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Angeles University Foundation

College of Business and Accountancy

Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan

Ni: Emilio Aguinaldo

Group 4

Torres, Alfon

Olano, Reinne

Dumadapat, Christine

Bareras, Tristan
Background of the author/creator

Emilio Aguinaldo was born in Kawit, Cavite, on March 22, 1869, the second to youngest
of eight children of Carlos Jamir Aguinaldo and Trinidad Famy- Aguinaldo. The Aguinaldos
were a wealthy and influential family with Carlos being gobernadicillo (municipal governor) for
several terms. He studied at Colegio de San Juan de Letran but wasn't able to finish his studies
due to outbreak of cholera in 1882. Aguinaldo followed his father, Emilio became the "Cabeza
de Barangay" of Binakayan, a chief barrio of Cavite el Viejo, when he was only 17 years old to
avoid conscription. In 1895 the Maura Law that called for the reorganization of local
governments was enacted. At the age of 25, Aguinaldo became Cavite el Viejo's first
"gobernadorcillo capitan municipal" (Municipal Governor-Captain) of Kawit in 1894. Months
later, he joined the Katipunan by choosing the Magdalo. Aguinaldo was elected as a president in
pamahalaang panghihimasik in Bario Tejeros, San Francisco de Malabon on March 22, 1897.
He studied at Colegio de San Juan de Letran but wasn't able to finish his studies due to outbreak
of cholera in 1882. Emilio Aguinaldo was the 1st president in the republic of the Philippines the
year of January 20, 1899-April 1, 1901.He proclaimed philippine independence at kawaa(kawit)
on June 12, 1898.
Aguinaldo was the first and youngest president of the Philippines. In addition to that, he
was also a noted general who played a key role in the country’s revolt against its Spanish rulers
as well as fighting against the occupation by the United States. His military abilities saw him
featured heavily in the Philippine-American War that eventually led to the country’s
independence. His time in power remains controversial as he was both a renowned freedom
fighter and a dictatorial leader.
Unlike many of the other Katipunan rebels, Aguinaldo’s men had the ability to meet the
colonial forces in pitched battle. As a result, they were able to repel them from Cavite. This,
though, brought them into conflict with supporters of Bonifacio, who was by now the self-
proclaimed president of the Republic of the Philippines. An election was held between the two
factions in Tejeros in March 1897. Alguinado claimed victory, although there were suggestions
of ballot fraud and Bonifacio rejected the result. Aguinaldo responded by having Bonifacio and
his brother arrested. In May, they were executed for treason and sedition.
Historical background of the document

Between 1928 and 1946, Emilio Aguinaldo produced in long hand the first volume of his
memoirs, entitled “Mga Gunita ng Himagsikan (1964),” translated from the original Tagalog as
“Memoirs of the Revolution” (1967). In his preface Aguinaldo says the memoirs were based on a
diary he kept, documents he preserved, and family lore gathered from his elders.

Content presentation and analysis of the important historical information found in the

On September 1, 1896, Jose Tagle asks Emilio Aguinaldo to help him in invading the
Spaniards in Imus Cavite. So Aguinaldo Create his strategy in invading the Spaniards, since it is
his first time to make strategies he failed. His first attempt was to save the rectory he tasks the
group of General Baldomero Aguinaldo to go to the north and the group of Captain Municipal
Tagle was task to go to south. So Aguinaldo again gathers his soldier and divides them again into
three groups to surround the north and south of the hacienda of Imus. With that plan they win the

On the other hand, On December 30, 1896, Jose rizal was imprisoned in Puerto Santiago,
Manila and punished por felibusterismo court-martial. Aguinaldo with the help of Bonifacio
attempt to save Rizal, however Don Paciano Rizal, said that they should bot save Rizal to avoid
the death of many soldier. So they didn’t pursue the plan.

Also in December 30 the Katipunans in pateros ask the help of Aguinaldo to attack the
camp of Cazadores in Tagiik. They enter Pateros but unfortunately Frayle Mariano Corcuera
gave himself for others to be saved. As their opponents came from Pasig, The group of
Aguinaldo give gunshots which result of the retreat of their enemies.

General Artemio Ricarte and General Mariano Reigo De Dios have been delayed to come
on the right time to fuse with General Aguinaldo. They arrived in Escribano and they established
three camps. The next day, the Cazadores arrived in Escribano, the group of Inferteria Filipino
was the first to fight in Cazadores. Though, a lot of them were dying they still continue to fight
but soon they retreat because of loss of men. Therefore the group of Commander Julian
Montalban continues the fight which results to the decrease of the men of Cazadores. However,
the group of Coronel Lucas Camerino was defeated by General Zabala bringing artillery and they
started to invade Aguinaldo groups that are why they retreat this battle result to the 400 loss of
their soldier. Aguinaldo ask help to the president of Magdalo in Imus since they can’t handle the
opponent but no one is coming because the there’s a nonstop battle in Zapote. Therefore,
Aguinaldo decided to go to San Nicholas to bring some soldier. When he arrived he saw that the
town was a devastated because the opponents have entered the Molino. When he saw General
Pio Del Pilar he persuades the general to come with him to San Nicholas for them to meet the
opponent in Molina. They meet the opponent while they were walking and the battle between
them started and the opponent turn back which result to the victory of General Del Pilar.
Aguinaldo also didn’t fail to bring some soldier in Dasmarinañas since General Pio Del Pilar
dropped his four groups to Aguinaldo to go to Dasmariñas.

