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By: Yousef Alzoubi

Lecture # 1
Microbiology in the biological world - indogenous microbiota (microflora) which are
harmless and live in & on our bodies and provides
 Microbiology : is the study of very small living
benefits . (10 times the # of body cells )
organisms , which cant be seen by naked eyes .
 Microbes are ubiquitous (presents everywhere) and
- opportunistic pathogens : they are non pathogenic
we use microscopes to study them .
under normal circumstances but have the
 Microbes involve ( bacteria, viruses , fungi , archaea ,
potential to cause diz in certain cases .( ex ;
protozoa , algae )
immunosuppressed patients)
 Superficially, bacteria appear to be simple forms of
 Why we Study Microbiology?
life; in fact are sophisticated and highly adaptable.
- Microbes produce oxygen more than plants (algae
 Microbes are divided according to pathogenicity (
and cyanobacteria a group of photosynthetic
causing diseases) into :
bacteria that produce oxygen)
1) Pathogens : only 3% of microbes can cause
- Microbes are involved in the decomposition of
dead organisms and the waste products of living
2) Nonpathogens : 97% of microbes cant cause
organisms into nitrates & phosphates and other
diseases .
chemicals which aid in soil fertilization ( we call
 Pathogens cause two major types of diseases :
them decomposers or saprophytes)
1) infectious diseases ; the pathogen colonizes the
- Microbes are capable of decomposing industrial
body and cause the diz
wastes (oil spills).
2) microbial intoxications ; pathogen produces
- Many microbes are involved in elemental cycles,
toxin outside the body and the ingested toxin
e.g: nitrogen cycle (nitrogen fixing bacteria )
causes the diz
- Algae and bacteria serve as food for tiny animals.
 nonpathogens include :
- Microbes produce valuable substances to the host
e.g: E. coli produce vitamins K and B1 (thiamine)  Spontaneous generation theory (abiogenesis) ; life
- Microbes have been used as “cell models. E. coli is can arise spontaneously from nonliving material (
the most studied model of bacteria and its an this theory was believed in the past)
example of opportunistic pathogen ( normally  theory of biogenesis : life can only arise from
found in intestines but if it gain access to bladder preexisting life.
or blood it will cause an infection )  Francesco Redi try to debunk (disprove) the
- Many microbes are essential in various food and spontaneous generation theory by simple
beverage industries experiment
- Some bacteria and fungi produce antibiotics that
are used to treat patients with infectious diseases
- Microbes are essential in the field of genetic
engineering. ( inserting some genes in bacterial or
yeast cells to produce certain proteins ex; insulin)

Pioneers in the Science of Microbiology :

 Van Leeuwenhoek: first person using magnification

Glass (simple microscope) to identify bacteria and
describe their shapes but didn’t associate them  Francesco redi experiment was disapproved by
with dizs ; he is considered the father of another scientist due to design problem as some
microbiology and bacteriology and he wasn’t a maggots had pierced the mesh plate to meat
scientist but a fabric merchant .
 Louise Pasteur (French chemist) father of medical  Pasteur discovered bacillus anthracis ( anthrax )
microbiology designed a valid experiment (Swann  Pasteur lead changes in hospital practices to
neck) and disproved the sponateous generation minimize the spread of disease by pathogens.
 Pasteur developed Pasteurization : sterilization
process using middle to high temp for a short time
to kill pathogens in liquids "kills only pathogens not
all microbes" ex; spore formers not killed
 Pasteur developed vaccines for prevention of:
- chicken cholera
- anthrax
- swine erysipelas ( skin disease)
- rabies

theory  Robert Koch :

 pasteur defined disease specifity (specific microbe  Koch’s Postulates: proof of the germ theory
can cause specific disease in specific organ) , ex; of disease
Ecoli infects urethra as it has receprtors there but 1) The microorganism must always be found in
cant cause infection in lungs if it reach there . similarly diseased animals but not in healthy ones.
 Pasteur introduced the terms “aerobes : microbes 2) The microorganism must be isolated from a
which live in presence of o2 ” and “anaerobes : diseased animal and grown in pure culture
microbes which live in the absence of o2 ” 3) The isolated microorganism must cause the
 Pasteur made significant contributions to the germ original disease when inoculated into a susceptible
theory of disease " specific microbes cause specific animal
4) The microorganism can be reisolated from the  Human pathogens have existed for thousand of years
experimentally infected animal. because damage caused by them has been observed
 Koch discovered that B. anthracis produces spores in the bones and internal organs of mummie and
(virulence factor) early human fossils.
 Koch developed methods of cultivating bacteria on
solid media and grow bacteria in pure lab cultures Medical microbiology- future challenges :
 Koch discovered the bacterium (M. tuberculosis) that  The importance of medical microbiology as an active
causes tuberculosis and the bacterium (Vibrio field of research
cholerae) that causes cholera.  Respiratory infections and diarrheal diseases are the
 Koch’s work on tuberculin which is a purified protein leading causes of illness and deaths
from MTB used as skin test to diagnose TB  Diseases that were attributed to other causes have
 Koch won a Nobel prize in 1905 for his work in TB now been shown to be caused by microorganisms
ex;" peptic ulcer " 90% of the causes of peptic ulcer
Medical microbiology-past triumphs : are from H.pylori the only microbe that survive
 Golden Age of microbiology 1875-1918, most stomach acidity
pathogenic bacteria were identified  New diseases continue to arise ex; legionnaires
 10 million died of small pox ( ‫ ) الجدري‬in the past, but disease, AIDS, toxic shock syndrome
as a result of vaccination no cases have been  Many infectious diseases started to increase again i.e
reported since 1977 international traveler incubating a disease in his body
 In 1346-1350, 1/3 of the entire population of Europe could theoretically circle the globe, such diseases as
died from bubonic plague ‫الطاعون‬ malaria,cholera, plague still exist, these diseases have
 The discovery of antibiotics provided an important been eliminated through sanitation, vaccination and
weapon against bacterial diseases quarantine ;(
 Control the vaccination of childhood diseases response to infection. It includes such diverse areas
(measles,mumps, whooping cough) as lax in some as vaccination, blood testing, and allergy
families of having their children vaccinated could  Agricultural Microbiology : This branch is concerned
lead to dramatic increase in number of infected with the relationships between microbes and
people (reemergent diseases) domesticated plants and animals.
Plant specialists focus on plant diseases, soil fertility,
 TB has increased worldwide and thousands of cases and nutritional interactions.
are reported annually, these new cases of TB is Animal specialists work with infectious diseases and
resistant to the drugs that once effective in curing other associations animals have with
the disease microorganisms.
 world wide top causes of death from infectious  Industrial Microbiology : This branch safeguards our
diseases :TB, diarrheal diz , respiratory diz ,HIV food and water, and also includes biotechnology, the
use of microbial metabolism to arrive at a desired
careers in microbiology : product, ranging from bread making to gene therapy.
 Medical Microbiology : This branch deals with Microbes can be used to create large quantities of
microbes that cause diseases in humans and animals. substances such as amino acids, beer, drugs,
Researchers examine factors that make the microbes enzymes, and vitamins
virulent and mechanisms for inhibiting them.  Environmental Microbiology :These microbiologists
 Public Health Microbiology and Epidemiology : These study the effect of microbes on the earth’s diverse
branches monitor and control the spread of diseases habitats. Whether the microbes are in freshwater or
in communities saltwater, topsoil or the earth’s crust, they have
 Immunology : This branch studies the complex web profound effects on our planet.
of protective substances and cells produced in
Questions : c. Most microbes are harmful to humans

1. Which of the following individuals is considered to be d. Pasteur conducted experiments that proved the
the “Father of Microbiology?” theory of abiogenesis

a. Anton van Leeuwenhoek b. Louis Pasteur 5. Which of the following individuals introduced the
c. Robert Koch d. Rudolf Virchow terms “aerobes” and “anaerobes?”
a. Anton van Leeuwenhoek b. Louis Pasteur

2. The microbes that usually live on or in a person are c. Robert Koch d. Rudolf Virchow
collectively referred to as:
a. germs b. indigenous microbiota 6. all are true except :
c. nonpathogens d. opportunistic pathogens a) All infectious diseases are caused by pathogens
b) Pasteurization is a process that kills all
3. Microbes that live on dead and decaying organic microorganisms present in the liquid being pasteurized
material are known as: c) Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch made significant
a. indigenous microbiota b. parasites contributions to the “Germ Theory of Disease

c. pathogens d. saprophytes d) nonPathogens greatly outnumber pathogens

E) Microorganisms are ess

4. Which of the following statements is true? ential in the field of genetic engineering

a. Koch developed a rabies vaccine

b. Microbes are ubiquitous Keys 1) a 2) b 3) d 4) b 5) b 6)b

By: Yousef Alzoubi

Lecture # 2
Cell Structure and Taxonomy :
 A cell is defined as the fundamental unit of any living  Bacteria are the most common pathogens and
organism , and contains the genetic material which can causes 80% of infectious diz
differentiates to whole organism  Eukaryotic cells possess a true nucleus, whereas
 Metabolism refers to all of the chemical reactions that prokaryotic cells do not.
occur within a cell and allow the cell to grow, reproduce  Eukaryotic cells contain membrane bound organelles
and response to stimuli whereas prokaryotic cell doesn’t
 Metabolism include both anabolism (building up) and  Bacteria and Archaea, are called prokaryotes or
catabolism ( breaking down) prokaryotic cells.
 Two major categories of microbes:  Viruses are composed of only a few genes(genetic
1- Acellular microbes (infectious particles) they are material ) protected by a protein coat, and sometimes
not living organisms because they cant reproduce may contain one or a few enzymes
by themselves so we call them particles or agents  Viruses depend on the energy and metabolic
2- Cellular microbes (microorganisms) they have machinery of a host cell to reproduce.
complete genetic material and can reproduce  Because viruses are acellular (not composed of
(replicate) by themselves cells), they are placed in a completely separate
 Health care professionals, should learn differences in
the structure of various cells to:
1. identify organisms and differentiate between them
2. understand differences in their metabolism , so
we can understand the way to treatment of
diseases they cause
 These factors must be known before one can determine
or explain why antimicrobial agents (drugs) attack and
destroy pathogens, but do not harm human cells. (fungi
are eukaryotes like human cells so they have more
similar cellular structures unlike bacteria)
 Cell wall is not used to differentiate eukaryotic from  All bacteria are prokaryotes
prokaryotic cells ; cell wall is present in : plants , algae  Unlike eukaryotic cells, the cytoplasm of prokaryotic
,fungi and most bacteria cells is not filled with internal membranes (endoplasmic
 Cell wall is absent in animal cells , protozoa and reticulum, lysosomes and golgi complex) also no
mycoplasma mitochondria or nucleus
 A typical eukaryotic animal cell picture which you
studied previously just review the organelles quickly

