more popular. (SVM), which is established by construct a separating
More specifically, designing a suitable feature extraction hyper-plane in high dimensional space, has been employed
approach and choosing an efficient classification methodol- for classification (Zhao, Zhao, Liu, & Zheng, 2012; Zhao,
ogy are considered as the key to successful detection. Zheng, Zhao, Tu, & Liu, 2011). Logistic Regression
Different feature extraction methods based on EEG sig- (LR), a regression analysis method, has been successfully
nals have been explored, which are mainly divided into applied to disease classification (Liao and Chin, 2007). K
three categories. One type is based on time-domain analy- Nearest Neighbors classifier (KNN), a supervised learning
sis; (Altunay, Telatar, & Erogul, 2010) used a linear predic- technique (Li, Hu, Sun, & Cai, 2016), has been employed
tion filter to observe the presence of spikes and sharp waves for driver fatigue detection (Hu and Wang, 2017). How-
on EEG signals. Another type is based on frequency- ever, the aforementioned classification method may result
domain analysis; (Chen et al., 2017) introduced a EEG in a decrease in learning speed due to the large sample size,
approach to estimate task mental workload based on the which cannot meet the requirements of real-time applica-
power spectral density (PSD) of major frequency bands. tions. Extreme learning machine (ELM) (Ding, Zhao,
However, the above two methods only reflect the single Zhang, Xu, & Nie, 2015; Huang, Zhu, & Siew, 2006) is a
characteristic of the EEG signals (Rabal, Cap, Criado, & novel learning algorithm which develops on the basis of
Alamo, 2012; Song, Hu, & Zhang, 2016). Besides, EEG the single-hidden layer feed-forward neural networks
may hide more accurate information about neuronal activ- (SLFN). ELM not only can avoid local optimal solution,
ity, and unobtrusive features in the original full-spectrum but also greatly improve the learning speed, thus attracting
EEG may be obvious in the decomposed sub-bands a large number of researchers (Chen, Zhao, Zhang, & Zou,
(Chen, Zhang, Zou, Zhao, & Wang, 2014). Hence, time- 2015; Song and Zhang, 2016; Yuan, Zhou, Li, & Cai,
frequency analysis represented by wavelet transform 2011).
(WT) has been investigated (Guo, Rivero, Dorado, In this paper, we first propose a novel minimum span-
Rabunal, & Pazos, 2010; Kumar, Dewal, & Anand, ning tree (MST) feature extraction approach on the basis
2014). In the current study, we first decompose and recon- of the phase coherence (PC) and a power spectrum density
struct the collected EEG signals into multiple frequency (PSD) method, respectively. Then to further improve the
bands by employing wavelet packet transform (WPT), detection performance, we perform feature fusion (FBN-
which is an extension of the WT and leads to a full decom- PSD-FF), where the functional brain network (FBN)-
position tree (Wang, Chang, & Zhang, 2016). Considering based feature characterizing the relationship between brain
J. Chen et al. / Cognitive Systems Research 52 (2018) 715–728 717