The invasion and victory of the rebel in Pasong Santol, Aguinaldo with the team of
Coronel Janolino was entering the side area and they start to fire guns but the opponents fires
back which results to loss of soldiers, still they continue to fight. As they enter the hardest area of
the column, Coronel Yenko and General Garcia started to conquer. And they succeeded in
Pasong Santol.

It’s almost two weeks when they were not being attack by the opponent it is because of
the battle happened in Pasong Santol and the cotra ataque in Silang and Escribano that drives the
Spanish which result to the resignation of Captain General Polavieja. General Lachambre
became the temporary Captain General until the arrival of new Captain General Don Fernando
Primo De Rivera and demanded 15,000 of infantry of Cazadores in Spain.
The assembly of the Magdiwang and Magdalo which was held in Hacienda of Tejeros,
San Francisco De Malabon in March 22 which was led by Andres Bonifacio. The election for
president has only two candidates the Haring Bayan Andres Bonifacio and General Emilio
Aguinaldo. After the election came out General Emilio Aguinaldo, was the elected as the
President. For the Vice-President Supremo Andres Bonifacio was nominated again, but he was
defeated by The Minister of Grace and Justice General Mariano Trias. Following the election for
Captain General, former Captain Santiago Alvarez, and General Artemio Ricarte were
nominated. Although General Ricarte objected to his election, he was withdrawn and after that it
follows the proclamation for him.In the Secretary of War, Supremo Andres Bonifacio was once
again a candidate and his rival was General Mariano Riego de Dios the Minister of Development
in Magdiwang. The Supremo was defeated, and this was his third defeat in the election.

In the Secretary of Interior, Supremo Andres Bonifacio once again entered the
candidacy and his opponent was his two Magdiwang Ministers, Mr. Severino De Las Alas
and Mr. Diego Mojica. In this election Supremo Andres Bonifacio succeeded, and as a
custom he was proclaim as Secretary of Interior. But General Daniel Tirona opposes and said
"It does not suit Supremo Andres Bonifacio, because he is not a lawyer, and Attorney Jose del
Rosario deserve the position” and this is where the disturbance in the assembly started.

The memoirs of the revolution revealed a lot of untold stories behind the Philippine
history. It gives the readers a prior knowledge on what are the specific events that happened
during the colonization of the Spanish and Americans. The memoirs of the revolution also
focused on the war strategies that were developed by the katipunans. It also explained the
difference between the two factions which are the Magdalo and Magdiwang faction. Emilio
Aguinaldo’s point of view gives a different, yet not well-known, view of how American
imperialism was established in the Philippines through the eyes of the Philippines' first president,
Emilio Aguinaldo. He is credited for leading the revolution against Spanish rule, which the
filipinos had endured for over 300 years.

In good faith, Aguinaldo joined forces with the US to defeat Spain and drive the Spanish
from the islands, only to be betrayed by the Americans. Notably, Aguinaldo also worked
vigorously to remove the US from the islands and give the Philippines true independence.

Contribution and relevance of the document in understanding the grand narrative of Phil.

The memoirs of the revolution gave us essential information that we need to know during
the foreign colonization. Giving its readers a brief preview on the important events that happened
in the Philippine history. It also specified some details that are helpful in understanding the
situations of the Filipino people under the Spanish regime.
Events in our minds continues to build up and as we go through we found out that they
were all connected. Since we read first the different accounts in the Tejeros assembly we do not
have any background about what happen before that, we didn’t know who were those people
elected and we can’t thoroughly judge the way they act, like the actions of Daniel Tirona and
Andres Bonifacio. This document tells the things that those people done before the Tejeros
assembly. We also realize that Aguinaldo is fit for being the president. Hence, before the
assembly he was able to win the battle in Pasong Santol and the contra ataque in Silang and
Escribano that drives the Spanish which result to the resignation of Captain General Polavieja
with that , Aguinaldo have the quality that president of revolutionary government should

Learning experience

This Document of Emilio Aguinaldo taught me that more about our history. That it
tickles our minds to read more about Philippine history, on how our heroes change our lives
today also made me prove that it is indeed need to study our past. Because it will teach us lessons
that only past events will teach us. In addition, it also becomes a motivation to be like them. Just
like Emilio Aguinaldo’s number of battles won, such as the battle in Pasong Santol and the
Contra Ataque in Silang. It comprehends us that we are very lucky today because of what our
heroes done in the past. The sacrifices and hardships of the Filipino men in achieving the
country’s freedom against the foreign colonizers. We need to be thankful for them in sacrificing
their own lives for the sake of our country. Just imagine Philippines if it wasn’t defensed by our
heroes. We guess if that happened, we are still under the colonialism of other country.
Who are the parents of Emilio Aguinaldo?

Carlos Jamir Aguinaldo and Trinidad Famy- Aguinaldo.

At what age does Aguinaldo became Cavite el Viejo's first "gobernadorcillo capitan municipal" ?

At the age of 25

Where does his memoirs based from?

Diary he kept, documents he preserved, and family lore gathered from his elders.

Who was imprisoned in Puerto Santiago, Manila and punished por felibusterismo court-martial?

Jose rizal

Who attack the camp of Cazadores in Tagiik in December 30?

Emilio Aguinaldo

Who was with Aguinaldo in the invasion and victory of the rebel in Pasong Santol

The team of Coronel Janolino

Who resign because of the battle happened in Pasong Santol and the cotra ataque in Silang and

Captain General Polavieja

Who act as the temporary Captain General?

General Lachambre

Where and when was the assembly of the Magdiwang and Magdalo held?

Hacienda of Tejeros, San Francisco De Malabon in March 22

Who was elected as vice president at the tejeros assembly?

General Mariano Trias

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