 The cytoplasm is surrounded by a cell membrane, a cell

wall (usually), and sometimes a capsule or slime layer.
 cell membrane also called (cytoplasmic or plasma
 Prokaryotic cells are about 10 times smaller than membrane ) chemically consists of proteins and
eukaryotic cells phospholipids and regulates passage of nutrients and
wastes in and out of the cells due to differences in conc.
 Reproduction of prokaryotic cells is by binary fission
In &out of the cell (selective permeability)
unlike eukaryotes ( miosis , mitosis)
 Many enzymes are attached to the cell membrane
 Embedded within the cytoplasm of prokaryotic cells are
mainly (cytochrome oxidase enzyme) which is
a chromosome, ribosomes, and other cytoplasmic
responsible for energy production in bacteria
 Mesosomes—are inward foldings of the prokaryotic cell and lipids—a complex mixture of all the materials
membranes where cellular respiration (energy required by the cell for its metabolic functions.
production) takes place in bacteria  Prokaryotic ribosomes (protein factory) are smaller
 The prokaryotic chromosome usually consists of a than eukaryotic ribosomes
single, long, supercoiled, circular DNA molecule, which  A 70S prokaryotic ribosome is composed of a 30S
serves as the control center of the bacterial cell subunit and a 50S subunit 50s +30s = 70s
 Chromosome size differs from one bacteria to another  Eukaryotic ribosomes composed of 60s +40s = 80s
,mycoplasma has the smallest size genome while E.coli  Cytoplasmic granules occur in certain species of
has 10 times larger size than it bacteria & may consist of starch, lipids, sulfur, iron, or
 The chromosome is suspended or embedded in the other stored substances.
cytoplasm.  Bacterial Cell Wall :
 The DNA-occupied space within a bacterial cell is - The structure of bacterial cell walls is different from
sometimes referred to as the bacterial nucleoid ,, but the eukaryotic cell walls
remember no nucleus , nucleoplasm or nuclear - cell wall surrounds plasma membrane and functions
membranes in prokaryotes. in rigidity , strength and protection of cell
 Plasmids (extrachromosomal DNA) a small, circular - Peptidoglycan ( also known as murein) is the major
molecules of double-stranded DNA that are not part of constituent of most bacterial cell walls & only found in
the chromosome may present in the cytoplasm of bacteria
prokaryotic cells their size is ( 0.1 to 10 )% of - The thickness of the cell wall and its exact
chromosome size composition vary with the species of bacteria
 Plasmids are self-replicating and are not essential for
cell survival , some bacteria have no plasmids , others
have one or multiple plasmids
 Plasmids play role in antibiotic resistance and
considered as virulence factor
 The cytoplasm of prokaryotic cells consists of water,
enzymes, dissolved oxygen (in some bacteria), waste
products, essential nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates,
- the backbone of peptidoglycan composed of  Gram-positive bacteria have a thick layer of
N-acetylglucosamine (NaG) + N-acetylmuramic acid peptidoglycan combined with teichoic acid and
(NAM) attached by peptide bone lipoteichoic acid molecules
- a set of identical tetrapeptide are attached to each  It has a thick cell wall about 30 layers of peptidoglycan
NAM and single inner membrane & no outer cell membrane
 Lipoteichoic acid links to plasma membrane while
teichoic acid links to peptidoglycan

 gram- negative bacteria have a much thinner layer of

peptidoglycan, but this layer is covered with a complex
layer of lipid macromolecules , usually referred to as the
outer membrane
 Lipoproteins connect outer membrane to peptidoglycan
 Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) ,phospholipids and
 Remember not all bacteria have cell walls mycoplasma lipoproteins are characteristics of gram negative
is a genus of bacteria that lack cell wall bacteria which make it more complex than gram +
 Glycocalyx (Slime Layers and Capsules) 5) Atrichous : no flagella , nonmotile
 A thick layer of material located outside their cell wall
 Depending on the species, bacterial cells may or may
not be surrounded by glycocalyx.
 The two types of glycocalyx are slime layers and
capsules. , capsules are thicker and firmly attached to
cell wall and protects the bacteria from phagocytosis
(virulence factor) (antiphagocytic function of capsule by
WBC)  Pili (Fimbriae) : are hair-like structures, most often
 If we remove the capsule of bacteria the new observed on Gram-negative bacteria composed of a
generations still be capsuled protein called pilin , pili are much thinner than flagella
 and not associated with motility
 Flagella : Motile bacteria usually possess flagella  There are two types of pili:
outside the cell wall which is long filamentous 1) One type enables bacteria to adhere or attach to
appendages that propel bacteria surfaces of host cell called (fimbria)
 The number and arrangement of flagella possessed by 2) The other type (called a sex pilus) facilitates transfer
a certain species of bacterium are characteristic of that of genetic material (plasmid) from one bacteria to
species. (may reach 200 ) another
 Bacteria never possess cilia  The process by which one bacteria (donor) transfer
 Types of flagella : its genetic material to another bacteria (recipient)
1) Peritrichous :flagella all over entire surface through sex pillus is called CONJUGATION
2) Lophotrichous : tuft (bundle) of flagella at one end  Spores (Endospores) :
3) Amphitrichous: one or more flagella at each end  few bacteria are capable of forming spores as mean
4) Monotrichous : single polar flagellum at one end of survival in adverse conditions, the process by
which the spores are formed is called sporulation
 Spores are resistant to heat, cold, drying, and most
 Spores have been shown to survive for many years in  The length of time it takes for one bacterial cell to
soil or dust as dormant cells, and some are quite split into two identical cells is referred to as the
resistant to disinfectants and boiling organism’s generation time
 During sporulation a copy of the chromosome and
some of the surrounding cytoplasm becomes
enclosed in protein coats Taxonomy :
 When the spore lands on a moist , nutrient rich media
 Taxonomy =classification of living organisms &
it germinates to one bacterium
Consists of three separate but interrelated areas:
 Spores can form in different sites of bacteria :
classification, nomenclature, and identification
 Terminal spores : produced at the end of bacterial 1) Classification is the arrangement of organisms into
cell taxonomic groups (known as taxa) on the basis of
 Subterminal spores: produced elsewhere in the cell similarities or relationships either phenotypic or
 central genotypic
 An organism’s complete collection of genes is referred
to as the organism’s Genotype or genome.
 An organism’s complete collection of physical
characteristics is known as the organism’s phenotype.
2) Nomenclature is the assignment of names to the
various taxa according to international rules
3) Identification is the process of determining whether
an isolate belongs to one of the established, named
taxa or represents a previously unidentified species
 Prokaryotic Cell Reproduction : by a process known
 Microbial Classification : In the binomial system of
as binary fission :one cell split to two identical cells
nomenclature, the first name (e.g., Escherichia) is the
 Chromosome must be duplicated (a process known
genus, and the second name (e.g., coli) is the specific
as DNA replication)
 When used together, the first and second names (e.g.,
Escherichia coli) are referred to as a species.
 The genus name usually is the name of scientist who
discovers it while the species name is according to the
site of isolation of this bacteria
 Bacterium Disease
Bacillus anthracis Anthrax
Chlamydophila pneumoniae Pneumonia
Chlamydophila psittaci Psittacosis (“parrot fever”)
 Robert H. Whittaker proposed a Five-Kingdom System
of Classification
1) Bacteria and archaea are in the Kingdom
Prokaryotae (or Monera)
2) Algae and protozoa are in the Kingdom Protista
3) Fungi are in the Kingdom Fungi
4) Plants are in the Kingdom Plantae
5) Animals are in the Kingdom Animalia
 Note that viruses are not included in this classification
because they are not living cells
 Three domain system classification to : bacteria ,
archae , eukarya
 Eukarya domain is divided into four kingdoms: Protista
(algae and protozoa); Kingdom Plantae; Kingdom
Fungi; Kingdom Animalia
 The first prokaryote which appears on earth is archea
from its name "ancient"
 The most widely used technique for gauging diversity
or relatedness among organisms is rRNA sequencing
Questions 6) The site of energy production in bacteria is :
1) Which of the following combinations is NOT true: A. Mitochondria C. ribosomes
A. Algae : cellulose cell wall C. fungi : chitin cell wall B. Cell membrane D. cell wall
B. Bacteria :peptidoglycan D. archae :peptidoglycan 7) Molecules of extrachromosomal DNA are also known
2) Which of the following does NOT have cell wall: a. Golgi bodies b. lysosomes
A. Plants C. fungi c. plasmids d. plastids
B. Algae D. mycoplasma
8) One way in which an archaean would differ from a
bacterium is that the archaean would possess no:
3) When the flagella is all over the bacteria its classified
as : a. DNA in its chromosome b. peptidoglycan in its cell walls
A. Monotrichous C. amphitrichous c. ribosomes in its cytoplasm d. RNA in its ribosomes
B. Lophotrichous D peritrichous 9) Some bacteria stain Gram-positive and others stain
Gram-negative as a result of differences in the structure of
4) The locomotion organelle of bacteria is called :
A. Flagella C. fimbriae a. capsule b. cell membrane c. cell wall d. ribosomes
B. Cilia D. pili 10) Which one of the following is never found in prokaryotic
5) Which of the following is NOT true about eukaryotic
cells vs prokaryotic, respectively:
a- Eukaryotic size X10 of prokaryotic cells a. flagella b. capsule c. cilia d. ribosomes
b- True nucleus( DNA enclosed by nuclear
membrane) in eukaryotes vs absent membrane in
prokayotics 11) The Three-Domain System of Classification is based
c- cell wall is absent in most eukaryotes vs present in on differences in which of the following molecules?
most bacteria a. mRNA b. peptidoglycan c. rRNA d. tRNA
d- Mesosomes in bacteria vs mitochondria in
eukaryote for energy production
e- both have the same complex membrane keys: 1)D 2)D 3)D 4) A 5) E 6)B 7) c 8) b 9) c 10) c
structures and organelles with no difference 11) C

