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Physical exercise is any physical activity that improves and maintains a person's

physical condition, health, and well-being.

It has advantages such as muscle strengthening, improvement of the cardiovascular
system, development of athletic and sports skills, loss or maintenance of fat, emotional
well-being, among others.
Physical exercise improves mental function, autonomy, memory, speed, body image
and sensation of well-being, and there is stability in personality characterized by
optimism, euphoria and mental flexibility.

Physical activity shifts the person's mind in more positive directions regardless of any
healing effect. An adequate exercise program strengthens the human psyche,
producing moderate but positive and continuous effects on certain depressive states,
anxiety and stress, and promotes psychological well-being. A person who exercises
through some sport will positively affect her mental health.

Physical exercise helps reduce the effects of aging and provides beneficial effects from
the physiological, psychological and social point of view. When physical activity
continues throughout life, the appearance and frequency of different chronic diseases,
both physical and mental, decreases. There are no age limits to the benefits of

To improve the cardiorespiratory system, aerobic exercise is recommended. To

strengthen joints and muscles, calisthenics is prescribed and, more advanced, to
increase strength, exercises with apparatus and weights. For a good exercise, it is not
recommended to do more than 20 minutes the first few weeks. As the body becomes a
habit of physical exercise, you can add more exercise time.

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