network organization and fatigue and PSD-based feature and measure participants’ driving behaviors. The simulator
characterizing the relationship between power variation consists of a steering wheel, a horn, a clutch, a brake pedal,
and fatigue. Furthermore, an automated fatigue detection an accelerator, a shift, a chair and turn signals. Among
system has been developed, which is integrated between them, the clutch is not used because of the selection of
the novel fusion feature (FBN-PSD-FF) and ELM. The the automatic shift mode in the study. A 32-inch LCD
main contributions of this paper lie in the following 3 monitor shows other cars, the current speed, other road
aspects. (1) The correlation between brain network organi- stimuli, which plays at a rate of 24 frames per second.
zation and fatigue is studied without setting the threshold. The simulator is modeled after a Volkswagen (Santana)
(2) The novel fusion feature (FBN-PSD-FF) which has not coupe and clearly visible from the front windshield and
been explored previously improves the classification accu- rearview mirrors. In addition, the simulator also provides
racy. (3) The ELM is employed for fatigue detection, engine noise as well as nearby traffic noises, which has
reducing the time consuming greatly. the same performance as real vehicle.
The rest of this paper is described as below. Section 2 The experiments are carried out in a controlled (sound
describes the details of the materials and methods, brief and temperature) laboratory environment (Chen, Wang,
information about the functional connectivity and power & Hua, 2018). In order to reduce the differences in partic-
spectrum density that we have used as features and the ipants’ familiarity with the driving simulator, each partici-
ELM classifiers which we have adopted in this work. The pant is asked to perform a 15-min familiarization driving
experimental results obtained in this work are presented (FD) phase. In the FD phase, all the participants are famil-
in Section 3. Section 4 reviews some similar studies and iar with the simulated driving environment while wearing
compares our results with other methods and results in EEG cap. When the participants become comfortable with
the literature. Finally, the conclusion is presented in the FD phase, they are asked to perform self-evaluation of
Section 5. their drowsiness level. Subsequently, a monotonous driving
(MD) begins at 2:00 PM, which is the normal working hour
2. Materials and methods in China. During the MD phase, all the participants are
required to drive and follow the road rules for 60 min with-
2.1. Participants out any visual distraction. More specifically, in order to
induce drowsiness naturally, a bi directional and two-lane
Twelve healthy male postgraduate students, from the road is selected in the MD phase, eliminating the need to
School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, change lanes. Participants are asked to drive at a constant
Northeastern University (NEU), take part in this experi- speed of about 60 km/h without playing music or radio. In
ment, ranging in age from 24 to 33 (M = 27.33, addition, participants are instructed to avoid unnecessary
SD = 2.81) years old. According to their self-reports, all movements to reduce artifacts in the physiological data
the participants have normal or corrected-to-normal recording (Fu, Wang, & Zhao, 2016). After the MD phase,
vision, normal hearing and are right-hand dominant. None participants are again asked to perform self-evaluation of
of them are reported of any neurological diseases in the their drowsiness level. During the whole experiment, par-
past nor have taken any drugs known to affect EEG ticipants can leave the experiment with the help of an
(Craig, Hancock, & Craig, 1996). All the participants observer at any phase if they feel uncomfortable. In addi-
own driving licenses and have at least two years of driving tion, drowsy signs such as yawning and nodding are
experience. They are asked to sleep adequately (at least 8 h) obtained manually by the observer to validate the fatigue.
at night before the experiments. Moreover, coffee, alcohol, An illustration of the experimental protocol is shown in
tea and tobacco are prohibited prior to participating in the Fig. 1.
experiments. At the beginning of the experiments, the
experimental procedures are explained to ensure that each 2.3. Self-evaluation of drowsiness
participant understands the instructions. After signing the
informed consent agreements, each participant receives Two scales serve as self-evaluation of drowsiness level of
10-yuan in compensation for his effort and time. All the the participants. One is Karolinska Sleepiness Scale (KSS)
procedures in the experiments are approved by the local (Akerstedt and Gillberg, 1990) which is the most com-
Institute Review Board (IRB) of NEU. monly adopted subjective measure of drowsiness (Kong,
Lin, Babiloni, Hu, & Borghini, 2015; Yang, Lin, &
2.2. Apparatus and experimental protocol Bhattacharya, 2010), rating the participants on an ordinal
scale from 1 (extremely alert) to 9 (very sleepy). And
Because working in dangerous situations or driving in another is Stanford Sleepiness Scale (SSS) which has been
fatigue cannot be investigated using real environment shown to be sensitive to deficits in alertness (Hoddes,
(Liu et al., 2016), simulated driving is hence needed for Zarcone, Smythe, Phillips, & Dement, 1973). Unlike
exploring safety issues about driving. KSS, SSS rates the participants on an ordinal scale from
The driving simulator, developed by Beijing jing- 1 (feeling active) to 7 (sleep onset soon) depending on their
gongkeye Scientific Education Co., Ltd, is used to record state of alertness. All the participants are asked to measure
718 J. Chen et al. / Cognitive Systems Research 52 (2018) 715–728

15 20 23
77 80
Time (min)













F7 Fz F7
F3 F3 F4 F3
F7 F8 F4
F8 F8
T3 T3
C3 T7 C3 Cz C4 T8 C3
C4 C4
T4 T4
T5 P7 P8 T5
P3 P3 P3
P4 Scale
P4 Scale
T6 T6
O1 O1 25
OZ 25 O1 Oz O2 OZ
O2 +- O2 +-

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 1. Experimental protocol (KSS: Karolinska Sleepiness Scale, SSS: Stanford Sleepiness Scale).

