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Ms Akza Mahmood

Numair Amin




About Topic:
The topic of my final year project is smart security system. Smart security system is designed
to improve the security and to protect the privacy. This system solves the problems of
security. First the system detects the face of the person then face normalization takes place in
which the unnecessary factors are reduced to enhance the recognition process then features of
the face will be extracted and matched with the previous ones to recognize the person.
Algorithms are implemented to train the system to recognize person. If the face is recognized
by the system the door will open but if the system does not recognize the person it will send
notification to the admin.

Name of Paper which I have Selected:

Implementation of security system for bank using open CV and RFID

Paper type And Institute

Journal Article (International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE))

Neeraja, Kona
Rao, Potu Rama Chandra
Maloji, Suman
Hussain, Mohammed Ali


In this era of technology security is the main problem. Old methods are easily compromised
and key or card is required to access the property face recognition is one of the best solution
to enhance the security system.opencv is used to detect and recognize the person when the
person comes infront of camera. In opencv Haar classifier is used extract the features from
human face and calculate the results on the basis of these results the system can recognize the

If the person is recognize then the door will be open and he have acccess to enter into the
building but if system detects unrecognized person thn the system will not provide any access
to the person.

Datasets of a person is required once the dataset is available the system will train oon the this
dataset and then system compare dataset with the person's face if both are identical the person
will be recognized by the system.

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