By: Yousef Alzoubi

Lecture # 3
Microbial Diversity : 5) They depend on the ribosomes, enzymes, and
metabolites(“building blocks”) of the host cell
 Acellular Microbes :
for protein and nucleic acid production.
1) Viruses :
 Viruses are extremely small (measured in
nanometer)  The complete virus particle is called "virion" :
 They are observed using electron which is DNA or RNA genome surrounded by
microscopes. protein capsid (coat)
 Viruses are not alive ( must invade live host  The capsid is composed of many small
cells to replicate ) proteins called capsomere
 Viruses infect humans, animals, plants, fungi,  Some viruses are enveloped with outer
protozoa, algae, and bacterial cells membrane composed of lipids or polysaccride
 Many human diseases are caused by viruses or both
 Oncogenic viruses or oncoviruses— cause  Viruses classification:
specific types of cancer, including human type of genetic material (either DNA or RNA)
cancers such as lymphomas, carcinomas, and shape of the capsid
some types of leukemia. number of capsomeres
 Viruses have five specific properties : size of the capsid
1) The vast majority of viruses possess either presence or absence of an envelope
DNA or RNA type of host that it infects
2) They are unable to replicate (multiply) on their type of disease it produces
own target cell
3) They do not divide by binary fission, mitosis, or immunologic or antigenic properties.
4) They lack the genes and enzymes necessary
for energy production.
 Origin of viruses :  Bacteriophages can be categorized by the
1) Coevolution theory : viruses originated in events that occur after invasion of the bacterial
the primordial soap & coevolved with bacteria cell ( Some are virulent phages, whereas
an archaea others are temperate phages)
2) Retrograde evolution theory : viruses  Virulent bacteriophages : Once it enters a
evolved from free living prokaryotes that host cell, a virulent bacteriophage always
invaded other organisms initiates the lytic cycle, which results in the
3) Escaped gene theory: viruses are pieces of destruction of the cell.
host cell RNA or DNA that escaped from  Steps of lytic cycle :
living cells & no longer under cellular control 1. Attachment (adsorption)
Bacteriophage: 2. Penetration ( the phage injects its genome
(DNA) into the bacterial cell , the capsid
 The viruses that infect bacteria are known as remains out)
bacteriophages or simply phages 3. Biosynthesis (expression of viral genes ,
 They are obligate intracellular pathogens, in protein synthesis (viral pieces) & genome
that they must enter a cell to replicate replication)
 Bacteriophages can only attach to bacteria that 4. Assembly (virus pieces assemble to create
possess surface molecules (receptors) that complete virion )
can be recognized by molecules on the phage 5. Release of complete phage &bacterial lysis
surface.  Temperate phages (lysogenic phages):
 Categories of bacteriophages :  Temperate bacteriophages do not immediately
1) icosahedron (spherical shape) initiate the lytic cycle. Their DNA can remain
2) filamentous (helical structure) integrated into the host cell’s chromosome for
3) complex bacteriophage generation after generation.
(icosahedral head attached to
helical tails ) (most common)
 Bacteriophages are involved in two of the four 4. Biosynthesis
major ways in which bacteria acquire new 5. Assembly (virus pieces assemble to create
genetic information. complete virion )
 These processes— called lysogenic 6. Release by cell lysis or budding
conversion and transduction
 The remaining 2 are transformation &  Inclusion bodies, (remenants or collection of
conjugation viruses) are often seen in infected cells and are
used as a diagnostic tool to identify certain viral
 Animal Viruses: diseases
 Viruses that infect humans and animals  Inclusion bodies may be found in the cytoplasm
 Animal viruses can only attach to and invade (cytoplasmic inclusion bodies) or within the
cells bearing appropriate surface receptors. nucleus (intranuclear inclusion bodies),
 Animal viruses escape from their depending on the particular disease.
host cells by either lysis of the cell or  In rabies, the cytoplasmic inclusion
budding. bodies in nerve cells are called Negri
 Viruses that escape by budding bodies
become enveloped viruses.  In herpes & poliomyelitis
 Steps of lytic cycle in animal viruses (intranuclear inclusion bodies)
1. Attachment (adsorption)  Latent Virus Infections : like
2. Penetration (The entire virus enters the herpes virus infections although the infected
host cell because in some cases it was person is always harboring the virus in nerve
phagocytized by the cell) cells, the cold sores (fever blisters) come and go
3. Uncoating (the viral nucleic acid escapes  Latent viral infections are usually limited by the
from the capsid) defense (immune) systems of the human body
 Antiviral Agents : Chemicals have been  HIV( Human Immunodeficiency Virus) : is an
developed to interfere with virus-specific enveloped, single-stranded RNA virus.
enzymes and virus production by either  It is a member of a genus of viruses called
disrupting critical phases in viral cycles or lentiviruses, in a family of viruses called
inhibiting the synthesis of viral DNA, RNA, or Retroviridae (retroviruses)
proteins  AIDS is caused by HIV.
 Antibiotics are not effective against viral
 Oncogenic Viruses :  Mimivirus and Megavirus :
 Viruses that cause cancer are called oncogenic  An extremely large double-stranded DNA virus
viruses or oncoviruses can be observed using a standard compound
 Viruses were shown to be the cause of various light microscope called Mimivirus, was recovered
types of cancers in rodents, frogs, and cats. from amebas.
 Epstein–Barr virus = causes nasopharyngeal  The virus was given the name Mimivirus
carcinoma, Burkitt lymphoma, and B-cell because it “mimics” bacteria
lymphoma  Mimivirus may be the cause of some cases of
human pneumonia
 Human papillomaviruses (HPV) = cancers of the  Megavirus, Discovered in 2010 off the coast of
cervix (cervical cancer) and other parts of the Chile , Its genome is larger than that of some
genital tract. bacteria
 Megavirus was isolated in a French laboratory
by co-cultivation with amebas ,, Its natural host is
not known.
 Plant Viruses : More than 1,000 different viruses  Kuru, C–J, and GSS diseases involve loss of
cause plant diseases coordination and dementia
 Plant viruses are usually transmitted via insects  Dementia, a general mental deterioration, is
mites ,nematodes (round worms); and characterized by disorientation and impaired
contaminated tools memory, judgment, and intellect
 These diseases result in huge economic losses  The 1997 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine
was awarded to Stanley B. Prusiner, the scientist
 Viroids and Prions : who coined the term prion and studied the role of
 Viroids are infectious RNA molecules that cause these proteinaceous infectious particles in
a variety of plant diseases. disease
 Viroids consist of short, naked fragments of  Bacteria ;
single-stranded RNA (about 300–400  Bacteria vary in size from 0.1 μm in diameter to
nucleotides) 10.0-μm-long
 Prions are infectious protein molecules that  The size, shape, and morphologic arrangement
cause a variety of animal and human diseases. of various bacteria are easily observed using
 cause fatal neurological diseases in animals, compound light microscope.
such as : - scrapie in sheep and goats  The three general shapes of bacteria are round
- bovine spongiform encephalopathy (cocci), rod- shaped (bacilli), and spiral-shaped
 In humans, causes (spirochete)
- kuru,
- Creutzfeldt–Jakob (C–J) disease,
- Gerstmann–Strussler–Scheinker (GSS) disease
- fatal familial insomnia.
 Bacteria reproduce by binary fission.  some CWD bacteria regain its cell wall when
 Generation time= The time it takes for one place in favorable growth conditions whereas
bacterial cell to split into two others do not ( genetically determined CWD)
 Bacteria are divided into three phenotypic  Most bacteria are colorless, transparent, and
categories (categories based on their physical difficult to see without staining
characteristics)  A simple stain is sufficient to determine bacterial
(a)Gram-negative shape and morphologic arrangement

(c) Cell walless
 Cocci may be seen singly or in pairs (diplococci),
chains (streptococci), clusters (staphylococci),
packets of four (tetrads), or packets of eight
 Cell wall–deficient (CWD) bacteria or L-forms are
pleomorphic (have different shapes)

 Fixation serves three purposes:

1. It kills the organisms.
2. It preserves their morphology.
3. It anchors the smear to the slide.
 The procedures used to observe bacterial 4) counterstain or secondary stain (safranin) +
capsules, spores, and flagella are collectively purple - pink (red)
referred to as structural staining procedures.
 The Gram and acid-fast staining procedures are
referred to as differential staining procedures
 The Gram stain differentiates between “Gram
positive” and “Gram-negative” bacteria
 Gram-variable bacteria = M. tuberculosis and M.
leprae ( contain mycolic acid in their cell wall)
 The acid-fast stain is of value in the diagnosis of

Acid fast stain : differentiates acid fast from non

1) Primary stain (carbofuchsin) = both acid fast &
non red
2) Mordant (heat) = both red
3) Decolorizer (acid alcohol) = acid fast remain blue
but non become colorless
4) Counterstain (methylene blue) = acid fast still red
1) primary stain (crystal violet) both +- purple
but non acid fast become blue
2) mordant (iodine solution) both +- purple (blue)
3) decolorizer (ethanol) + purple - colorless
 Determining bacterial motility
 Motile bacteria swim due to flagella or axial
 A flagella stain = demonstrate the presence,
number, and location of flagella on bacterial
 Motility test : stabbing the bacteria into a tube
of semisolid agar or by using the hanging drop

 Atmospheric Requirements :
 Obligate aerobes require an atmosphere
containing about 20% to 21% oxygen (room)
 Microaerophiles require reduced oxygen
concentrations (usually around 5% oxygen).
 Bacterial Colony Morphology:  Obligate anaerobe grow only in anaerobic
 Colony morphology includes the size, color, environment ( 0% Oxygen)
overall shape, elevation, and the appearance  Facultative anaerobes capable of living in either
of the edge or margin of the colony. presence or absence of oxygen ( 0 – 20 oxygen)
 Colony features serve as important “clues” in
the identification of bacteria
 Aerotolerant anaerobes grows better in the  The composition of the genetic material (DNA) of
absence of oxygen , but can tolerate ( survive) an organism is unique to each species.
atmosphere containing oxygen  16S rRNA sequencing can determine the degree
 Capnophiles require an atmosphere containing of relatedness between two different bacteria.
5% to 10% carbon dioxide.
 Nutritional Requirements : All bacteria need the
elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur,  Unique Bacteria :
phosphorus, and nitrogen for growth.  Rickettsia, chlamydia, and mycoplasmas are
 Certain microbes have specific vitamin atypical bacteria, (they do not possess all the
requirements and need some organic attributes of typical bacterial cells)
substances secreted by other living MOs  Rickettsias and chlamydias are bacteria with a
 Fastidious organisms = especially demanding Gram negative– type cell wall.
nutritional requirements  Rickettsias and chlamydias are obligate
 Bacteria can produce many waste products and intracellular pathogens that cause diseases in
secretions enable them to invade their host and humans and other animals
cause disease.  Mycoplasmas are the smallest of the cellular
 The pathogenic strains like staphylococci and microbes.
streptococci, can be identified by the enzymes  Because Mycoplasma spp. do not possess cell
they secrete. walls, they are pleomorphic
 Some bacteria are characterized by the
production of certain gases, such as carbon
dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, oxygen, or methane
 Pathogenicity factors : capsules, pili, or
endotoxins, exotoxins and exoenzymes
 Most bacteria are microscopic , coccus (ex:  Archaea ;
staphylococcus aureus) is 1 μm in diameter ,  Archae means “ancient,” vary widely in shape
whereas typical bacillus (E.coli) is about 1 μm (cocci, bacilli, and long filaments)
width ×3.0 μm long  All archaea possess cell walls, their cell walls
 The largest bacteria is Thiomargarita contain no peptidoglycan.
namibiensis, which is coloreless ,marine ,sulfide-  Some live at the bottom of the ocean in and
oxidizing bacteria , Single spherical cells are 100 near thermal vents, (heat , salinity , pressure)
to 300 μm,  Other archaea, called methanogens, produce
 Nanobacteria. Their sizes are expressed in methane
nanometers less than 1 μm in diameter found in  Many archaea are extremophiles = live in
soil, minerals, ocean water, extreme environments very hot or very cold or
human and animal blood, human dental calculus dry
(plaque),arterial plaque, and even rocks.
 Photosynthetic Bacteria : include purple
bacteria, green bacteria, and cyanobacteria
(blue-green algae) "“pond scum”
 Capable of converting light energy into chemical
 Cyanobacteria played a major part in the
oxygenation of the atmosphere
 Convert nitrogen gas (N2) from the air into
ammonium ions (NH4) in the soil or water; this
process is known as nitrogen fixation
 Some cyanobacteria produce toxins (called
cyanotoxins)= neurotoxin and hepatotoxin
Questions : 5) At the end of the Gram staining procedure,
1) Which one of the following steps occurs during Gram-positive bacteria will be:
a. blue to purple b. green
the multiplication of animal viruses, but not
c. orange d. pink to red
during the multiplication of bacteriophages?
a. assembly b. biosynthesis 6) Which one of the following statements about
c. penetration d. uncoating cyanobacteria is false?
2) Which one of the following diseases or groups of a. Although cyanobacteria are photosynthetic, they
diseases is not caused by prions? do not produce oxygen as a result of photosynthesis
b. At one time, cyanobacteria were called bluegreen
a. certain plant diseases
b. chronic wasting disease of deer and elk
c. Some cyanobacteria are capable of nitrogen
c. Creutzfeldt–Jacob disease of humans fixation
d. “mad cow disease” d. Some cyanobacteria are important medically
3) Most prokaryotic cells reproduce by: because they produce toxins
a. binary fission b. budding 7) An organism that does not require oxygen, grows
better in the absence of oxygen, but can survive in
c. gamete production d. spore formation atmospheres containing some molecular oxygen is
4) The group of bacteria that lack rigid cell walls and known as a(n):
take on irregular shapes is: a. aerotolerant anaerobe b. capnophile
a. chlamydias b. mycobacteria c. facultative anaerobe d. microaerophile
c. mycoplasmas d. rickettsias