how fatigue they feel before and after MD phase using the data (post-task) for each participant are selected for further
two scales. For more detailed information about the two processing. For both pre-task and post-task, the 3-min
scales, please refer to (He et al., 2017). EEG signals from 30 channels are segmented into 2-s
epochs (2000 sample points per epoch), resulting in 90
2.4. Data acquisition and processing epochs for each subject. With the 12 participants, a total
of 1080 epochs of dataset are formed for pre-task and
EEG signals are recorded with 40 channels mounted on another 1080 epochs for post-task.
a cap (NuAmps, NeuroScan) across the experiment. 30
EEG electrodes (Ag/AgCl) are positioned at FP1 (1), 2.5. Functional connectivity
FP2 (2), F7 (3), F3 (4), FZ (5), F4 (6), F8 (7), FT7 (8),
FC3 (9), FCZ (10), FC4 (11), FT8 (12), T7 (13), C3 (14), 2.5.1. Phase synchronization and mean phase coherence
CZ (15), C4 (16), T8 (17), TP7 (18), CP3 (19), CPZ (20), The notion of phase synchronization (PS) was intro-
CP4 (21), TP8 (22), P7 (23), P3 (24), PZ (25), P4 (26), P8 duced to chaotic oscillators (chaotic signals) by Arch,
(27), O1 (28), OZ (29) and O2 (30) according to the stan- Rosenblum, Pikovsky, and Kurths (1996). In order to com-
dard 10–20 system (see Fig. 1). Additionally, 2 channels pute PS, the instantaneous phase of the two signals
EOG electrodes attached above the arch of the left eyebrow involved should be known first. This can be achieved via
and below the eye are used to monitor blink activities as the analytical signal based on the Hilbert transform. The
part of classification standard for both visual inspection analytical signal zx(t) is first defined:
and automatic detection. The impedances of all the elec- 
zx ðtÞ ¼ xðtÞ þ i xðtÞ ¼ Ax ðtÞei/x ðtÞ ð1Þ
trodes are below 5 kO and are referenced to linked mas-
toids of both sides. The EEG data is recorded with a where z(t) is complex-valued. x(t) denotes a real time series,
band-pass filter set at 0.01 –70 Hz to remove the noise and x(t) denotes its corresponding Hilbert transform,
and with a sampling rate of 1000 Hz. Furthermore, EEG which is obtained using integration as follows:
data is analyzed off-line with the NeuroScan 4.3 software Z þ1
 1 xðsÞ
program. The EEG data affected by excessive drift is first x ðtÞ ¼ PV ds ð2Þ
p 1 t s
rejected by visual inspection. Prior to EEG quantitative
analysis, eye movement correction protocols are applied where PV represents the Cauchy principal value. From Eq.
to the entire set of recorded data to remove the DC shift (1), the mathematical expressions to compute the instanta-
and eye movement artifacts. Blink artifacts in the EEG neous amplitude Ax(t) and the instantaneous phase /x ðtÞ
recordings are then removed by using a regression analysis are formulated in Eqs. (3) and (4), respectively:
in combination with artifact averaging implemented algo- qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
rithm (Huang, Lin, & Hwang, 2017). After that, the first Ax ðtÞ ¼ ½ x ðtÞ þ ½xðtÞ2 ð3Þ
3-min of EEG data (pre-task) and the last 3-min of EEG
J. Chen et al. / Cognitive Systems Research 52 (2018) 715–728 719

x ðtÞ on. If adding a connection leads to a circle or loop, this
/x ðtÞ ¼ arctan ð4Þ connection will be skipped. Here, 30 EEG channels are
included for analyses, resulting in a MST of the graph con-
Similarly, analytical signal zy(t) is also defined as follow: taining 30 nodes with 29 edges for each frequency band and
zy ðtÞ ¼ Ay ðtÞei/x ðtÞ ð5Þ epoch.
For the current analysis, various MST metrics are quan-
Hence, the phase difference or relative phase D/xy ðtÞ is tified based on the measures described by Stam (2014). The
computed as a function of time: degree (d) is the number of the links for a given node. The
D/xy ðtÞ ¼ jn/x ðtÞ  m/y ðtÞj 6 const ð6Þ diameter (D) represents the largest distance between any
two nodes of the tree. The leaf fraction (l) indicates the
where n and m are integers. Since our goal is to compute number of nodes with d = 1 divided by the total number
the synchronization between EEG signals which are of nodes in the MST. The kappa (k) is the measure of
obtained from the same person, we consider it most likely the broadness of the degree distribution, whose mathemat-
to restrict the case n = m = 1. In the current paper, we ical formula is
employ the phase coherence (PC) to measure phase syn-
hd 2 i
chronization using the following Eq. (7): k¼ ð8Þ
1 XN 1 
ið/x ðtk Þ/y ðtk ÞÞ 
kðx; yÞ ¼  e  ð7Þ where <> denotes the average. The between centrality
N  k¼0  (BC), describing the fraction of all shortest paths which
where N denotes the number of samples and tk is discrete pass through a particular node, is a measure of the hubness
time-step. The value of k ranges from 0 to 1. More specif- of the node within the MST. The tree hierarchy (Th) quan-
ically, k = 0 implies the signal x(t) and y(t) are unsynchro- tifies the balance between communication path and the
nized, while k = 1 indicates perfect phase synchronization. overload of central nodes (Dubbelink et al., 2014). It can
The computation of the PC method is performed using be expressed in the following way:
MATLAB R2017a. Prior to the PC computation, the L
Th ¼ ð9Þ
EEG signal is decomposed into various sub-frequency 2mBC max
bands using wavelet packet transform (WPT): delta where L is the leaf number; m is the number of links in the
(0–4 Hz), theta (4–8 Hz), alpha (8–12 Hz) and beta MST and BCmax indicates the maximum value of BC. In
(12–32 Hz). Then, a PC adjacency matrix (C) of N  N the case of L = 2 (line-like configuration), and m ! 1,
(30  30)-where N is the electrode number-is obtained for then Th!0. In the case of L = m (star-like configuration),
each frequency band and all epochs, and then is averaged then Th!0.5. For L in between these two extreme situa-
across all epochs. Each element Cij of C matrix indicates tions, Th has higher values.
the connection strength between electrodes ‘i’ and ‘j’ at
specific frequency band. The adjacency matrix C is sym- 2.6. Power spectrum density
metric, indicating that Cij = Cji, and self-connections are
excluded, meaning zeros in the diagonal of this symmetric Power spectrum density (PSD) analysis is considered to
matrix. Hence, we obtain N  (N  1)/2 = 30  29/2 = be the most popular methods to analysis driver fatigue
435 different functional PC values in matrix C. (Craig et al., 2012; Lal, Craig, Boord, Kirkup, &
Nguyen, 2003). PSD defines how the power of the signal
2.5.2. Minimum spanning tree or time series is distributed with the frequency. The Welch’s
In order to investigate how the functional brain network method (Welch, 1967) is one of the most effective
topology property is associated with driving drowsiness, approaches to estimate the power spectrum at any signal
the graph theoretical representation of the functional con- or time series. The calculation of the PSD of the Welch
nectivity matrix is established by minimum spanning tree spectrum is as follows:
(MST) method (Tewarie et al., 2015). MST is a relatively
novel approach which has not been commonly used in bio- 1X S
P^ w ðf Þ ¼ P^ l ðf Þ ð10Þ
logical signal, and to our knowledge not applied to driving S l¼1
drowsiness detection of the original EEG signal.
Given a connected, undirected weight graph, a MST of where the Pb w(f) represents the Welch PSD estimation; S is
the graph is a sub-graph which connects all the nodes but the number of segments, and Pb l(f) represents the peri-
does not contain circles or loops (Stam et al., 2014; odogram estimate of lth segment. In the current paper,
Tewarie et al., 2015). In the current paper, the MST is con- the PSD is computed (sliding window of 1 s, 50% overlap,
structed by using Kruskal’s algorithm (Kruskal, 1956). grouped into frequency bands) for each of the 2 s files per
More specifically, we start the construction of a MST with participant (90 epochs), and then is averaged across all
the link from the highest PC value, and then the second epochs. All the PSD analyses are performed in Brainstorm
highest PC value is added as the MST connection, and so (Tadel, Baillet, Mosher, Pantazis, & Leahy, 2011).
720 J. Chen et al. / Cognitive Systems Research 52 (2018) 715–728

