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In ENS 434, Promoting Physical Activity and Healthy Eating, I learned about strategies

of lifestyle coaching and how to positively work with individuals in order to create positive

change. We also learned about positive ways to promote healthy lifestyle changes and behaviors

to other individuals when working with them. The information I learned in this class will be

important to take on with me into my future because we learned a lot of different strategies of

working in a successful way with other individuals. In this field, whether during my internship or

my career as an RD, I will always be working to help others, so it is important to know how to

speak with them to promote healthy changes and a positive environment.

The part of the class that stood out to me the most were the TopHat questions we were to

do throughout the class on our own time. We had reading and questions to do each week on

TopHat, which really familiarized us with the information learned so that we were set up to

really learn the material and do well on exams. The exams were more about critical thinking so

we really had to absorb and know the material well, so the TopHat questions and readings before

lecture really helped me do just that.

This class was a large in person lecture, but we also did have the TopHat readings and

questions online. The lecture was in a very large lecture hall with a lot of people, so it was hard

to ask any questions we had during class. There were TA’s that were very helpful and willing to

answer any questions we had. They would help us with and send us review questions before

exams which was really nice and helpful.

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