keys 1)d 2) a 3) a 4) c 5) a 6) a 7) a

By: Yousef Alzoubi

Lecture # 4
Microbial Diversity (Eukaryotic Microbes):
 Eukaryotic microbes include some species of algae and
fungi and all protozoa, lichens, and slime moulds.
 Algae :
 Algae are photosynthetic, eukaryotic organisms
 Algae and protozoa are referred to as protists because
they are in the kingdom Protista.
Photosynthetic protists = algae
 If the organism enters the lymphatic system, it may
Nonphotosynthetic protists = protozoa.
cause a debilitating, sometimes fatal infection,
 Although they are not plants, algae are more plantlike
especially in immunosuppressed individuals.
than protozoa
 Algae in several other genera secrete substances
 Most algal cell walls contain cellulose
(phycotoxins) that are poisonous to humans, fish, and
 A few species use organic nutrients, and others survive other animals
with very little sunlight.
 Protozoa :
 Depending on pigments they possess ; algae are
 Most protozoa are single-celled free-living
classified as green, golden (or golden brown), brown, or
microorganisms found in soil and water
 Diatoms algae live in both freshwater and seawater  Protozoal cells are more animal-like than plantlike
 Medical Significance of algae :  All protozoa are eukaryotes
 Structures and organelles = cell membranes, nuclei,
 One genus of algae (Prototheca) is a very rare cause of
human infections (causing a disease known as endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, Golgi bodies,
lysosomes, centrioles, and food vacuoles
 Protozoa do not have cell walls, but some, including
 Prototheca lives in soil and can enter wounds,
some flagellates and some ciliates, possess a pellicle
especially those located on the feet
(thickened cell membrane ) , which serves the same
 It produces a small subcutaneous lesion that can
purpose as a cell wall—protection.
progress to a crusty, warty-looking lesion.
 Some flagellates and some ciliates ingest food through
a primitive mouth or opening, called a cytostome.
 A typical protozoan life cycle consists of two stages: - Balantidium coli causes dysentery in
1) motile trophozoite stage underdeveloped countries
2) nonmotile cyst stage. - Paramecium
- Stentor
- Vorticella
 Many parasitic protozoa are pathogens, causing
malaria, giardiasis, African sleeping sickness, and  Flagellated protozoa (flagellates), move by
amebic dysentery means of whiplike flagella.
 Classification of protozoa : classified taxonomically
Examples on flagellates :
by their mode of locomotion.
 Some move by pseudopodia, others by flagella - Trypanosoma brucei subspecies gambiense
(flagellates) others by cilia (ciliates) , and some are cause African sleeping sickness
nonmotile (sporozoan) - Trypanosoma cruzi causes Chagas desease
 Amebae (amebas), move by means of - Trichomonas vaginalis cause trichomoniasis
cytoplasmic extensions called pseudopodia (false - Giardia lamblia causes giardiasis
 Sporozoan protozoa are nonmotile.
Examples on mediacally important amebas : Examples on sporozoan that causes human
- Entamoeba histolytica causes amebic dysentery infections
(amebiasis) and extraintestinal amebic abscesses - Plasmodium spp. Causes malaria
- Acanthamoeba spp causes eye infections - Cryptosporidium parvum causes cryptosporidiosis
- Naegleria fowleri causes primary amebic - Toxoplasma gondii causes toxoplasmosis
meningoencephalitis - Babesia
- Cyclospora

 Ciliates, move by means of large numbers of  Fungi :

hairlike cilia on their surfaces  Fungi are a diverse group of eukaryotic organisms
Examples on ciliates that include yeasts, moulds, and mushrooms.
 The study of fungi is called mycology.
 Characteristics of fungi (differ from plants & algae)  Sexual spores are produced by the fusion of two
- not photosynthetic gametes (thus, by the fusion of two nuclei).
- no chlorophyll or other photosynthetic pigments.  Fungi are classified by the sexual spore that they
- no cellulose (a polysaccharide) in fungal cell wall produce or the type of structure on which the spores
- Fungal cell walls do contain a polysaccharide are produced
called chitin (polysaccharide) Asexual spores (conidia) = NO fusion of gametes
 Yeasts are unicellular, whereas moulds are  Fungal spores are very resistant to heat, cold, acids,
multicellular. bases, and other chemicals.
 Moulds grow as filament called hyphae (septate or  Many people are allergic to fungal spores
aseptate )
 hyphae which intertwine to form a mass called a
mycelium  Yeasts:
 Septate or aseptate hyphae is an important “clue”  Yeasts are microscopic, single-celled organisms that
when attempting to identify a fungus that has been usually reproduce by budding. (can be seen under
isolated from a clinical specimen microscope as germ tube )
 Yeasts are found in soil and water and on the skins
of many fruits and vegetables.
 Pasteur discovered that naturally occurring yeasts on
the skin of grapes and other fruits and grains were
responsible for these fermentation processes.
 Saccharomyces cerevisiae (“baker’s yeast”) ferments
sugar to alcohol under anaerobic conditions.
 Yeast breaks down simple sugars to carbon dioxide
and water aerobically, it has long been used as a
leavening agent in bread production
 Fungi reproduction :  Yeasts are also a good source of nutrients for
 Fungi reproduce by spore production (sexual or humans because they produce many vitamins and
asexual spores) proteins
 Medically important Yeast :
 C. albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans are
 Many antibiotics are produced by moulds. =
examples of yeasts that cause human infections.
Penicillium and Acremonium
 C. Albicans is the yeast most frequently isolated from  Some moulds produce = large quantities of enzymes
human clinical specimens (oral thrush , yeast
(such as amylase, which converts starch to glucose),
vaginitis) citric acid, and other organic acids that are used
 In the laboratory, yeasts colonies = quite similar in commercially.
appearance to bacterial colonies
 The flavor of cheeses such as bleu cheese and
 A wet mount can distinguish between a yeast colony limburger is the result of moulds that grow in them.
and a bacterial colony
 Yeasts are usually larger than bacteria, usually oval
shaped;may be observed in the process of budding  Fleshy Fungi :
 Moulds :  Mushrooms, toadstools, puffballs, and bracket fungi
 Moulds are the fungi often seen in water and soil and (collectively referred to as fleshy fungi) are examples of
on food fungi that are not microorganisms.
 They grow in the form of cytoplasmic filaments or  Many mushrooms are delicious to eat, but others are
hyphae that make up the mycelium of the mould extremely toxic and may cause permanent liver and
 Aerial hyphae = extend above brain damage or death
the surface  Some moulds and fleshy fungi produce mycotoxins,
 Vegetative hyphae = beneath which can cause human diseases called microbial
the surface intoxications.
 A variety of yeasts and moulds cause human infections
(known as mycoses).
 Many diseases of crop plants, grains, corn, and
potatoes are caused by moulds.
 Fungal Infections of Humans (mycoses) :
 Superficial, cutaneous, subcutaneous, or systemic
 Superficial mycoses = hair, fingernails, toenails, and the  Spores of some pathogenic fungi may be inhaled with
dead, outermost layers of the skin (the epidermis). dust from contaminated soil or dried bird and bat feces
 Cutaneous mycoses = fungal infections of the living (guano), or they may enter through wounds of the
layers of skin (the dermis) hands
 Subcutaneous mycoses are fungal infections of the  Inhalation of spores of bread moulds like Rhizopus and
dermis and underlying tissues Mucor spp. by an immunosuppressed patient can lead
 Systemic mycoses are fungal infections of internal to a respiratory disease called zygomycosis or
organs of the body (e.g., simultaneous infection of the mucormycosis.
respiratory system and the bloodstream, or  The mould can then become disseminated throughout
simultaneous infection of the respiratory tract and the thepatient’s body and can lead to death
central nervous system).  In the mycology laboratory, yeasts are identified
 Dermatophytes cause = tinea infections, which are often (speciated) by determining which substrates they are
referred to as “ringworm” infections able to use as nutrients.
 C. albicans lives harmlessly on the skin and mucous  Yeasts are identified (speciated) by inoculating them
membranes of the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, and into a series of biochemical tests.
genitourinary tract.  Moulds are identified by a combination of macroscopic
 Reduction in the number of indigenous bacteria at these and microscopic observations and the speed at which
anatomic locations, C. albicans flourishes, leading to they grow.
yeast infections of the mouth (thrush), skin, and vagina
(yeast vaginitis).  Dimorphic Fungi : Dimorphic fungi can live either as
 Madura foot (a type of eukaryotic mycetoma), in which yeasts or as moulds depending on growth conditions.
the patient’s foot becomes covered with large, unsightly,  Dimorphic fungi that cause human diseases include:
fungus- containing bumps - Histoplasma capsulatum (histoplasmosis)
- Sporothrix schenckii ( sporotrichosis)
- Coccidioides immitis ( coccidioidomycosis)
- Blastomyces dermatitidis ( blastomycosis)
 Within the human body (in vivo 37C), dimorphic fungi Questions :
exist as yeasts. However, when grown in vitro at
1) Which of the following statements about algae and fungi
room temperature (25°C), dimorphic fungi exist as is (are) true?
moulds, producing mould colonies (mycelia)
a. Algae are photosynthetic, whereas fungi are not
 When grown in vitro at body temperature (37°C), b. Algal cell walls contain cellulose, whereas fungal
dimorphic fungi exist as unicellular yeasts and cell walls do not
produce yeast colonies c. Fungal cell walls contain chitin, whereas algal cell
walls do not
 Lichens : lichen is a combination of two organisms: d. All of the above
an algae (or a cyanobacterium) and a fungus.
 Lichens are classified as protists. 2) All of the following are algae except:
 They are not associated with human disease a. desmids b. diatoms
 Some substances produced by lichens shown to
have antibacterial properties c. dinoflagellates d. sporozoan
 Slime Moulds : found in soil and on rotting logs, 3) All of the following are fungi except:
have both fungal and protozoal characteristics and
a. moulds b. Paramecium
very interesting life cycles
 Some taxonomists classify slime moulds as fungi, c. Penicillium d. yeasts
whereas others classify them as protists. 4) A protozoan may possess any of the following except:
 not known to cause human disease
a. cilia b. flagella
c. hyphae d. pseudopodia
some notes from last lecture :
5) Which one of the following is not a fungus?
 fastidious organism : (needy organism) require
complex nutritional media to grow no basic media a. Aspergillus b. Candida
 cyanobacteria in ponds or lakes create water bloom c. Penicillium d. Prototheca
(pond scum) bluish green layer (turquoise)
 global warming increase cyanobacteria which
produce cyanotoxins (neurotoxin & hepatotoxin)
6) Which one of the following terms is not associated with 10) all of the following are true about fungi except:
a) Fungi can cause both infectious diseases and microbial
a. conidia b. hyphae intoxications
c. mycelium d. pellicle b) Asexual spores are also known as conidia
7) If a dimorphic fungus is causing a respiratory infection, c) Classification of fungi is based on the type of conidia
which of the following might be seen in a sputum specimen that they produce
from that patient?
d) Diseases caused by fungi are called mycoses
a. amebae b. conidia
c. hyphae d. yeasts
11) all of the following are true about protozoa except:
8) A lichen usually represents a symbiotic relationship
a) cause diseases such as African sleeping sickness,
between which of the following pairs?
babesiosis, cryptosporidiosis, malaria, and toxoplasmosis
a. a fungus and an ameba b. a yeast and an ameba
b) protozoa are classified by their means of locomotion
c. an alga and a cyanobacterium d. an alga and a fungus
c) Toxins produced by protozoa are called phycotoxins
9) choose the true statements from the following :
d) protozoa don’t have cell wall
a) A Paramecium cell moves by means of flagella
b) A dimorphic fungus would exist as a mould inside the
human body
c) Protozoa that move by means of pseudopodia are in a
category known as sporozoan
d) Slime moulds possess characteristics of both fungi and keys : 1) d 2) d 3) b 4) c 5) d 6) d 7) d 8) d 9)d
protozoa 10) C 11) C