2.7. Statistical analysis den layer biases only need to set the number of hidden
nodes. ELM with kernels was proposed by Huang (2014),
Paired t-tests are used for accessing the KSS and SSS which does not need to tune the centers and impact widths
(pre-task and post-task). Moreover, topological network of kernels and simply analyze the output weights instead of
differences (PC values as well as MST values) between interactive adjustment. In the current research, we test
pre-task and post-task are evaluated using paired t-tests three kinds of ELM, basic ELM with sigmoid activation
for each frequency band separately. We also apply the t- function, basic ELM with sine activation function and
test to examine the differences between pre-task and post- ELM with RBF kernels, respectively.
task for the PSD for each frequency bands. The level of sig-
nificance of the above-mentioned statistical analyses is set 3. Results
at p = 0.05. Before applying t-test, we check that the data
are normally distributed using the K-S test (Awais, 3.1. Subjective evaluation
Badruddin, & Drieberg, 2017). Here, statistical analyses
are performed using SPSS for windows, and all the data The KSS is a well-validated measure of subjective state-
are presented as mean ± standard deviation. related fatigue. Participants are asked to evaluate how fati-
gue they currently feel on a 9-point ordinal scale. As shown
2.8. Extreme learning machine in Table 1, the KSS score is generally increased from 2.84
± 0.75 (M ± SD) at pre-task to 7.30 ± 1.14 at post-task.
Extreme learning machine (ELM), first introduced by Also, KSS score varies significantly with driving
Huang et al. (2006) is a novel learning algorithm which (p < 0.001). The self-reported drowsiness measured by the
develops on the basis of the single-hidden layer feed- SSS yields similar results (see Table 1). The SSS score is sig-
forward neural networks (SLFN). In general, traditional nificantly increased from 1.84 ± 0.55 at pre-task to 5.53
neural networks is very time consuming while ELM can ± 0.66 at post-task. Moreover, fatigue signs such as yawn-
achieve a good performance with fast learning because ing and nodding are observed frequently in all the partici-
ELM is not necessary to adjust the input weights and hid- pants during the post-task. These illustrate that our
experiment manipulation is successful to incur states of
Table 1
Subjective (KSS and SSS score) across all the participants. Abbreviations:
M, mean; SD, standard deviation. 3.2. Phase coherence analysis
Measures Pre-task Post-task p value
The mean phase coherence matrices for pre-task and
M (SD) M (SD)
post-task in the delta, theta, alpha and beta frequency
KSS 2.84 (0.75) 7.30 (1.14) <0.001
bands are shown in Fig. 2. It can be observed that the
SSS 1.84 (0.55) 5.53 (0.66) <0.001
phase coherence matrices for both tasks in different fre-
Note: Bold text represents significant results.
quency bands show complex but similar configurations.

