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Lesson Plan:​ English Language Arts

Teacher Standards demonstrated in this lesson:

NCTE/NCATE Standards for Initial Preparation of Teachers of Secondary English

Language Arts, Grades 7-12.

I. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of English language arts subject matter content

that specifically includes literature and multimedia texts as well as knowledge of the
nature of adolescents as readers.

II. Candidates demonstrate knowledge of English language arts subject matter content
that specifically includes language and writing as well as knowledge of adolescents as
language users.

III. Candidates plan instruction and design assessments for reading and the study of
literature to promote learning for all students:

IV. Candidates plan instruction and design assessments for composing texts (i.e., oral,
written, and visual) to promote learning for all students.

V. Candidates plan, implement, assess, and reflect on research-based instruction that

increases motivation and active student engagement, builds sustained learning of
English language arts, and responds to diverse students’ context-based needs.

Curriculum Standards Addressed:

Maryland College and Career Ready Standards

RL.9-10.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text
says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

RL.9-10.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its
development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and
refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.

RL.9-10.3 Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting
motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and
advance the plot or develop the theme.

SL.9-10.1 Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions

(one-on-one, in groups, and teacherled) with diverse partners on grades 9-10 topics,
texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and
L.9-10.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and
phrases based on grades 9-10 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of

L.9-10.6 Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and
phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career
readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when
considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression
Name: ​Seham Sebiti Grade:​ 10th

Unit: ​Novel Study Time Allotted:​ 47


Lesson Topic: ​Vocabulary Comprehension

Type of Lesson: ​Developmental

Context for Learning:

In this class, I have a total of 23 students, of which there are 8 females and 15 males: 4
Hispanic females, 1 Asian female, 3 Caucasian females, 8 African American males, 3
Hispanic males, 1 Asian male, 3 Caucasian males. Four out of the 23 students have
IEPs. 8 out of the 23 students are ELLs. Students have been reading​ Lord of the Flies
by William Golding. Through the immense amount of descriptions and imagery
throughout the text, students are encountering vocabulary words they do not recognize.
Due to this, they have been completing a vocabulary worksheet with each chapter in
which they identify 10 words they did not previously understand and use them in a
sentence. In order to practice this skill they are developing, in this lesson students will
read a supplemental text relating themes of the book to the anthropology of our world as
we know it and the social strata we are immersed in. As we read, students will identify
positive and negative effects of tribalism as well as words they do not recognize. By the
end of the lesson, students will have practiced their ability to actively read by pausing
when they do not understand the text as a result of words they did not recognize.

Objectives (measurable and observable):

The student will be able to determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are
used in the text. The student will be able to analyze the significance of a text in its
historical and/or cultural context. The student will be able to analyze how complex
characters develop over the course of a novel, interact with other characters, and
advance the plot or develop the theme.


● Copy of ​Lord of the Flies

● Packet Including:
○ Article: The Madness of Humanity Part 3: Tribalism by Marcelo Gleiser for
○ Text Dependent Questions
○ Discussion Questions
● Highlighters
● Writing Utensil (pencil or pen)
● Copies of Word Map
● Chromebook

Proactive Behavior Management:

I have taken into consideration my students’ diverse learning styles and personalities.
The classroom desks are arranged in tables so that students are already seated in
groups. A list of our class expectations are posted in the front of the classroom, easily
accessible so that all students can see and if need be I can easily refer to them at any
moment. If I have noticed that some students distract each other or disturb each other, I
will make changes to the seating chart and some students will get new assigned seats.
Students will be given the option to work together or independently. If some students
choose to work independently, they can sit in a quiet corner of our room to get their
work done. Also, students will be informed that if working together they will remain on
task and any inappropriate or off task behavior will result in the students working
independently. Noise cancelling headsets are available to students who may need it as
well as weighted blankets and fidgets.

Provisions for Student Grouping:

Since the classroom desks are already arranged in tables with 3 or 4 students sitting at
each table, transitioning to group work is easy. By now I know my students pretty well,
every quarter seating assignments change so I have a better understanding of which
students work well with each other. In other words, the students will be grouped
together based on my knowledge of each student’s ability level, learning style, and
personality. After our warm up and discussion, I will ask students to raise their hands if
they want to work in a group or if they want to work independently. Based on how many
hands are raised to work independently, I will know which of my students to direct to the
quiet corner in our room.