By: Yousef Alzoubi

Lecture # 5
Microbial physiology : 2) Photoheterotroph: Light & Organic compounds
e.g. some bacteria
 The study of vital life processes of microorganisms
 Living protoplasm contains 6 major chemicals 3) Chemoautotroph: Chemicals & CO2
C, H, O, N, P, S e.g. certain bacteria
 Other : Na, K, Cl, Mg, Ca, Fe, I
4) Chemoheterotroph: Chemicals & Organic
 These chemicals are needed for Make up of
macromolecules (CHO , lipids , proteins , nucleic acids) e.g. All (animal, fungi, protozoa); most bacteria
 Essential amino acids, and Essential fatty acid are not
 Ecology: Is the study of the interaction between
synthesized by cells , but supplied from the environment
organisms and the world around them, e.g. photoauto-
 Terms related to an organism’s energy source :
trophs produce food and O2 for Chemoheterotroph
1) Phototrophs : Light as energy source by
 Metabolism : Chemical reactions (metabolic reactions)
Photosynthesis (means conversion of light to energy)
 Metabolic enzymes: Control metabolic reactions and
2) Chemotrophs: Inorganic or organic chemicals as
are under gene control
energy source
 Enzymes (biological catalysts) are Specific; act on
- Chemoorganotrophs (Organotrophs): Organic
one substrate (Lock-Key) & Unchanged during the
chemicals as energy source
- Chemolithotrophs (Lithotrophs): Inorganic reaction ( used in multiple reactions)
chemicals as energy source
 Terms relating to an organism’s carbon source :
1) Autotroph : Use CO2 as the sole source of carbon,
e.g. plants, cyanobacteria
2) Heterotroph : Use organic compounds other than
CO2 as a carbon source, e.g. human cells, fungi,
protozoa, most bacteria
 Terms combined energy & carbon source :
1) Photoautotroph: Light & CO2
e.g. plants, algae, Cyanobacteria
 Endo-enzymes: found & act Within the cell
 Exo-enzymes: Produced within a cell & then released
outside e.g Cellulase, Pectinase of saprophytic fungi
remember exo-enzymes may act as virulence factor
 Factors that affect the efficiency of enzymes :
1) pH
2) Temperature
3) Concentration of enzyme and substrate
4) Metals: Some enhance (Calcium, Magnesium), some
inhibit (Lead (pb), Zinc Zn , Mercury Hg)
 Some enzymes Bind to a similar substrate (mimic the
original one) so block/stop reaction, e.g.
chemotherapeutics drugs
 Metabolism include both anabolism ( require energy for
binding of small molecules ) & catabolism ( releasing
energy from breaking bonds of large molecules )
 Catabolism & anabolism are in balance ( equal) and
ATP is used in energy transfer
 Remember ATP contains 3 phosphate molecules , ADP
contains 2 , and AMP contain 1
 Biochemical reactions has : 1) starting material
3) intermediate products (intermediary) 3) end product
Common metabolic processes : 1) Glycolysis (glycolytic pathway or Embden- Meyerof
pathwayor Embden- Meyerof-Parnas pathway)
1) Aerobic respiration
2) Fermentation (Anaerobic) reaction  Occurs in cytoplasm of Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes
 9 steps; each requires a specific enzyme
 Glucose (6C) is converted into 2 pyruvic acid molecules
( pyruvate) (3C)
 Little energy is released (2 ATP only)

2) Krebs cycle (Citric Acid Cycle; Tricarboxylic

 At the mitochondria in eukaryotes , but in bacteria at the
inner surface of the cell membrane (mesosomes).
 8 steps; each with an enzyme (note the details of each
step are not required)
 Generate little energy (only 2 ATP molecules)
 Starts with Acetyl-CoA combines with Oxaloacetate to
produce citric acid (tricarboxylic acid) that’s why its
name like that
3) Electron transport chain
 Aerobic respiration of glucose include ;  Series of oxidation- reduction reactions ( redox)
1) Glycolysis  Energy is released by electrons transfer
2) Krebs cycle  The End product is oxygen (final / terminal electron
3) Electron transport chain acceptor)
 The Enzyme involved is Cytochrome oxidase
(cytochrome c, or oxidase) - transfer electrons to
oxygen, some bacteria are classified according to the
presence of the enzyme ex; oxidase positive gram
negative bacilli
 Involve 10 NADH (from glycolysis & Krebs cycle) & Fermentation of glucose : (anaerobic)
2 FADH (from Krebs cycle) to produce 34 ATP
 Oxygen is NOT involved (anaerobic)
 10 NADH produce 30 ATP , 2 FADH produce 4 ATP
 First step: Glycolysis to produce 2 pyruvate
 In conclusion, as many as 38 ATP molecules are
 Then pyruvic acid to End product , release only 2 ATP
produced by oxidative-phosphorylation (ADP to ATP)
 Examples:
from glucose catabolism including glycolysis, Krebs
- Yeast (Saccharomyces) and bacteria
cycle and electron transport chain in prokaryotic cells
(Zymomonas) Convert pyruvic acid to ethyl
 Aerobic respiration is 18 fold more efficient in releasing
energy (ATP) then anaerobic ( fermentation)
- Lactobacilli : convert pyruvic acid to lactic acid
 Phosphorylation: Conversion of ADP to ATP
(e.g. Yogurt)
 Oxidation is loss of electrons while reduction is - Streptococcus: convert pyruvic acid To lactic acid
gaining electrons (damage enamel of teeth)
 Dehydrogenation reactions (loss of hydrogen ) occurs
in krebs cycle to produce NADH & FADH Anabolism/Anabolic reactions
 Chemical equation of aerobic respiration  Require energy; bonds are formed
Substrates : C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 38 ADP + 38 (P)  Energy provided by simultaneous catabolic reactions
Products : 6H2O + 6 CO2 + 38 ATP  Example: 2 Monosaccharides will form Disaccharide ;
Similarly for Proteins & Nucleic Acids
 Organic anabolic reactions like photosynthesis &
Photosynthesis CO2+ Water Glucose + Oxygen
 Light energy will be converted to chemical energy
 Examples ; Photoautotroph, e.g. Cyanobactia
Photoheterotroph, e.g. some bacteria
 Photosynthesis is the reverse of aerobic respiration
 Oxygenic photosynthetic bacteria (Produce O2) 2-) Most ATP molecules are produced during which phase
 Anoxygenic purple/green sulfur bacteria (obligate of aerobic respiration?
anaerobic photoautotrophs), e.g. Bacteria produce S or a. electron transport chain b. fermentation
 If no light: organism will Survive Anaerobically by c. glycolysis d. Krebs cycle
fermentation 3) Saprophytic fungi are able to digest organic molecules
 If no CO2 Become Photoheterotroph outside of the organism by means of:
a. apoenzymes b. coenzymes
Chemosynthesis c. endoenzymes d. exoenzymes
 Chemoautotrophs: use CO2 e.g.,Archaea 4) Which of the following does (do) not occur in
(methanogens) produce methane CH4 anaerobes?
4H2 + CO2 CH4 + 2H2O
a. anabolic reactions b. catabolic reactions
 Chemoheterotrophs: Organics (other than CO2 )e.g.,
Most bacteria, Fungi Protozoa, Animals Humans c. electron transport chain d. fermentation reactions
extra note : holoenzyme is the complete active enzyme 5) . Proteins that must link up with a cofactor to function as
consist from apoenzyme ( protein part cant function alone) an enzyme are called:
+ coenzyme (cofactor) mostly mineral
a. apoenzymes b. coenzymes
c. endoenzymes d. holoenzymes
1) Which of the following characteristics do animals, fungi,
6) most bacteria are :
and protozoa have in common?
a) chemoautotroph b) photoheterotroph
a. They obtain their carbon from carbon dioxide
c) chemoheterotroph d) photoautotroph
b. They obtain their carbon from inorganic compounds
c. They obtain their energy and carbon atoms from
chemicals keys : 1)C 2) A 3) d 4) c 5) a 6) c
d. They obtain their energy from light

By: Yousef Alzoubi

Lecture # 6
Bacterial Genetics :  Mutant (an organism with mutation), e.g. Sabin live
vaccine is a mutant strain- for poliomyelitis discovered
 Genetics: The study of heredity
by “Albert Sabin”
 Genotype (genome): Complete collection of genes
 Ames Test (1960): Mutagen may also be carcinogen
 Phenotype: Physical traits, attributes, characteristics;
(cause cancer)
(manifestations) e.g., Bacterial enzymes, capsule, flagella
Dictated by genotype Plasmid :
 Chromosome: A circular strand of linked genes compared to
 Extra-chromosomal DNA in the cytoplasm , carries
human chromosome which is linear bacterial Genes (many or few)
 Genes: Direct all functions of cell, e.g. mRNA (used In protein
 New genetic information can be acquired through
Bacterial mutations :  The DNA of the plasmid which can integrate to bacterial
chromosome (called episome ) Can replicate alone
 DNA of gene may get altered,, result in Alter gene
independently (autonomous) or without chromosomal
product & Trait Transmissible to offspring
 Categories:
1. Beneficial to bacteria , e.g. resistance to antibiotic
2. Harmful to bacteria (sometimes Lethal)
e.g. Non-functioning enzyme (Lethal), not common
3. Silent: Most bacterial mutations
 Spontaneous mutations of bacteria are
(Random/Natural) & Some genes are More prone to DNA (integrated plasmid)
these mutations than others Bacterial new genetic information by :
 Rate of these mutations are 1 Per 10,000 (10^4) – 1
1 .Lysogenic conversion
Trillion (10^9) DNA replication rounds (average 1
million) 2 .Transduction
 Mutagens: chemical or physical agents with the ability
3 .Transformation
to induce mutations and increase the mutation rate
4. Conjugation
1) Lysogenic conversion :  Phage conversion: A lysogenic bacterium is capable
 Remember bacteriophages ( phages ) is the virus that of producing one or more new gene products (toxins)
infects bacteria and it could be virulent ( initiates lytic and exhibit new properties may transform from
cycle of the bacteria ) or temperate (lysogenic) which nontoxigenic bacteria to toxigenic
doesn’t cause lysis of bacteria and instead integrate its  Examples of microorganisms that are lysogenic
genome with bacterial genome converted with prophage & become pathogenic :
 Lysogeny : injection of the viral DNA into the bacteria 1) Corynebacterium diphtheriae: Diphtheria; tox gene
without lysis 2) Streptococcus pyogenes: Scarlet fever
 Prophage: Remaining phage DNA in bacteria 3) Clostridium botulinum: Botulism
 Lysogenic bacteria (Cell): Bacteria with the viral 4) Vibrio cholerae: Cholera
 The phage DNA replicate with the bacterial genome
and transferred to the new generations (offspring)
2) Transduction : (“to carry across”)
 Definition: the carrying of genetic material
from one bacterial cell to another one by
bacterial virus (bacteriophage)
 Involves temperate bacteriophages
 Two types: General & Specialized
3) Transformation :
 It is the uptake of a disintegrated cell’s extracellular
naked DNA fragments by recipient (competent )
bacterial cell from environment.
 Examples:
- DNA extract of Capsulated S. pneumoniae + non-
capsulated broth will result in growing of
Capsulated M.O
- Indigenous bacterial microbiota + some latent viral
genes (in human) may be the cause of Parkinson
disease (theory!!)
4) Conjugation :
 unidirectional transfer of the DNA from donor to
recipient cells by direct physical contact & through
donor’s hollow conjugation bridge (sex pilus = Fertility/ F
 Donor (F+) attaches Recipient (F-) bacteria by F pilus
 Is not reproduction or Bacterial mating (male &
female) , it occur between 2 different bacteria
Examples: Enteric bacilli, Pseudomonas
 Can Transfer antibiotic resistance (R Factor= multiple
drug resistance = “superbug”) & Fertility “F” factor
(delivered by F+ & high frequency of recombination
 Relaxase splits plasmid dsDNA into ssDNA
Genetic engineering (vs. Recombinant DNA
Technology) :

 rDNA : human genes are transferred to plasmid ( vector

or vehicle ) which ca carry these genes
 (Genetic Engineering): is the insertion of this rDNA to
manufactures ex: ( E. coli, Yeast, human macrophages
and fibroblasts) to produce certain products ex:
 Growth hormone (GH)
 Somatostatin (Inhibitor)
 •Insulin • Interferon
 Resistant plants in “agriculture”
 Marine bacterium to break oil down for clearance
 Gene Therapy : Insertion of normal human gene into 3) he process whereby naked DNA is absorbed
into a bacterial cell is known as:
 Viral delivery (e.g. adenoviruses, retroviruses)
 Bacterial (Bacto-infection, e.g., Salmonella) a. transcription b. transduction
c. transformation d. translation
 Prescribe genes (considered as drugs) to treat:
• Autoimmune diseases 4) In lysogenic conversion, bacteria acquire new
• Sickle cell anaemia genetic information in the form of:
• Immunodeficiency disorders
a. bacterial genes b. naked DNA
• Cancers
• Many other conditions c. R-factors d. viral genes
5) The process by which a nontoxigenic C. diphtheriae
Questions : cell is changed into a toxigenic cell is called:
1) Which of the following processes does not a. conjugation b. lysogenic conversion
involve bacteriophages?
c. transduction d. transformation
a. lysogenic conversion b. lytic cycle
c. transduction d. transformation