Delta Theta Alpha Beta










Fig. 2. Mean phase coherence matrices for pre-task (upper row) and post-task (lower row) in the delta, theta, alpha and beta frequency bands. The matrix
is a 30  30 square matrix, where X axis and Y axis correspond with the channels numbers, and where the entries indicate the mean strength of the PC
between specific pairs of channels. The strength of the PC is indicated with a color scale, from blue to yellow. (PC: phase coherence). (For interpretation of
the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
J. Chen et al. / Cognitive Systems Research 52 (2018) 715–728 721

More specifically, high level and low level of coherence are the functional connection for post-task is much higher. It
reflected by yellow and blue respectively. Visual scrutiny is the similar case for both alpha and beta frequency band.
already suggests a significant difference between the two The brain network structure is more intensive and the
tasks, particularly in the delta, alpha and beta frequency strength of the functional connection is significantly higher
band. Network differences of mean phase coherence for are found for post-task compared to pre-task.
pre-task and post-task in different frequency bands are
tested by student statistical test (t-test), and the results 3.3. Minimum spanning tree analysis
are shown in Table 2. The mean PC of the pre-task is sig-
nificantly lower than that of the post-task in the delta fre- To overcome the problem of bias, we attempt to con-
quency band (p = 0.031). And the mean PC of the pre-task struct the MST of the network to further explore the differ-
is also significantly lower than that of the post-task both in ences between the pre-task and post-task. The MST
alpha frequency band (p = 0.008) and beta frequency band matrices derived from the mean PC matrices of Fig. 2 are
(p = 0.003). Moreover, there are no significant differences shown in Fig. 4. The MST matrices are constructed by
in the mean PC for theta frequency band. using Kruskal’s algorithm. From Fig. 4, the differences of
The graphs corresponding to the mean phase coherence the MST matrices between the pre-task and post-task can-
matrices of Fig. 2 are shown in Fig. 3. From Fig. 3, it can not be obviously observed via visual inspection. Hence, we
be seen that the graphs of both the two tasks have similar convert the MST matrices to MST loopless graph and then
complex network configurations, which consist of frontal- calculate various MST metrics, as shown in Figs. 5 and 6,
temporal-central-parietal-occipital direction of information respectively. The MST results suggest that the group effect
flux. Sketchy differences between the pre-task and post-task on kappa, relating to the broadness of the degree distribu-
can be observed via visual inspection, more specifically, the tion, in the beta frequency band, yields significance,
brain network structure of the pre-task is significantly spar- p = 0.023, suggesting a higher kappa in the post-task
ser than that of the post-task for the delta frequency band. (M = 2.310, SD = 0.074) relative to the pre-task
Additionally, compared with the pre-task, the strength of (M = 2.219, SD = 0.068). The group effect on diameter
(D), reflecting the largest distance between any two nodes
of the tree, is also significant in the alpha frequency band,
Table 2 p = 0.037, indicating higher D in the pre-task (M = 0.527,
T-test for mean phase coherence for each frequency band. SD = 0.065) compared to the post-task (M = 0.465,
Frequency band Pre-task Post-task p-value SD = 0.048). The group effects on leaf in delta, alpha and
M (SD) M (SD) beta frequency band, are significantly lower in the pre-
Delta band 0.708 (0.031) 0.741 (0.027) 0.031* task compared to the post-task p = 0.035, p = 0.011 and
Theta band 0.750 (0.029) 0.755 (0.026) 0.220 p = 0.008, respectively. The group effects on tree hierarchy
Alpha band 0.730 (0.042) 0.787 (0.026) 0.008* (Th) in delta, alpha and beta frequency band are also signif-
Beta band 0.740 (0.041) 0.812 (0.068) 0.003* icant, p = 0.048, p = 0.019 and p = 0.004, respectively,
Note: Bold text represents significant results (p < 0.05). indicating lower Th in the pre-task compared to the

Delta Theta Alpha Beta










Fig. 3. Mean phase coherence matrices of Fig. 2 converted to graph. Schematic image of the head seen from above, with the positions of the electrodes
indicated by small black dots and numbered according to the 10–20 system placement electrode. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
722 J. Chen et al. / Cognitive Systems Research 52 (2018) 715–728

Delta Theta Alpha Beta


Fig. 4. MST matrices derived from mean PC matrices. (MST: minimum spanning tree, PC: phase coherence).

