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Mayam 2.

0 – Setup Notes
1.Download and extract the .Zip file.

2.When launching the application first time, remove the .Mayam folder.

3. For Linux 64 bit machines, replace lib/ file with

/lib/amd64/ file.

4. Execute file for Linux and Mac,batch file for Windows.

5. Preferences : The gear icon in top right provides access to the preferences.

6. Set up new servers.

Previews in Main screen will be enabled only if Previews checkbox is selected and
wado information configured.

For each server a new tab will be appeared in Main screen.

7. Quick Search : Search filters can be created and assigned a name that appears as a
button on the Main screen. (Users would be able to arrange the buttons in desired
order in Preferences which will be reflected in Main screen )

• Today CT : (Current date will be used as “Study Date” filter & “CT” will be
used as “Modality” filter)
• All US : (“Modality” filter - “US”)

Quick Search Filters will be shown as buttons on the Main screen

8. Modalities : Provision to configure the needed modalities.

9.Presets : Users would be able to configure the needed presets.

10.Themes : User can opt a UI theme from the list of themes. Default is “Nimrod”.

11.Listener : The Listener Configuration can be modified (if needed). Listener will
be restart automatically.
12.Previews (Main screen) : Thumbnail previews could be viewed by clicking once in query
result. 3 Thumbnails (First,Middle,Last) would be displayed in Main screen.Thumbnails are
displayed series-wise.

13.Previews (Viewer) : Thumbnails preview and current image indicator can be viewed in viewer
screen. Provision to change the thumbnail view (First/All/First,Middle,Last)

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