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The Importance of Sport

Have you ever thought why people take part in sports? Many people seem do
not know the reasons. As we know, there are many people who do sports for nothing
around us. We can encounter with these people every day. They regularly do sports
but however, none of them realizes the importance of sports. In fact, some people
want to be fit and attractive, look smart. Unfortunately, these people can’t consider
other importance of sports. In my opinion, there are several importance of sports that
people often do not consider that are, to lead people to be healthy and be fit to help
people enhance their social life, and help to improve our country’s economy.

The first importance of sports for people is to lead us to be healthy and be fit.
Throughout history, people can’t give up their interest at their body. I believe that
now many people love themselves no matter how beautiful or ugly they are.
Naturally, people’s first aim should be healthy and fit with the benefits of sports due
to this fact that sports keep our body healthy. In addition people can prevent disease
and release stress when doing sports. For an example, imagine that there is a car
which has not worked for years. If you try to run the motor engine, it will not work
anymore since it has been rusted and its engine may be broken down. As a result,
people are similar to engines and motors. If we don’t do sport, we will become weak.
In other words, decomposition of our body, afterwards we may have some problems
with our body when we need to take a small walk. In addition, sports balance our
body’s blood pressure and circulation. According to many research that have been
done by scientist, 70% of middle aged people who did not do sport in their youth are
now struggling with the problem such as high tension, trouble with blood circulation,
and easily become tired due to the lack of sports. As have been said by Howard
Cosell, sports are human life in microcosm.

The second importance of sports for people is it will help people to enhance
their social life. For many years, sports have been done by people everywhere. For
example, have you ever thought why people want to play football or other games?
The answer may be easy since sports are an entertaining activity. Most people find
enjoyment and pleasure when they playing sports. Sometimes, when we were facing
with problems, we will probably be motivated and be refreshed again after doing
sports activity. In sports, people will also make friends. Being involved in sports
requires us to meet with a lot of people. This is an opportunity for us to get to know
other people and have a good relationship with them. As sport as a positive activity,
it enhance people to do right activity but avoid bad and negative activity such as
taking drugs and vandalism. As a result, sports are most required activity for our
daily lives.

Lastly, sports also help to improve our economy. First of all, if we look at only
football industry, nowadays football is the world sport number one. People from all
over the world use to watch football at television or stadium. In fact, when a country
or team competing in sports at international level, this will introduce their team or
country to the world. For example, Manchester United Football Club and Spain
international team. It is a football club and team that are successful in this world now.
Because of their involvement in sports at international level, they become a well
known team. In addition, sports also encourage people to take part in sport. For
example, if we like to watch football games, we would like to try playing it. But the
truth is, people will only do sport when have an interest. Without an interest people
will only sit and exercise their eyes watching television at home.

As a conclusion, sports should be an importance part in our life. First, people

will be healthy and be fit when doing sports. Second, sports will help to enhance our
social life. Third, sports can help to improve our countries economies. In my opinion,
despite sports importance, many people can’t believe that sports are useful and
beneficial. I hope that in the future theses people will tend to be work optimistic about
sports since it is a necessity part of our lives if we want to be healthy.

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