Warm-Up/Opening (may be Motivator): 5 minutes
As students make their way into class, I will ask them to have nothing on their desks
besides their chromebook, books, writing utensil and highlighters. If students do not
highlighters, they will be available in the back of the room to borrow. For our bell ringer,
students will brainstorm what the word tribe means to them. We have a daily bell ringer
assignment in Google Classroom. I will have the bell ringer question up on the board
and I will read the question to the class. I will guide students with questions like: what
does the word tribe mean to you? Would you label your friend group as a tribe? What
do tribes do? This will help students dig deeper and provide more detail in their

Motivator/Bridge: 10 minutes

After a few minutes I will ask students to turn in their bell ringer and direct their attention
to the board. We will shift focus to our text, ​Lord of the Flies​. We will discuss ideas
based on the
question: who are the tribes in our book? I will ask students to think about their answers
to the bell ringer activity. My goal is to tie this lesson to their everyday life and
experiences so as to make the lesson more relatable and authentic. I will then go over
the objective for the day, which will be displayed on the board. After going over the
objective, I will model how to complete a word map. They will be doing this after reading
the article and after they answer the questions in the packet. I will go through the entire
word map with them so they can see what I expect. I will also write down the dictionary
definition of tribalism on the board and ask students to write it on the top of the packets
they will receive. ​Tribalism: the behavior and attitudes that stem from strong loyalty to
one's own tribe or social group.​ Following this discussion, I will hand out packets to
each student including the article we are going to read as well as text dependent
questions and discussion questions.

Procedural Activities: 30 minutes

After we have discussed the warm-up and tied it to our real lives and the book we are
reading, I will begin to discuss the assignment. Students will have a packet in front of
them containing an article, discussion questions and text dependent questions. I will
read to them the top of the article which is a short summary of what the text is and then
students will read the article independently or with a partner. As they read, they should
highlight vocabulary words they do not recognize, circle positive effects of tribalism and
underline negative effects of tribalism. After students have finished reading, I will then
reread the text to them so as to ensure we have all read through the text. Next, students
will answer the text-dependent questions. They can work with the person next to them
or choose to work alone. Once they have completed the questions, students will go to
the counter in which all extra materials are kept and take copies of word maps (as many
as needed). They can use their devices to search the definitions of the words. After
students have completed their definitions, we will go over the text-dependent questions
discussing why certain answers were incorrect. Next, we will have a whole class
discussion of our reading: What did you circle as the positive effects of tribalism? What
did you underline as the negative effects? Why? Next, we will turn to the questions
labeled “Discussion Questions” in their packets. We will use them in our whole class
discussion. Students should be taking notes throughout this discussion on their own
packets. Lastly, I will ask students to make predictions as to which tribe will come out on
top in our book.


In this class there are four IEP students who require notes sent home. For these
students I will
have a packet that is already filled out with footnotes addressing higher level vocabulary
Additionally, all students will be provided with the option of using a device from our class
set to
search their vocabulary words in the event that they do not have a device. For the
entirety of
the class, I will be walking around to ensure that students are on task and to address
any questions. For my ELL students, I have arranged their seats so that they are sitting
next to students who will be able to help them. Also, for all my students there is an
option for them to have the text read to them through the text to speech application on
their chromebooks. I am happy to accommodate any and all of my students to best
meet their diverse learning styles.


Formative assessment​ – In order to assess student progress and check for learning I
will be using their participation and warm-ups. Through participation I will be able to see
which students are really understanding the material and which students may still be
confused. Additionally, I could use their bell ringer activity as a way to check for
Summative assessment​ - The packet that students complete in class will be used as a
summative assessment. Students will either work together or independently to complete
the packet and practice their word maps. The final assessment of this activity will
involve: the students’ word map and completion of the packet.


Since this is a developmental lesson, I will review with my students as we are going
over the packet together as a class. I will offer time to students who may need to ask
questions about the word maps or anything else related to our novel.

Generalization/Extension Activity:

No extension activity is required since it will take most of my students the entire period
to complete the packet and their word maps. Word maps will be assigned for homework
along with their reading so as to practice and improve students vocabulary.


The homework for this lesson will be to continue reading from our novel and find 5
words that you don’t understand to create a word map. This will be collected the
following day.


I believe one of the biggest challenges I encountered was making sure that I am
reaching those students who need accommodations and students who have different
learning styles. Developing this lesson plan gave me an understanding of how much
time, thought, and effort needs to go into every lesson in order to enhance the learning
experience of each individual student. I strived to make this lesson as engaging and
interesting as possible. My decision to give students the choice to work together or
independently was based on the importance of allowing students to learn through their
preferred learning method. I wanted students to complete this packet in order to help
them practice thinking more actively as they read. I believe modeling the word map is
something that is super important because if they know my expectations I will hopefully
run into no problems when they actually attempt to do it on their own. I also think it is a
good idea for me to read the text out loud to the class after they have read for those of
my students who need to hear it being read and for my ELL students.
It was a challenge to consider the different modifications that needed to be made in
order for all my students to be successful during this lesson. I found myself thinking of
an idea and then realizing that it would be great for part of the class and not great for
the other part. I had to really put myself in the shoes of my students and try to come up
with ways to help them be successful learners in my classroom.
In order to make this a more fun and interesting activity for all students, I provided them
with the option to work together or independently. I made sure to provide options for
different abilities, talents, or personality types.
Word Map:

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