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Nutrition 203, Cultural Aspects of Foods and Nutrition, taught me a lot about the

nutrition and eating habits of different cultures. This class was different from other nutrition

classes, because we learned about other cultures, rather than the fundamentals of nutrition itself.

It was very interesting to learn the different food patterns of other cultures and the way that

certain aspects influence them, such as religion, social aspects, and ethnic influences. I will use

the information learned in this class in the future with my career because I will potentially work

with individuals from different cultures and it will be necessary to understand their influences in

eating patterns.

The activity that stood out the most to me was the Cultural Cuisine Project. I had a lot of

fun making this project because we were to choose a dish from another culture, learn about it,

and make the dish. This allowed us to try and learn about a dish that wasn’t necessarily familiar

to us, which was great. This project also allowed us a lot of creativity because we were allowed

to make a video, which is what I did.

This course was taught fully online, so we were able to watch the lectures at our own

pace throughout the week, which I thought to be really great for me. The lectures were very easy

to understand and they were also really entertaining to watch. I liked this class a lot because it

taught us a lot about other cultures cuisines, which we don't typically get to learn much about in

other classes. I really enjoyed this class and would recommend it to any other major other than

nutrition as well.

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