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Bruno Croston

Aixa Nuñez

ENGL 102


How sports influence people’s life.

Even though playing sports can lead to serious injuries, sports can turn the life of anyone,

sports contribute positively towards a human physical, social and emotional development. The

Physical aspects of development has skills, health, socially and emotionally benefits

development. it increases health and decreases the risk of illnesses.

Sports are as system of activities based in physical athleticism or physical dexterity, with

major competitions such as the Olympic Games admitting only sports meeting this definition.

Sports in general help us develop a set of skills. Sports demand the full focus of a human, as it

concentrate on the task directly in front of them. This is an important skill that carries over in

life. Being able to fully focus on the task at hand, as well as have a short memory and leave

behind momentary failures of the past are important traits in all phases of life. Sports will

mentally sharpen and toughen us, so that we are ready to get whatever we must done but also

sports boosts confidence, success in sports is one of the most exhilarating feelings that we can all

experience. Whether it is netting a goal, scoring a touchdown, making a try in rugby, success

builds confidence, and gives us the hunger to gain more of it, winning is great for confidence for

the human brain, and once we have tasted that success, we will be eager to find more of it in all

phases of life.

Sports improve our health by doing exercise, in the process we burn calories and build

muscle, and even improves our hearth and prevent us from catching illnesses but sports have an

immense impact on a person’s daily life and health, they do not just give you an interesting

routine but also a healthy body. Getting indulged in physical activities like sports improves your

heart function, reduces the risks of diabetes, controls blood sugar and lowers tension and stress

level. It also brings positive energy, discipline, and other good qualities in your life. Playing

sports strengthens your body but also improves muscle memory and muscle coordination.

Sports bring a positive attitude in your life. They make your mind sharper and stronger.

Sports are fun to play, and they refresh your mind. Being good at sports makes you feel good,

accomplished, and boosts your self-esteem. Playing team sports also boost your strategy-making

ability and leadership. With the help of sports, you learn to make decisions quickly and

instinctively, this quick decision- making ability is of high use in every day in the human life.

life. Sports also teach you to stay calm and think with a cool mind and they also teach you to

make decisions in high-stress situations and self-control in moments without panicking or getting


But even though sports help improve our health, immune system, and make you more

skillful it is important to remember that sports help with our social and emotional health, because

in the process of exercising we liberate stress, we forget about private problems in our life, and

we concentrate in the sport or activity we are engaging. As previously mentioned, sport improves

emotional health and mood, when we are playing sports, working out at a gym, or taking a walk,

physical activity triggers brain chemicals that make you feel happier and more relaxed. Team

sports provide a chance to engage in a satisfying challenge that improves our fitness and they

also provide social benefits by allowing you to connect with teammates and friends in a

recreational setting. Taking part in physical activity and sport provides an opportunity to build

social connections, in real life, with the opportunity to work as part of a team and meet people

outside of our usual social circles. It can help children and young people develop social skills,

self-esteem, and pro-social behaviors. Sports generally

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