2) in transduction, bacteria acquire new genetic

keys : 1) d 2) a 3) c 4) d 5) b
information in the form of:
a. bacterial genes b. naked DNA
c. R-factors d. viral genes

By: Yousef Alzoubi

Lecture # 7
Sterilization & disinfection :  Microbicidal Agents : The suffix cide or cidal refers to
 Sterilization : the destruction or elimination of all
 Examples:
microbes, including cells, spores, and viruses.
• Bactericidal = Kill bacteria
 When something is sterile, it is devoid of microbial life.
• Sporicidal = Kill bacterial spores
 sterilization of objects can be accomplished by physical
• Viricidal = Kill viruses
or chemical methods :
• Fungicidal = Kill fungi
•Dry heat
• Pseudomonicidal= Kill Pseudomonas
• Autoclaving (steam under pressure)
• Tuberculocidal = Kill M. tuberculosis
• Ethylene oxide gas
 Microbiostatic agents : Drugs or chemicals that inhibit
• Formaldehyde liquid
reproduction and metabolism of microorganisms (NOT
• Radiation (UV, gamma rays)
necessarily kill them)
 Disinfection : the elimination of most or all pathogens
 Freeze-drying (lyophilization) and rapid freezing are
(except bacterial spores) from nonliving objects using :
microbistatic techniques that are used to preserve
1. Liquid chemicals (disinfectants)
microbes for future use or study
2. Wet pasteurization
 Lyophilization : is a process that combines dehydration
 Antiseptics: Disinfectants used on living tissues as the
(drying) and freezing , a good method of preserving
microorganisms for future use.
 Sanitization: Reduction of the microbial population to
 Sepsis : refers to the presence of pathogens in blood or
safe levels, e.g. in restaurants
 Pasteurization : a method to disinfect liquids , is used
 Asepsis means the absence of pathogens.
today to eliminate pathogens from milk and most other
 Aseptic techniques : various medical or surgical
techniques, used to eliminate and exclude pathogens.
 pasteurization is not a sterilization procedure, because
e.g, hand hygiene, sterile gloves, masks, and gowns
not all microbes are destroyed
 Antisepsis : is the prevention of infection
 pasteurization methods (important) :
63 C for 30 minutes  Antiseptic technique: Use of antiseptics
72 C for 15 seconds
140 C for 4 seconds
Physical Methods to Inhibit Microbial Growth :  Flaming: by Bunsen burner flame or electrical heat
device is an effective way to kill microorganisms for
1) Heat :
forceps, wires, or loops
 the most common type of sterilization for inanimate
(non-living) objects able to withstand high temperatures.
 Two factors—temperature and time—determine the
effectiveness of heat for sterilization.
 pathogens are usually more susceptible to heat than
 thermal death point (TDP) : is the lowest temperature
that will kill all the organisms in a standardized pure
culture within a specified period.
 thermal death time (TDT) : is the length of time Moist heat :
necessary to sterilize a pure culture at a specified
temperature.  Heat applied in the presence of moisture, as in boiling,
is faster and more effective than dry heat
Dry heat :
 The vegetative forms of most pathogens are quite easily
 Dry-heat baking in a controlled oven provides effective destroyed by boiling for 30 minutes. (needles , metal or
sterilization of metals, glassware, some powders, oils, glass)
and waxes  Not effective against spores, viruses and
 160 – 165 C for 2 hours or 170 – 180 C for 1 hour Mycobacterium
 Incineration (burning) : is an effective means of  An autoclave : is a large metal pressure cooker that
destroying contaminated disposable materials. uses moist heat and pressure to completely destroy all
 An incinerator must NOT be overloaded with moist or microbial life (Kills spores, viruses, and vegetative form)
protein laden materials, such as feces, vomitus, or pus,  Autoclaves should be set to run 20 minutes at a
because the contaminating microorganisms within these pressure of 15 psi and a temperature of 121.5 C.
moist substances may not be destroyed if the heat does  rubber, which may be damaged by high temperatures,
not penetrate and burn them. can be autoclaved .
 Cans should remain open, bottles covered loosely with
cotton, Sealed containers should not be autoclaved.
 Indicators for Autoclave completion :
Autoclave tape or Solutions of bacterial spores

2) Cold :
 Most microorganisms are not killed by cold
temperatures and freezing .
 Refrigeration cannot be relied upon to kill
microorganisms; it merely slows their metabolism and
their rate of growth
 Slow freezing causes ice crystals to form within cells
and may rupture the cell walls of some bacteria; hence,
slow freezing should not be used as a way to preserve
or store bacteria.
 Rapid freezing, using liquid nitrogen, is a good way to
preserve food, and bacterial cultures
 Freeze-thawing foods allow bacterial spores in the 5) Ultrasonic US waves :
foods to germinate and microorganisms to resume  In hospitals, medical clinics, and dental clinics,
growth. Consequently, refreezing of thawed foods is an ultrasonic waves are frequently used to clean delicate
unsafe practice, because it preserves the millions of equipment (glassware) .
microbes that might be present.  Ultrasonic cleaners consist of tanks filled with liquid
(water) ,the short sound waves are then passed through
3) Desiccation (Drying) : the liquid. The sound waves mechanically dislodge
 Desiccation doesn’t kill microorganisms. organic debris on instruments and glassware.
 In the hospital or clinical environment, healthcare Glassware then must be washed to remove the
professionals should keep in mind that dried viable dislodged particles then sterilized by another method
pathogens may be present in dried matter and clinical before they are used.
specimens, including blood, pus, fecal material, and
dust that are found on floors, in bedding, on clothing. 6) Filtration:
 Filters of various pore sizes are used to filter or
4) Radiation : separate cells, larger viruses, bacteria, and other
 Many biologic materials, such as sera, antisera, microorganisms from the liquids or gases
toxins, and vaccines, are sterilized with UV rays  High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters used in
 UV rays penetrate cells and, thus, can cause damage operating rooms or patient room to filter air and remove
to DNA (skin cancer, eye damage) pathogens.
 X-rays and gamma and beta rays of certain  positive pressure isolation room for bone marrow
wavelengths may be lethal or cause mutations in transplantation
microorganisms and tissue cells because they damage  negative pressure isolation room for contagious
DNA and proteins within those cells diseases
 Gamma ray sterilizes food as meat
from Salmonella & Campylobacter.
 International symbol for irradiated
7) gaseous atmosphere :
 it is possible to inhibit growth of microorganisms by
altering the atmosphere in which they are located
 Because aerobes and microaerophiles require oxygen,
they can be killed by placing them into an atmosphere
devoid of oxygen.
 obligate anaerobes can be killed by placing them into
an atmosphere containing oxygen
 wounds likely to contain anaerobes are lanced (opened)
to expose them to oxygen
 gas gangrene, a deep wound infection that causes rapid
destruction of tissues. Gas gangrene is caused by
various anaerobes mainly Clostridium perfringens.
gas gangrene can be treated by placing the patient in a
hyperbaric (increased pressure) oxygen chamber to
kill the microorganisms.
Chemical Agents to Inhibit Microbial Growth :
1) disinfectants :
 inhibit the growth of pathogens, either temporarily or
 Factors affecting disinfectants:
• Prior cleaning of the object or surface to be
• The organic load that is present, meaning the
presence of organic matter (e.g., feces, blood, vomitus,
• The bioburden, meaning the type and level of
microbial contamination.
• The concentration of the disinfectant.  Never use disinfectant if physical sterilization is possible
• The contact time, meaning the amount of time that the because disinfectants cant destroy all bacteria and
disinfectant must remain in contact with the organisms bacterial spores.
in order to kill them
 Formaldehyde (fumigation) and ethylene oxide, when
• The physical nature of the object being disinfected
properly used, are highly destructive to spores,
(e.g., smooth or rough surface)
mycobacteria, and viruses. (sterilizers)
• Temperature and pH
 Disinfectants characteristics (broad, fast-acting, stable,
 Almost all bacteria in the vegetative state, as well as
nontoxic, soluble in water, inexpensive, odorless, not
fungi, protozoa, and most viruses, are susceptible to
affected by organic material and leave residual
many disinfectants
microbial film)
 Some Resistant microbes to disinfectants :
 Antiseptics : chemical agents that can safely be
Mycobacteria, Pseudomonas spp, bacterial endospore, applied to human skin e.g., alcohol, iodine, H2O2
fungal spores, hepatitis viruses
 Reduce numbers of organisms on surface & Used at
surgical incisions, and folds of the skin.
Questions: 7-) which of the following not sterilized by dry heat:
1) Pasteurization is an example of what kind of technique? a- Metals b- glassware
a. antiseptic technique b. disinfection
c- oils d- waxes e- anti-sera
c. sterilization d. surgical aseptic technique
8-) Vaccines are sterilized by:
2) It would be necessary to use a tuberculocidal agent to
kill a particular species of: a- radiation b- formaldehyde
a. Clostridium b. Mycobacterium c- dry heat d- ultrasonic waves e- moist heat
c. Staphylococcus d. Streptococcus 9-) which of the following not used for sterilization:
3) The combination of freezing and drying is known as: a- autoclave b- ethyl oxide
a. desiccation b. lyophilization c- formaldehyde d- desiccation e- incineration
c. pasteurization d. tyndallization 10) Sterilization of delicate dental equipment can be
achieved efficiently by using one of the following
4) To prevent Clostridium infections in a hospital setting,
what kind of disinfectant should be used?
a) Ultrasonic waves. b) desiccation
a. fungicida l b. pseudomonicidal
c) gamma rays d) UV- light
c. sporicidal d. tuberculocidal
11) The optimal conditions to achieve proper autoclaving
5) Sterilization can be accomplished by use of:
is by applying one of the following settings regarding
a. an autoclave b. antiseptics pressure (psi), temperature ( C) and time (minutes)
c. alcohol d. pasteurization
a) 30 - 63 – 30 b) 15 – 121.5 – 30
6) Which of the following eliminate all microbes:
c) 15 – 121.5 – 20 d) 30 – 121.5 – 20
a- antiseptics b- disinfectants
keys : 1) b 2) b 3) b 4) c 5) a 6) e 7) e 8) a
c- sanitization d- Pasteurization
9) d 10 ) a 11) c
e- none of above

