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I. Why do Filipinos celebrate Christmas and new year the longest?

a. Filipinos have the innate need to be with family members, we are a community
embedded with familism deep in our veins. On the other hand, we are also one of
two predominantly Catholic countries in Asia (the other one being East Timor)
with the greatest faith to it to the point of mixing the beliefs from it to everything
we do, ranging from politics to family traditions and other things.

With those aforementioned things said, it is no wonder why Filipinos are known
to celebrate the longest Christmas in the whole world, because Christmas is the
perfect time for family members to come together, celebrate and strengthen
bonds by eating, giving gifts and even by going to the church at the latest/earliest
time possible in the middle of midnight or “Simbang gabi”.

According to In the Philippines, the Christmas season kicks

off on September 1st or the start of the so-called ‘BER months’, more than three
months before the actual Christmas day. Christmas songs start playing on the
radio and in the malls, holiday promos from airlines pop up, invitations from
friends and family to get together and eat out start coming in, and Christmas
trees, balls, and lights now occupy every department store’s racks – literally
“The most simple explanation for the Philippines’ long Christmas season is our
psychological framework to count down the days to big celebrations,” said Bro.
Sorita. “100 days until Christmas start on September 16th but we, Filipinos, we
always like to start celebrating earlier.”

“By knowing exactly how much time we have remaining to complete a task,
instead of stressing about it, we will be able to better allocate our time. In fact, a
100-day countdown also acts as a secondary motivator and reinforces us
Filipinos to complete our Christmas tasks before the big day.”
In other words, our brains are hardwired to think of the months ahead of
Christmas as a chance to buy gifts, to put up the Christmas tree and other
decorations, to plan the Noche Buena, and to schedule Christmas parties.

Most importantly, we use this time to get together with family, friends, and
colleagues we haven’t seen all year over good food just like how our ancestors
did. Probably the reason why this tradition has been successfully passed on from
generation to generation.

In conclusion, we Filipinos celebrates Christmas the longest because we

hardwired ourselves to do so, to prepare at the earliest time possible, to prepare
at the star of the “ber” months, because we love celebrating, preparing and
enjoying things with family members, and Christmas gives us the perfect reason
to do so.

II. What is the connection of anthropology and sociology?

a. First before we discuss the connection of anthropology and sociology, let us
define them. According to Des Manuscrits de Sieyès. 1773–1799. The word
sociology (or "sociologie") is derived from both Latin and Greek origins. The Latin
word: socius, "companion"; the suffix -logy, "the study of" from Greek, lógos,
"word", "knowledge". It was first coined in 1780 by the French essayist
Emmanuel-Joseph Sieyès.
On the other hand, according to the history of anthropology from the 18th to the
19th century. The abstract noun anthropology is first attested in reference to
history. Its present use first appeared in Renaissance Germany in the works of
Magnus Hundt and Otto Casmann. Their New Latin anthropologia derived from
the combining forms of the Greek words ánthrōpos ("human") and lógos
In other words, sociology is the study of societies or people of companion or
living in a community in terms of development, structure, and functioning of
human society. Meanwhile, anthropology literally means the study of humans,
Anthropology is the study of what makes us human, it study us in terms of human
behavior and societies in the past and present.
The key difference between the two social sciences is that sociology
concentrates on society while anthropology focuses on culture.
But ultimately, they are hand in hand with each other, what connects them is that
both of them study humans and how they interact and behave with their
environment and the society they live in.

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