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DS reports - tables with standard and custom metrics

Data Studio has such functionality as data blending, therefore it's possible to add in 1 table standard metric + metric with filter/segment applied.
The functionality is useful as it shows detailed insights that can help to understand the differences between the performance of segment vs
overall website performance. The same functionality can be used to compare 2 and more segments as well.

Instructions (based on the example)

Task: Create a table in which would be 2 metrics:

column_1 = amount of all sessions

column_2 = amount of sessions from only Organic traffic.

How to do this?

1. Create 2 tables - 1 with standard metric + 1 with the same metric + filter (rename this metric, so you would recognise it) -> http://prntscr.
2. Click right side of mouse and choose "Blend Data" ->
3. You'll have a new table with both metrics->
4. Don't forget to clean the table and leave the needed metrics.

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