By: Yousef Alzoubi

Lecture # 8
Antimicrobial Agents :
 chemotherapeutic agent : is any drug used to treat any
condition or disease.
 antimicrobial agents : chemotherapeutic agents used to
treat infectious diseases ex: Anti-Bacterial , Anti-Viral , Anti-
Fungal , Anti-Protozoal
 Antibiotic : is a substance produced by a microorganism that
is effective in killing or inhibiting the growth of other
microorganisms. Antibiotics are primarily antibacterial
Examples: Mould-produced: Penicillin, Cephalosporin
Bacteria (mainly soil bacteria) produced:
Erythromycin, Chloramphenicol
 Types of Antibiotics/Antimicrobials  Characteristics of an ideal antimicrobial agent :
1. Natural AB e.g. Peniciilin G
2. Semisynthetic AB, e.g. Modified AB (Ampicillin, • Kill or inhibit the growth of pathogens
Carbenicillin) • Cause no damage to the host (selective toxicity)
3. Synthetic Antimicrobials e.g. Monobactam (Aztreonam)
• Cause no allergic reaction in the host
 In 1928, Alexander Fleming , a Scottish bacteriologist,
accidentally discovered the first antibiotic when he noticed • Be stable when stored in solid or liquid form
that growth of contaminant Penicillium notatum mould
• Remain in specific tissues in the body long enough to be
colonies on his culture plates was inhibiting the growth of
Staphylococcus bacteria .
 Fleming gave the name “penicillin” to the inhibitory • Kill the pathogens before they mutate and become resistant
substance being produced by the mould to it
 Selective toxicity: The drug affects microorganisms but NOT
human cells.
How antimicrobial agents work :  Extended spectrum Antibiotics : Broad spectrum antibiotics
with extended activity against certain microbes such as
 an antimicrobial agent must inhibit or destroy the pathogen
certain resistant gram negative bacteria, Pseudomonas, or
without damaging the host (the infected person).
 To accomplish this, the agent must target a metabolic
 Competitive inhibitors drugs :
process or structure possessed by the pathogen but not
 Example: sulfonamide (sulfa drugs)
possessed by the host.
 sulfonamide drugs inhibit production of folic acid (a vitamin)
 The five most common mechanisms of action of
in those bacteria that require p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) to
antimicrobial agents are as follows:
synthesize folic acid. Because the sulfonamide molecule is
• Inhibition of cell wall synthesis
similar in shape to the PABA molecule .
• Damage to cell membranes
• Inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis (either DNA or RNA)  the enzymes that convert PABA to folic acid cannot produce
• Inhibition of protein synthesis folic acid from the sulfonamide molecule.
• Inhibition of enzyme activity  Without folic acid, bacteria cannot produce certain essential
 Bacteriostatic drugs inhibit growth of bacteria, whereas proteins and its growth will be inhibited (bacteriostatic)
bactericidal agents kill bacteria .  Cells of humans and animals do not synthesize folic acid
 Bacteriostatic agents Should NOT be used in from PABA ; they get folic acid from the food they eat.
immunocompromised or leukopenic patients. Consequently, they are unaffected by sulfa drugs.
 Bacteriostatic agents should be used only in patients whose
host defense mechanisms are functioning properly
 Narrow-spectrum antibiotic: Destroy (affect) either gram
positive or gram negative bacteria
, Examples: Vancomycin: G+ Colistin : G -
 Broad spectrum antibiotic: Destroy (affect) both gram
positive and gram negative bacteria
Examples: Ampicillin , Chloramphenicol , Tetracycline
 Beta lactam drugs include : penicillin's , cephalosporins ,
carbapenems , monobactams all work by inhibiting cell
synthesis & all are bactericidal
1) Penicillin's :
 β-lactam drugs because their molecular structure includes a
four-sided ring structure known as a β-lactam ring
 MOA: inhibit cell wall synthesis.
 have maximum effect on bacteria that are actively dividing.
 They are bactericidal drugs.
 Natural penicillins (penicillin G & penicillin V)
are effective against some G + bacteria (especially
Streptococcus spp.), anaerobic bacteria, and spirochetes &
few Gram-negative bacteria (e.g., N. meningitidis and
Haemophilus influenzae)
 aminopenicillin and Extended penicillin:
e.g. Ampicillin, Amoxicillin 5. Fifth generation: e.g., Ceftaroline
• Against G- and G+ bacteria G+ as methicillin-resistant Staph.aureus (MRSA) & weaker on
2) Cephalosporins : G-
 β-lactam antibiotics , produced by moulds like penicillin , NOTE : staph aureus is divided according to susceptibility to
inhibit cell wall synthesis and are bactericidal. methicillin (penicillin type) to MSSA & MRSA
 Divided into 5 generations : 3) Monobactam :
1. First generation: e.g., cephalexin cover G+ bacteria  Beta-lactam drug, inhibits cell wall synthesis.
2. Second generation: e.g., cefuroxime  Example: Aztreonam (synthetic drug)
Increased activity against G- (besides G+)  Active against gram negative rods (bacilli)
3. Third generation: e.g., cefotaxime.  Not active against gram positive bacteria
More G- & Pseudomonas (besides G+, but less)  Not active against anaerobes
4. Fourth generation: e.g., cefepime
More G- & Pseudomonas & G+
4) carbapenems : 2) Aminoglycosides :
 Beta lactam drug, inhibit cell wall synthesis  Broad-spectrum drug (e.g. Gentamicin, Amikacin)
 Active against most G+, G-, and anaerobes  Bactericidal (Inhibit protein synthesis)
 Examples :  Effective against:
• Imipenem: Inactivated by dihydropeptidase enzyme •Many G- and some G+ bacteria
(DHP) secreted from renal tubules ; so protected by • Enterobacteriaceae
Cilastatin (inhibit DHP) • V. cholera • P. aeruginosa
• Meropenem: Not inactivated by DHP enzyme  NOT effective against anaerobes (Anaerobic bacteria is
• Ertapenem: Not active against P. aeruginosa, is long acting naturally resistant to aminoglycosides)
 Ototoxic (damage to 8th nerve responsible for hearing)
Drugs acting by disruption of cell membrane : Nephrotoxic (damage to kidney )
 Examples : polymyxin B , polymyxin E (colistin) and bacitracin
 Bactericidal drugs & active against gram negative bacteria 3) Macrolides :
 Examples : Erythromycin, Clarithromycin
Drugs acting by inhibition of protein synthesis:
 Inhibit protein synthesis
1) Tetracyclines :  Bacteriostatic (at low doses) & Bactericidal (at Higher doses)
 Broad-spectrum drug (e.g. Tetracycline, Doxycycline)  Effective against:
 Action on ribosome in cytoplasm (inhibit protein synthesis) •Many G+ and some G- bacteria
 Bacteriostatic • Atypical bacteria (Chlamydia , Mycoplasma)
 Effective against: • treponema pallidum (syphilis)
• G+ and G- bacteria • legionella
• Atypical bacteria (Chlamydia , Mycoplasma , Rickettsia)
• Vibrio cholerae 4) Linezolid
• Spirochete bacteria (Borrelia, Treponema pallidum which 5) chloramphenicol
causes syphilis)
just know that these 2 drugs work by inhibiting protein
Drugs acting by inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis: Antagonism : the use of two drugs produces pathogen killing
1) Rifampin : bactericidal , cover G+ and some G- bacteria that is less than that achieved by either drug alone 1+1 < 1
2) Quinolones & fluoroquinolones (e.g. ciprofloxacin ) they
Example: Penicillin (bactericidal) + Tetracycline (static) ,
inhibit DNA synthesis & are bactericidal broad spectrum
drug effective against: Enterobacteriaceae & These two drugs actions antagonize each other because
Pseudomonas. Aeruginosa tetracycline is bacteriostatic and inhibit bacterial growth and
3) Metronidazole : bactericidal drug works by destruction of division & penicillin works effectively against the actively
DNA & effective against Anaerobes dividing bacteria .
In general don’t give bacteriostatic agent with bactericidal
Drugs acting by inhibition of enzyme activity :
1) Sulfonamide : bacteriostatic drug covers primarily G+ &
some G- bacteria Multidrug therapy : Using two or more drugs simultaneously to
2) Trimethoprim : bacteriostatic drug covers mainly gram kill all the pathogens and to prevent resistant mutant pathogens
negative & some gram positive from emerging.
Example: Mycobacterium tuberculosis treatment usually
Synergism : the use of two antimicrobial agents produces a requires 3 or 4 drugs : (isoniazid + rifampin + pyrazinamide +
degree of pathogen killing that is far greater than that achieved ethambutol)
by either drug alone or the sum of both. 1+1 >2
Example: Co-trimoxazole (Trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole) ,
(Jordanian name : Balkatrin)
(TMP : SMX ratio is 1:5 ) e.g. 40/200 or 80/400
Questions : 6-) All of the following antimicrobial agents can inhibit nucleic
acid synthesis, EXCEPT:
1-) Which of the following is not a common mechanism by
which antimicrobial agents kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria? a. Rifampin b. quinolone
a. damage to cell membranes b. destruction of capsules
C. linezolid d. ciprofloxacin
c. inhibition of cell wall synthesis
7-) One of the following antibiotics is a narrow spectrum
d. inhibition of protein synthesis antibiotic, which one is it?
2-) Multidrug therapy is always used when a patient is a. Vancomycin b. cefotaxime
diagnosed as having:
C . gentamicin d . imipenem
a. an infection caused by MRSA b. diphtheria
8-) Good synergism can be achieved by all of the following
c. strep throat d. tuberculosis antimicrobial agent combinations, EXCEPT:
3-)Which of the following scientists discovered penicillin? A . penicillin + gentamicin b. penicillin + doxycycline
a. Alexander Fleming b. Paul Ehrlich C . trimethoprim + sulfamethoxazole
c. Selman Waksman d. Sir Howard Walter Florey D . cefotaxime + amikacin
4-) All the following antimicrobial agents work by inhibiting 9-) One of the following antibiotics can cause nephrotoxicity
protein synthesis except: and ototoxicity :
a. chloramphenicol b. erythromycin A . ampicillin b. rifampin
c. imipenem d. tetracycline C . gentamicin d . clarithromycin
5-) All the following antimicrobial agents work by inhibiting cell
wall synthesis except:
Keys : 1) b 2) d 3) a 4) c 5) b 6) c 7) a 8) b 9) c
a. cephalosporins b. polymyxin
c. penicillin d. aztreonam

By: Yousef Alzoubi

Lecture # 9+10
Antifungal agents : Drug resistant :
 Antifungal and antiprotozoal drugs tend to be more toxic to  Drug resistant bacteria are called (Superbugs)
the patient because, like the infected human, they are  Superbugs USUALLY are Multidrug Resistant (resistant to
eukaryotic organisms. more than one antimicrobial)
 Most antifungal agents work in one of three ways:  Although the term superbug most often refers to multidrug-
• By binding with cell membrane sterols (e.g., nystatin and resistant bacteria, other types of microbes (e.g., viruses,
Amphotericin B) fungi, protozoa and helminths) have also become multidrug-
• By interfering with sterol synthesis (e.g., miconazole) resistant.
• By blocking mitosis or nucleic acid synthesis (e.g.,  Examples on Especially Troublesome “Superbugs”
Griseofulvin ) (important resistant bacteria) :
Antiprotozoal Agents : • MRSA (methicillin resistant staph aureus) , MRSE
(methicillin resistant staph epidermidis)
 Toxic to the host and work by: • VISA (vancomycin-intermediate S. aureus) , VRSA
• Interfere with DNA and RNA synthesis e.g. Chloroquine (vancomycin-resistant S. aureus)
(anti-malarial drug) • VRE (Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus) (causes UTI)
•Interfere with protozoal metabolism and DNA destruction: • P. aeruginosa
e.g. Metronidazole (Flagyl) also against anaerobic bacteria • Clostridium difficile (which causes pseudomembranous
Antiviral agents : • Acinetobacter baumanni
• Klebsiella pneumonia
 Antiviral agents are particularly difficult to develop and use • Multidrug-resistant M. tuberculosis (MDR-TB) = Resistant
because viruses are produced within host cells to rifampin and isoniazid.
 The first antiviral agent effective against (HIV) was
introduced in 1989 Zidovudine (AZT)  Mechanisms of bacterial resistance :
Intrinsic resistance: Natural
Acquired resistance: Acquired (4 mechanisms in the table )
 Prevention of Beta-lactamase action is by Combining :
beta-lactamase Inhibitors + antibiotics; examples :
• Clavulanic acid + Amoxicillin = Augmentin
• Sulbactam + Ampicillin = Unasyn
• Clavulanic Acid + Ticarcillin = Timentin
• Tazobactam + Piperacillin = Zosyn

 Strategies against drug resistance :

