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LICEO OCTAVIO PAZ Evaluación cuarto periodo

Educación Preescolar, Básica Primaria, Básica y Media Año electivo:2020 Materia: Ingles Grado: Octavo

NAME: ___________________________________________________ GRADE: ___________

1) Paul and Carol ran into each other in the park. While they are talking, Carol asks him where
he is going this summer. Paul says:

a. I am thinking to go to Germany.
b. I am thinking of going to Germany.
c. I am thinking to going to Germany.
d. I am thinking of go to Germany

2) Carol is doing research on the book Moby Dick. She asks her literature teacher about the
author of this book. The teacher answers:

a. Moby Dick was writing by Herman Melville.

b. Moby Dick was write by Herman Melville.
c. Moby Dick was wrote by Herman Melville.
d. Moby Dick was written by Herman Melville.

3) Peter’s room smelled like cigarettes yesterday.

a. In the room somebody had been smoking.

b. Smoking had been somebody in the room.
c. Somebody had been smoking in the room.
d. In the room smoking had been somebody.

 Answer 4-6 based on the text.

The happiest person in England today is a professional, married man (4) ______ lives in the
southern part of the country. He owns a comfortable house and (5) ______ two cars. He has a
steady job in an office in London. (6) ______a hard day at work, he relaxes in front of the
television and watches a video with his two children.

4) Answer correctly 5) Answer correctly 6) Answer correctly

a. Which a. Has a. Then

b. Whose b. Having b. Later
c. Where c. Have c. After
d. who d. had d. Next

7) According to the picture, the man can.t get into the house because

a. the window is too big.

b. he is too tall.
c. he is too fat.
d. the window is too high.

 Answer 8-10 based on the text.

LICEO OCTAVIO PAZ Evaluación cuarto periodo
Educación Preescolar, Básica Primaria, Básica y Media Año electivo:2020 Materia: Ingles Grado: Octavo

Patrick and Pauline Peters got married six months ago and they are already famous for their
fights. Mrs. White, who lives opposite, says: ¡ (8) _______ I asked them nicely to stop fighting
because my baby couldn’t get to sleep, but they didn’t. Then my husband knocked at their door
and told them to stop. They threw a chair at him. (9) ________, we decided to call the police.
Mr. and Mrs. Peters admitted to the police (10) __________ they had been arguing. However,
they denied having thrown the chair.

8) Answer correctly 9) Answer correctly 10) Answer correctly

a. When a. Therefore a. Which

b. Before b. In this respect b. How
c. First c. In the same way c. What
d. Thus d. Besides d. that

 Answer 10-12 based on the text.

It is time to get away! Let yourself be enchanted by landscapes where clear, blue waters catch
the light of green hills and red rocks. Take in the clean, fresh air; enjoy the unusual; walk
through boutiques, museums, galleries and amusement parks, or simply relax as time passes
peaceful by... The province’s resorts offer all this, and more.

11) According to the text:

a. You usually visit provincial resorts.

b. You are going to hate our province’s resorts.
c. You are marvellous for province’s resorts.
d. You can be marvelled by province’s resorts.

12) The most appropriate title for this text:

a. Summer Vacation
b. A Natural Park
c. Western Places
d. A Luxurious City

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