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Home assignment

Why do teenagers run away from home?

Introduction of the topic → about adolescence in general
- Adolescence can be a very difficult period (+reasons, examples)
- Several problems
1. Problems that the teen wants to hide from his / her parents
a. Drug / Alcohol consumption
b. Pregnancy
c. Sexual orientation (gay, bisexual, transgendered)
2. Abuse in the family
a. A teenager can feel unsafe if abuse is present in the family → feelings of anger
and fear → run away
3. Family difficulties
a. Divorce
b. A family with stepparents / stepbrothers or sisters
c. Argument with the parents
d. Communication problems between family members
e. Teens might feel that their parents don’t understand them
4. Peer pressure
a. When a teen does something / makes a mistake, he / she might be afraid that
their parents find out and they’ll get reprimanded → their peers might
encourage them to run away
b. Lack of effective problem solving

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