Delta Theta Alpha Beta


Fig. 5. MST loopless graph. Schematic image of the head seen from above, with the positions of the electrodes indicated by small black dots and
numbered according to the 10–20 system placement electrode. (MST: minimum spanning tree).

post-task. Collectively, these results suggest a more inte- the theta frequency bands, the significant increases of
grated network organization in the post-task compared PSD are located on frontal (p = 0.025) and temporal
to the pre-task. (p = 0.017), and significant decrease mainly focused on
occipital (p = 0.022) in the post-task compared to the
3.4. Power spectrum density analysis pre-task. Result for the alpha frequency band reveals sig-
nificant decreases at central (p = 0.031) and occipital
Fig. 7 shows the head plots of power spectrum density in (p = 0.022) sites in the post-task relative to the pre-task.
the delta, theta, alpha and beta frequency bands. High Beta activity significantly decreases, especially in the pari-
activity is represented by the red-shaded areas, whereas etal (p = 0.027) and occipital sites (p = 0.013), in the
low activity is indicated by the blue-shaded areas. Addi- post-task compared to the pre-task.
tionally, the t-test results of all brain sites for PSD per fre-
quency band are shown in Table 3. According to Table 3 3.5. Detection performance analysis
and Fig. 7, a significant increase in the delta frequency
bands at central sites (p = 0.013) in the post-task is easily In this work, the functional brain network (FBN)-based
observed compared with the result in the pre-task. For and the power spectrum density (PSD)-based features
J. Chen et al. / Cognitive Systems Research 52 (2018) 715–728 723

(a) 2.60 (b) 0.70

2.55 Pre-task 0.65 Pre-task
2.50 Post-task Post-task
0.60 *
2.40 * 0.55

MST Diameter
MST Kappa 2.35 0.50
2.30 0.45
2.25 0.40
2.05 0.25
2.00 0.20
Delta Theta Alpha Beta Delta Theta Alpha Beta
Frequency band Frequency band

(c) 0.55 (d) 0.45

Pre-task Pre-task
Post-task 0.40 Post-task
* *
* 0.35 *

MST Tree hierarchy

0.40 * *
MST Leaf

0.30 0.25
0.10 0.10
Delta Theta Alpha Beta Delta Theta Alpha Beta
Frequency band Frequency band

Fig. 6. MST metrics between the pre-task and post-task in different frequency. (MST: minimum spanning tree).

Delta Theta Alpha 10-13 Beta

10-12 10-12 10-13
4.5 1.5
9 7
3.5 6
3 1 5

5 4
2 4 3
1.5 0.5 3
1 2
0.5 1
0 0 0
10-12 10-12 10-13 10-13
8 1.5 4.5
7 4
6 3.5

5 1 3
4 4
3 3
0.5 1.5
2 2 1
1 1 0.5
0 0 0
10-12 10-13 10-13 10-13
3 5
6 4
2 3
4 3
2 2

2 1
1 1
0 0 0 0
-1 -1
-2 -1 -2
-4 -3
-2 -3
-6 -5 -4

Fig. 7. Head plots of power spectrum density per frequency band. The top-row represents the pre-task, the middle-row indicates the post-task and the
bottom-row expresses the differences between the two tasks. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the
web version of this article.)
724 J. Chen et al. / Cognitive Systems Research 52 (2018) 715–728

Table 3 enhanced comparing with the two single features FBN-F

T-test results of all brain sites for PSD per frequency band. and PSD-F. Additionally, the proposed fusion features
Frequency band Frontal Temporal Central Parietal Occipital FBN-PSD-FF with ELM-RBF achieves a highest acc of
Delta band – – 0.013 – – 95.00%, highest sens of 95.71%, highest spec 94.29% and
Theta band 0.025 0.017 – – 0.022 much less time of only 0.038 s which shows the better per-
Alpha band – – 0.031 – 0.018 formance over other classifiers.
Beta band – – – 0.027 0.013
Note: Shows results with significant p-values (<0.05). 4. Discussion