• Education of both patients & doctors , Prudent (wise) use of
• Proper prescription of drugs
• Starting Firstly with : Narrow spectrum & inexpensive drug
• Complete the full course of drug as prescribed
• No need for prophylactic drug taking unless prescribed by
• Good infection control and prevention of infections
Beta-Lactamases :
 Some bacteria produce enzymes that destroy the β-lactam
Empiric therapy :
ring; these enzymes are known as β-lactamases
 Thus, an organism that produces a β-lactamase is resistant to  In some cases, a clinician must start therapy before
antibiotics containing the β-lactam ring laboratory culture & tests are available. This is referred to as
 There are two types of β-lactamases Penicillinases and empiric therapy
cephalosporinases they destroy the β-lactam ring in
 clinician “guess” the most likely pathogen and the drug most
penicillin's and cephalosporins, respectively.
likely to be effective
 Some bacteria produce 1 or both types of β-lactamases.
 Clinician can refer to a “pocket chart” or Antibiogram that is Streptomycin (aminoglycoside) causes Deafness (ototoxic)
available in most hospitals & Clinical Microbiology Lab
 immune status of patient & drug cost
 If the patient is allergic to any antimicrobial agents like
 Prolonged antibiotic use can lead to population explosions
penicillin it would be unwise to prescribe it
of microorganisms that are resistant to the antibiotic(s) .
 age of the patient is important when prescribing drug , some Such overgrowths are known as “superinfections.”
drugs are contraindicated in children like tetracycline in <7 y
For example, the prolonged use of oral antibiotics (e.g.
 pregnancy , Certain drugs are known to be teratogenic lincomycin) can result in a superinfection of Clostridium
difficile in the colon, which can lead to antibiotic-associated
 Inpatients VS. outpatient treatment
diarrhea and pseudomembranous colitis.
 Site of infection, e.g. Brain, bladder, etc.
Yeast vaginitis often follows antibacterial therapy (e.g.
 What other medications is the patient taking or receiving , to tetracycline) because many bacteria of the vaginal microbiota
prevent (Drug cross-reaction) were destroyed, leading to a superinfection of the indigenous
yeast, Candida albicans
 Toxic side effects of some drugs , e.g. Chloramphenicol
causes Aplastic Anemia
Normal flora :  Over the next few years of life , communities of organisms
(microbiota or normal flora) form on the surfaces of the skin,
 Microbial ecology : is the study of the numerous
nares, oral cavity, intestines, and genitourinary tract.
interrelationships between microbes and the world around
 The child gets the normal flora from the surrounding
environment (most importantly by exposure to soil ) ,
 The most intimate association that we have with microbes is
exposure to microflora will strengthen & increase the child
the presence of microflora both on and within our bodies.
 Symbiosis : is the living together or close association of two
 The Human Microbiome Project : 5-year multinational study
dissimilar organisms (usually two different species)
to analyze the genetic composition (microbiome) of the
 Various symbiotic relationships involving microbes :
microbial populations that live in and on healthy adults by
• Neutralism : different microorganisms occupy the same
the collection of samples from different body organs.
ecologic place, but have no effect on each other
 It is estimated that bacterial cells outnumber human cells in
• Commensalism : is a relationship that is beneficial to one
the host by 10 : 1 ratio
symbiont and of no consequence (neither beneficial nor
 Bacteria colonizing the gut are different from those in the
harmful) to the other
mouth, skin, and other body sites
• Mutualism : is a relationship that is beneficial to both
symbionts  The greatest taxonomic and genetic diversity of microflora
• Parasitism : is a relationship that is beneficial to one was in the large intestine (colon) , and the vagina was the
symbiont (the parasite) and harmfull to the other symbiont least complex.
(the host).  different regions of the mouth, gut, skin surface, and vagina
 indigenous microbiota (human microbiome or human also had their own unique microbiome
bioneme) includes all of the microbes (bacteria, fungi,  Most individuals share a core microbiome, defined as the
protozoa, and viruses) that reside on and within that person. species that are present at a specific site in 95% or more of
 During pregnancy, the human fetus lives in a remarkably individuals. (e.g. staphylococcus on skin )
protected & sterile environment from microflora  Secondary microbiome consists of small numbers of many
 The first exposure of microflora to the baby is during labor species that may not be widely shared by individuals . (e.g.
when the baby is delivered through the birth canal , he will Propionibacterium on skin)
gains some microflora
 The greatest numbers of shared species are present in the Microbiota of the Respiratory Tract :
mouth, followed by the nose, intestine, and skin, and the
 The upper respiratory tract consists of the nasal passages
fewest shared species are found in the vagina
and the throat (pharynx), which have an abundant and
Microbiota of the Skin : varied population of microbes.
 The lower respiratory tract consists of the larynx (voice box),
 The resident microbiota of the skin consists primarily of
trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, and lungs, usually free of
bacteria and fungi—as many as 300 different species,
microbes and the presence of microbes may indicate
depending on the anatomical location.
 the most common bacteria on the skin are species of
Staphylococcus (especially S. epidermidis and other Microbiota of the Oral Cavity (Mouth) :
coagulase-negative staphylococcia), Corynebacterium, and
 The anatomy of the oral cavity (mouth) affords shelter for
numerous anaerobic and aerobic bacteria.
 The number and variety of microorganisms present on the
 The list of microbes that have been isolated from healthy
skin depend on many factors, such as:
human mouths include Gram-positive and Gram negative
 Anatomical location
bacteria (both cocci and bacilli), spirochetes, and sometimes
 Amount of moisture present yeasts, mould-like organisms, protozoa, and viruses.
 pH  Temperature  Salinity  The bacterium most often associated with formation of
 Presence of chemical wastes such as urea and fatty acids dental plaque is Streptococcus mutans.
 Presence of other microbes, which may be producing toxic
substances to other microbes Microbiota of the GI Tract :

Microbiota of the Ears and Eyes:  Excluding the oral cavity and pharynx, which have already
been discussed, the GI tract includes the esophagus,
 The middle ear and inner ear are usually sterile, whereas the stomach, small intestine, large intestine (colon), and anus.
outer ear and the auditory canal contain the same types of  Accessory glands and organs of the GI system include the
microbes as are found on the skin. salivary glands, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder.
 gastric enzymes and the extremely acidic pH (pH <3) of the  The reproductive systems of both men and women are usually
stomach usually prevent growth of indigenous microbiota sterile, with the exception of the vagina here , the microbiota
 There is one bacterium—a Gram-negative bacillus named varies with the stage of sexual development.
Helicobacter pylori— which produces urease enzyme that  Before puberty and after menopause, vaginal secretions are
increase the PH around it to 5.5 & lives in some people’s alkaline, supporting the growth of various diphtheroids,
stomachs and is a common cause of ulcers. streptococci, staphylococci, and coliforms (E. coli)). Through the
 When the amount of acid is reduced in the course of childbearing years, vaginal secretions are acidic (pH 4.0–5.0),
diseases (increase PH) such as stomach cancer, certain encouraging the growth mainly of lactobacilli
bacteria may be found in the stomach.
Beneficial and Harmful Roles of Indigenous Microbiota :
 The colon contains the largest number and variety of
microorganisms in the body as many as 500 to 600 different  Some of our intestinal bacteria are beneficial to us in that
species— primarily bacteria. they produce useful vitamins and other nutrients
 Bacteria found in the GI tract include: Actinomyces,  Microorganisms of the normal flora may aid the host (by
Bacteroides, Clostridium, Enterobacter, Enterococcus, competing for microenvironments & prevent pathogens as
Escherichia, Klebsiella, Lactobacillus, Proteus, Pseudomonas, Salmonella spp)
Staphylococcus, and Streptococcus. Also, many fungi,  May harm the host (by causing dental caries, abscesses, or
protozoa, and viruses can live in the colon other infectious diseases)
 May exist as commensals (inhabiting the host for long
Microbiota of the GU Tract (genito-urinary) :
periods without causing detectable harm or benefit).
 The GU tract consists of the urinary tract (kidneys, ureters,
Microbial Antagonism :
urinary bladder, and urethra) and the various parts of the male
and female reproductive systems  means “microbes versus microbes” or “microbes against
 The healthy kidney, ureters, and urinary bladder are sterile. microbes by preventing other microbes from becoming
 the distal urethra (the part of the urethra farthest from the established in or colonizing a particular anatomic location.
urinary bladder) and the external opening of the urethra harbor 1. Competition for nutrition
many microbes, including bacteria, yeasts, and viruses. 2. Competition for space
3. Production of antibiotics and bacteriocins.
 Opportunistic Pathogens : Many members of the indigenous Synergism (Synergistic Infections) : Sometimes, two (or more)
microbiota waiting for the opportunity to cause infections microorganisms may “team up” to produce a disease that
 Biotherapeutic Agents (probiotics) : Bacteria and yeasts that neither could be caused by one of them. This is referred to as
are ingested to reestablish and stabilize the microbial synergism or a synergistic relationship.
balance within our bodies .
 The diseases are referred to as synergistic infections,
 Prebiotics : giving supplements to enhance growth of polymicrobial infections, or mixed infections.
 A variety of human pathogens live in soil, including:
 Fecal transplant : to extract normal flora from feces and
 Various Clostridium species (spore former bacteria)
giving them to patient which has completely lost all his
 The spores of Bacillus anthracis
 Various yeasts
 indigenous microbiota is upset by antibiotics, other types of
 The types and amounts of microorganisms living in soil
chemotherapy, or changes in pH .
depend on many factors, including: The amount of decaying
 Cultures of Lactobacillus in yogurt or in medications may be
organic material, Available nutrients, Moisture content,
prescribed to reestablish and stabilize the microbial balance
Amount of oxygen available, pH, temperature, The presence
 Disruption of the normal microflora (commonly referred to
of waste products of other microbes.
as dysbiosis) can lead to disease by the elimination of
 Zoonotic diseases (zoonosis) : diseases of farm animals, wild
needed organisms or allowing the growth of inappropriate
animals, zoo animals, and domestic pets which is transmitted
to humans (making 70 % of diseases)
 Shifts in the skin microbiome may cause wound infections
and dermatitis
 Alteration in the vaginal microbiome may cause vaginitis.
Microbial Communities (Biofilms) : In nature, microbes are
often organized into complex and persistent communities of
assorted organisms
 Biofilms have been implicated in diseases such as
endocarditis, cystic fibrosis, middle ear infections, kidney
stones, periodontal disease, and prostate infections.
Questions: 6) The term that best describes a symbiotic relationship in
which two different microorganisms occupy the same ecologic
1-) The greatest number and variety of indigenous microbiota of
place, but have absolutely no effect on each other is:
the human body live in or on the:
a. commensalism b. mutualism
a. colon b. genitourinary tract
c. neutralism d. parasitism
c. mouth d. skin
7) Which of the following is least likely to be taken into
2) Which of the following sites of the human body does not
consideration when deciding which antibiotic to prescribe for a
have indigenous microbiota?
a. bloodstream b. colon
a. patient’s age
c. distal urethra d. vagina
b. patient’s underlying medical conditions
3) Which of the following would be present in highest numbers
c. patient’s weight
in the indigenous microbiota of the skin?
d. other medications that the patient is taking
a. C. albicans b. coagulase-negative staphylococci
8) Which of the following is least likely to lead to drug resistance
c. Enterococcus spp. d. E. coli
in bacteria?
4) The indigenous microbiota of the external ear canal is most
a. A chromosomal mutation that alters cell membrane
like the indigenous microbiota of the:
a. colon b. mouth
b. A chromosomal mutation that alters the shape of a particular
c. skin d. distal urethra drug-binding site
5) Which of the following is not a common mechanism by which c. receiving a gene that codes for an enzyme that destroys a
antifungal agents work? particular antibiotic
a. by binding with cell membrane sterols d. receiving a gene that codes for the production of a capsule
b. by blocking nucleic acid synthesis
keys : 1) a 2) a 3)b 4) c 5) c 6) c 7) c 8) d
c. by dissolving hyphae d. by interfering with sterol synthesis

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