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Animal Farm Chapters 1&2 Quiz

Q. What term does Old Major use to address the animals?

Friend Comrade Enemy Com-padre

Q. Who owns Manor Farm?

Boxer Old Major Mr. Jones Mr. Pilkington

Q. What motto does Major give the animals?

"Four legs good, two legs bad" "Animals good, man bad"
"I will work harder" "Work or don't eat"

Q. What song do the animals sing?

"England Revolt" "Animals of the Land"
"All hail the Animal" "Beasts of England"

Q. How does Moses, the raven, cause problems?

He challenges Napoleon for power. He tells the story of Sugarcandy Mountain.
He fights Boxer for hardest worker. He tells the story of Old Major wrong.

Q. Once the animals have rid themselves of humans, what is the first thing that they do
with materials humans used "against" them?
saved as relics of the past. Nothing
The materials were burned. They were used against the humans.

Q. What do the pigs teach themselves to do?

talk in English vote build barns read and write

Q. Who has the honor of writing the new commandments on the wall?
Snowball Napoleon Boxer Clover

Q. What is the one fate that no animal will escape according to Old Major?
Retirement Rest Taxes Death

Q. How does life on the farm become more difficult (before the rebellion)?
Mr. Jones gives them too much food. Mr. Jones doesn't give them any milk.
Mr. Jones doesn't feed the animals Life is perfect for the animals.
Q. After the death of Old Major, what do the other pigs turn his ideas into?
Animalism Pigism Marxism Racism

Q. How do the animals feel about Major?

The animals make fun of Major The animals ignore Major
The animals respect Major The animals hate Major

Q. Major describes the current life of animals as -------------------------

Happy Miserable Unimportant The Best Ever

Q. What does Major mean when he says "no animal escapes the cruel knife"?
The farmer will kill all the animals. Knives are dangerous.
Animals are slow. He didn't say that.

Q. Where does this story take place?

At a zoo On a farm In a city In Zootopia

Q. Why did the meeting with Old Major come to an end?

Old Major died.
The owner of the farm fired a gun.
The animals fell asleep after seeing the new song over and over.
The animals decided to storm the farmhouse.
Q. Complete the statement from old 
Major.  "All men are _______.  All animals are ________."
murderers /  equal
enemies / comrades
capitalists /  laborers

Q. Which of the following ideas is NOT included in Major's philosophy?

Never resemble Man No animal must ever sleep in a house
All the habits of man are evil All animals shall produce the same amount of work
Q. By the end of the chapter, which animals are the most intelligent and have almost
memorized the entire song?
Horse and pigs Pigs and Dogs Hens and geese

Q. Why does Snowball tell Mollie she can't wear ribbons? 

Ribbons symbolize slavery 
Ribbons are bad for your health 
All ribbons were taken by Mr. Jones
Ribbons make you stand out from everyone else

Q. What does Orwell mean when he says Squealer can "turn black into white"?
Squealer is a good painter 
Squealer is good at magic 
Squealer is a good speaker
Squealer is a good friend 

 Q.What appears to be missing when the animals return from the fields?
The buckets of milk
The bags of barley and oats
Mollie the cart horse and Moses the raven
The keys to the farmhouse and gun cabinet.

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