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Playing a sport is often believed to be just a way to lose weight and gain muscle mass, but
others think that it actually has many more benefits, and every young person should do it. So,
what is right?

Firstly, one of the main advantages of playing a sport is the fact that it really enhances your
health; not only physically ( it helps you mantain a healthy weight, improves muscular strength
and endurance, etc.) but also in a mentally way. It is thought to improve your mood and
capacity of concentration. What is more, in recent years, research has found that playing a
sport can even develop mental functions such as memory and attention.

Secondly, playing a sport (especially a team sport) is said to teach you some important values
including solidarity, empathy, and team spirit. In addition, you also learn skills applicable to
daily life; for example in decision-making, due to the fact that you need to make fast decisions

when playing sports.

Thirdly, it is said that if you play a sport, you will meet people with the same hobbies than you.
This means making new friends easily.

In conclusion and according to me, if more young people were aware of sport benefits, there
would be a less sedentary population, which is a real problem nowadays.

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