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Activity 1

1. What negative aspects are related to professional sport?

It is obvious that sports have been relevant throughout these years because of this,
professional athletes are also thriving.
Behind the popularity and fame of professional sports are negative aspects that we cannot
recognize easily. Many people have observed that money has begun to overshadow the actual
talent involved with sports. The focus is on what comes from playing sports: fame and
fortune and not on the actual game, their talents, and skills. In addition to this, the behavior,
and the way some professional athletes project themselves has begun to inspire viewers and
followers negatively. When they play sports they solely think of the money to be made, not
learning or discipline, this influence others to be selfish and not be a team player. It is
diminishing the morals and traditions of sports. Along with this, sports can produce an
unhealthy level of stress in a child, particularly a child who is pushed to excel and who feels
a failure with every loss and the desire to win can lead some young athletes to turn to
harmful, illegal substances.
These are only a few disadvantages that are related to professional sports.

2. Do you know any sportsmen/sportswomen who were banned from sports competition
because of doping?
Lance Armstrong was a Tour de France cyclist who won the race seven years in a row - but
had those victories stripped from him after it was found he had been taking drugs to help his
performance during this time.  He also received a lifetime ban from competing in all sports
which follow the World Anti-Doping code.

3. What are the reasons for doing professional and amateur sports?
Sports, in general, contribute a lot to the body. It improves heart function, reduces the risks of
diabetes, controls blood sugar, and lowers tension and stress levels. People participate in
sports intending to become physically fit and healthy later, they perceive sports as
pleasurable therefore becoming athletes.
Athletes play sports for themselves, simply because they love the game, and because they
want to make their community proud. People are interested in sports because it provides
various long-term opportunities such as scholarships, or later on playing
professional sports for a living. 


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