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REG NO: R1711767


a) Discuss how participation in sport, health and wellness has impacted you
socially, morally, intellectually and physically.


The term “sport” is rooted in the old French word “desport” meaning leisure. Kagere
(2009) defined sports as organized, competitive and skilful physical activity that is
governed by a set of rules or customs which, through random or organized participation
are directed towards the expression or improvement of physical and mental well-being,
formation of social relations or achievement of results in competitions of all levels. Sport
can also be referred to all forms of physical activity that contribute to physical fitness,
mental wellbeing and interaction. All of this is regulated by rules or customs. The physical
activity includes movement of people and/or different objects (sport’s equipment). At the
same time, sport includes non-competitive activities, like: jogging, running, exercising,
swimming which are usually classified as recreation. It means using of time designed as a
physical, health and mental refreshment of the human body.

My participation in sport, health and wellness has impacted me socially, morally,

intellectually and physically.

Sports being an interactive activity has impacted me positively in my life because I
acquired effective communication skills. Working together in sports means expressing
myself in non-verbal cues for team plays and sharing winning ideas with my teammates in
a convincing manner and at the same time being a good listener. It is all about two-way
communication. Being exposed to constant responsiveness helped me to develop excellent
communication skills since I have been engaging with different people with different
perceptions and behaviors. Working with teammates has taught me important social life
skills such as to respect one another, act in unselfish ways and also to make good decisions
on behalf of the team. Sport also impacted me positively by facilitating my positive social
interaction, integration and friendship among people of diverse social economic and ethnic
groups. I also learnt to control my emotions and I can now be able to tackle other life
challenges. It also boosted my self-esteem and improved my patience since losing as a team
gave us power to practice more. However it impacted me negatively because I suffered
pear pressure because of engaging with different people with different perceptions.

My involvement in sport has impacted me positively because it taught me many important
values which can reshape the foundation of human society. It taught me moral values such
as fairness, teambuilding, equality, perseverance and respect. It also build my character,
developed my strategic thinking, analytical thinking, leadership skills, setting life goals
and how to achieve them. However, it impacted me negatively because I found out that
working as a team is sometimes difficult, conflicts arises in sport which are sometimes
difficult to solve.

Sport, health and wellness impacted me intellectually, scientifically it increases the levels
of neurotransmitters that may sometimes be depleted and releases relaxing and pleasure-
inducing endorphins (the body’s natural “happy chemicals) and also is has been discovered
that by exercising, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness might fades. According to
Newpot (2021, Physical exercise such as team sports has been shown to decrease symptoms
of anxiety. In a study of college students, those who were physically active reported higher
levels of excitement and enthusiasm as compared to those who were less active. Sport
positively helped me to boost thinking and memory indirectly by improving my mood and
stress. However it negatively impacted me, sometimes it was difficult to handle the
competitive and strenuous nature of playing and leads to stress sometimes because of losing
the game or injuries.

Sport, health and well-being helped me physically by helping me to maintain a healthy
body weight, losing excess body weight. Maintaining successful weight loss requires some
exercises. You gain weight when you consume more calories through eating and drinking.
Excess calories are burned during physical activity. It’s important to balance calories. Also,
heart disease and stroke are two of the leading causes of death in the world and hopefully
I reduced these risks even further with more physical activity because of sport. The
combination of running, walking, sprinting and kicking helped me with benefits including
increased stamina, improved cardiovascular health, reduced body fat, improved muscle
strength and tone and increased bone strength, however it impacted me negatively because
I suffered a long term injury on my left leg all because of sport.

b) Areas of weakness which you feel could or should have been improved by
your involvement in sport

Going to school was a pretty big challenge for me and my parents. My parents couldn't
fully afford the fee, and all the essentials things I needed to help me excel in school. My
parent struggled to pay my school fees and sometimes borrowed money to pay my fees.
During my involvement in sport my dream was to get a scholarship through sport to lessen
the burden on my parents, but because some point in time I didn’t take that opportunity
serous, eventually I failed to meet the requirements to seize that opportunity. I feel like if
I was able to utilize that opportunity very well my educational financial problems should
have been improved by my involvement in sport.
For many people around the world these are difficult times, many have lost their jobs, and
others are fretting about losing them. Every day we see more companies go bankrupt and
the whole world seems to be waiting for the crisis to end. But in the world of sport
everything is just fine people are earning a living through sport. I just think that my
involvement in sport could have been changed my way of living, because nowadays it is
difficult to find a job to put food on the table but a lot of people are doing it through sport.
Moreover I could have moved places through sport during the time I involved in sport.

Steps I intend to take to improve my rating through developing love for sports

The steps I intend to take to improve my rating through developing love for sports are as
follow, I am very good in athletics and I intend to look for an athletic scholarship. The first
step is to find out what I need for an admission to qualify for the scholarship, therefor I
have to work on demonstrating outstanding athletic performance and also I have to
demonstrate discipline, high motivation, and excellent knowledge of the sport. The second
step is to look for an athletic scholarship and I can find it on the internet. For an athletic
scholarship, it is important to have outstanding academic and athletic performance and to
make the right impression on the university coaches - after all, they are the ones who award
athletic scholarships. Competition for sports scholarships is very high, so as an athlete I
will need to demonstrate maximum discipline, motivation, energy and drive to win, as well
as an excellent knowledge of my sport, outstanding athletes, and their achievements. If I
want to make a living through sport then I will have to look for a sport academy. Once I
get enrolled and I should demonstrate discipline and showing excellent performance so that
I will find opportunities to make a living on it.

1) James S. Gordon, author of Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey Out of
2) The Social and Academic Benefits of Team Sports by Paige Maslen, December 29,
3) J Clinical Sports Psychol. 2021: 15(3): 268–287.
4) November 20, 2019 / By Will Murray / Kids
5) J Sports Sci Med. 2019 Aug 1;18(3):490–496.

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