Research has shown that the unsafe behaviors of opera-

showing significant differences are applied independently tors in fatigue state not only lead to declines of work effi-
(FBN-F, PSD-F), and together (FBN-PSD-FF), to the ciency but also higher error rates and more injuries and
classifiers (basic ELM with sigmoid activation function even deaths, especially in many circumstances such as driv-
and ELM with RBF kernels) using leave-one-out-cross- ing, construction industry, aviation, navigation, etc (Chen
validation (LOOCV). All but one participants’ data is et al., 2017; Zhao et al., 2017). Hence, automated fatigue
trained for the classifier. The remaining one’s data is used detection due to helping us decline the occurrence probabil-
for testing. This process is repeated 12 times. In order to ity of related accidents has gained increasing attention in
show the superior performance of the ELM, we also use recent years. The performance of the proposed method is
the SVM classifier for comparison. The performance of verified from the following 3 aspects: (1) performance com-
the classifiers is accessed using the measures of sensitivity, parison between the proposed fusion feature FBN-PSD-FF
specificity, accuracy and consuming time, and the related and other two single features PSD-F and FBN-F with the
definitions are given in Table 4. same classifier ELM (ELM-sig and ELM-RBF); (2) perfor-
In order to selected optimal number of hidden nodes, we mance comparison between ELM (ELM-sig and ELM-
attempt to gradually increase the node numbers from 5 to RBF) and SVM with the same fusion feature FBN-PSD-
30 with an interval of 5. The training accuracy of ELM FF; (3) performance comparison between the proposed
with different numbers of hidden nodes is illustrated in method with some similar studies that have been published
Table 5. It can be seen that the training accuracy of during recent years.
ELM is almost stable when the number of hidden nodes Usually, the receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
is from 20 to 30. From the point of the avoiding the curve is applied as an intuitive method to demonstrate
over-fitting and consuming less time, the number of hidden the relationship between true positive rate (sensitivity)
nodes is set to 20 in the current study. and false positive rate (1-Specificity) using different thresh-
We compare the detection performance between the old ratios as a variable. More specifically, Fig. 8(a) is ROC
proposed fusion features FBN-PSD-FF and other two sin- curves for SVM classifier; Fig. 8(b) is ROC curves for basic
gle features FBN-F and PSD-F with the same classifiers ELM with sigmoid activation function (ELM-sig) classi-
(basic ELM with sigmoid activation function, basic ELM fier; Fig. 8(c) is ROC curves for ELM with RBF kernels
with sine activation function, ELM with RBF kernels (ELM-RBF) classifier; Fig. 8(d) is ROC curves for ELM
and SVM). We also calculated the consuming time in with sine activation function (ELM-sine) classifier. Fur-
MATLAB R2017a with Intel CoreTM i5-3210M CPU @ thermore, in order to quantitatively evaluate the classifica-
2.5 GHz with 6 GB RAM. The experimental results includ- tion performance, the areas under ROC curve (AUC) are
ing the sens, spec, acc, and time are shown in Table 6. It also computed. As shown in Fig. 8, the straight lines con-
can be seen from Table 6 that the performance of the pro- necting (0, 0) to (1, 1) indicate random performances of
posed fusion features FBN-PSD-FF has been greatly the classifiers. The curves appearing in the lower right

Table 4
Measures of characterizing classification performance.
Measure Definition
Sensitivity (Sens) Proportion of the correctly classified fatigue samples out of the total number of labeled fatigue samples
Specificity (Spec) Proportion of the correctly classified non-fatigue samples out of the total number of labeled non-fatigue samples
Accuracy (Acc) Proportion of the correctly classified samples out of the total number of samples
Consuming time (Time) the machine time consumed on both training and testing

Table 5
The training accuracy of ELM with different numbers of hidden nodes.
Numbers of hidden nodes 5 10 15 20 25 30
Training accuracy (%) 85.47 90.78 92.68 95.71 96.08 96.14
J. Chen et al. / Cognitive Systems Research 52 (2018) 715–728 725

Table 6
Performance comparison among PSD-F, FBN-F and FBN-PSD-FF.
Features Classifiers Performance
Sens. (%) Spec. (%) Acc. (%) Time (s)
PSD-F ELM-sig 82.86 88.57 85.71 0.032
ELM-sine 85.71 82.86 84.29 0.030
ELM-RBF 82.86 85.71 84.29 0.047
SVM 82.29 78.57 81.43 6.115
FBN-F ELM-sig 90.00 91.43 90.71 0.025
ELM-sine 88.57 87.14 87.86 0.040
ELM-RBF 87.14 90.00 88.57 0.031
SVM 84.29 81.43 82.86 6.813
FBN-PSD-FF ELM-sig 95.71 90.00 92.86 0.040
ELM-sine 92.86 91.43 92.14 0.044
ELM-RBF 95.71 94.29 95.00 0.038
SVM 87.14 91.43 89.29 3.890
The best performance is marked in bold.

1 1 AUC=0.97
(a) AUC=0.95 (b) AUC=0.96
0.9 AUC=0.89 AUC=0.87 0.9

0.8 0.8
True positive rate (Sensitivity)
True positive rate (Sensitivity)

0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6

0.5 0.5

0.4 0.4

0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2
0.1 PSD-F 0.1 FBN-F
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
False positive rate (1-Specificity) False positive rate (1-Specificity)

(c) AUC=0.98 (d)
0.9 AUC=0.94

True positive rate (Sensitivity)






0.1 PSD-F
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
False positive rate (1-Specificity)

Fig. 8. ROC curves and ROC-AUCs (the areas under ROC curve) for three features PSD-F, FBN-F and FBN-PSD-FF. (a) SVM (b) ELM-sig (c) ELM-
RBF (d) ELM-sine (ROC: receiver operating characteristic, PSD-F: power spectrum density-feature, FBN-F: functional brain network-feature, FBN-
PSD-FF: functional brain network- power spectrum density – feature fusion, SVM: support vector machine, ELM-sig: extreme learning machine with
sigmoid activation function, ELM-RBF: extreme learning machine with RBF kernels, ELM-sine: extreme learning machine with sine activation function).
726 J. Chen et al. / Cognitive Systems Research 52 (2018) 715–728

triangle performs worse than random performance, Support vector machine (SVM) (Lee, Lee, & Chung,
whereas the curves appearing in the upper left triangle have 2014; Zhao et al., 2011), which is established by construct
superior performance classifications (Chai et al., 2017). a separating hyper-plane in high dimensional space, and
Obviously, a larger AUC value represents a better classifi- artificial neural network (ANN) (Garces Correa et al.,
cation performance (Chai et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2015; 2014; Singh et al., 2013; Tjolleng et al., 2017), imitating
Song et al., 2016). From Fig. 8, it is observed that the the biological nervous system to process the information,
AUC achieved by FBN-PSD-FF (AUC = 0.95 for SVM, have been developed to detect driving status. However,
AUC = 0.97 for ELM-sig) is much larger than those by the aforementioned classification method may result in a
other two single features PSD-F (AUC = 0.87 for SVM, decrease in learning speed due to the large sample size,
AUC = 0.92 for ELM-sig) and FBN-F (AUC = 0.89 for which cannot meet the requirements of real-time applica-
SVM, AUC = 0.96 for ELM-sig). Particularly, it is note- tions. Xu et al. (2018) encoded 32 characters with a
worthy that FBN-PSD-FF yields in largest areas space-code division multiple access scheme and decoded
(AUC = 0.98) with ELM-RBF, which means a better per- EEG features with a discriminative canonical pattern
formance of fatigue detection can be achieved by using matching algorithm. The experimental results demon-
ELM-RBF and FBN-PSD-FF. strated the feasibility of using this method to achieve an
We also compare the classification performance consid- efficient BCI system. In this paper, the proposed extreme
ered in this work with some similar studies that have been learning machine (ELM) (Huang et al., 2006) is a novel
published during recent years. Guo et al. (2016) collected learning algorithm which develops on the basis of the
physiological signals including EEG from driver and single-hidden layer feed-forward neural networks (SLFN).
employed grey correlation analysis to select the input vari- ELM is not necessary to adjust the input weights and hid-
able to the support vector machine, and then obtained the den layer biases only need to set the number of hidden
classification accuracy of 86% for driver fatigue detection nodes. Additionally, ELM with kernels (Huang, 2014) does
Yan, Coenen, Yue, Yang, and Zhang (2016) classified dri- not need to tune the centers and impact widths of kernels
ver’s vigilance using a hierarchical classification system with and simply analyze the output weights instead of interac-
multiple features based video, and the overall prediction tive adjustment. Compared with other classifiers, ELM
accuracy obtained using this approach was 89%. Addition- not only can avoid local optimal solution, but also greatly
ally, (Tjolleng et al., 2017) developed an artificial neural net- improve the learning speed greatly.
work (ANN) model to classify the driver fatigue based on
electrocardiography (ECG), which obtained an accuracy 5. Conclusion
of 82.0% for testing data. Li, He, Fan, and Fei (2012) estab-
lished an evaluation model for driver fatigue with the In this work, a novel minimum spanning tree (MST) fea-
regression equation based on the EEG signals, obtaining ture extraction approach on the basis of the phase coher-
an accuracy of 91.5%. In this research, an automated fati- ence (PC) and a power spectrum density (PSD) method
gue detection system has been developed, which is inte- are first proposed, respectively. Then to further improve
grated between the novel fusion feature (FBN-PSD-FF) the detection performance, we perform feature fusion
and extreme learning machine (ELM-RBF), which gives a (FBN-PSD-FF), where the functional brain network
highest acc of 95.00% in comparison with the similar studies (FBN)-based feature characterizing the relationship
that have been published which is 91.5% (Li et al., 2012), a between brain network organization and fatigue and
sens of 95.71%, a spec of 94.29%, and a highest value of area PSD-based feature characterizing the relationship between
under the receiver operating curve (AUC-ROC = 0.98). power variation and fatigue. Furthermore, an automated
The merits of our proposed method lie not only in getting fatigue detection system has been developed, which is inte-
a higher acc but also in giving us a better understanding of grated between the novel fusion feature (FBN-PSD-FF)
the correlation between brain network and fatigue. Zhao and extreme learning machine (ELM). Finally, a driving
et al. (2017) studied the relationship between brain network simulation experiment is designed and conducted to
reorganization and mental fatigue, and they set a series of demonstrate the proposed detection system. All the exper-
thresholds and choose the optimal threshold for graphical imental results demonstrate that the proposed method does
analysis. Here, we employ a novel method-MST to con- a good job and can be a viable solution for detecting oper-
struct brain networks, which is a simplified representation ators’ fatigue.
of a stable network core of the original network with mini-
mized connection cost, and it connects all the nodes in the Acknowledgements
original weighted network with no loop (Stam et al., 2014;
Stam, 2014; Zare, Rezvani, & Benasich, 2016). In this We gratefully acknowledge the financial support from
way, due to the same number of nodes and links of the National Key R & D Program of China
MSTs, the network properties between groups are directly (2017YFB1300300), Foundation of State Key Laboratory
compared, which avoids the aforementioned methodologi- of Automotive Simulation and Control (20171101), the
cal biases and threshold problems. Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
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