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All people think that sports only bring a physical and athletic benefit, but even if the sport is

only done once a week and contributes to an improvement in the body, since it starts already
has a psychological advantage as it reduces the feeling of stress, increases the feeling of
optimism, endorphins are released throughout the body during and after exercise, hormones
that after exercise cause a great welfare.

Physical exercise once a week helps self-regulation, so that its practice reduces the intensity of
emotions such as anger, aggression, anxiety and depression. In addition, it reduces the feeling
of fatigue, so that the person is perceived more energetic, with greater capacity for work, and
in cases a better sleep. All this in turn contributes to the person having a better self-concept,
i.e., improves self-esteem.

Sport improves the quality of life in all aspects: it prevents osteoporosis, increases the
strength, flexibility and resistance of muscles and reduces their deterioration over time. Those
who practice sports are more agile, with a greater sense of well-being, and, in addition, with a
higher level of autonomy, therefore, with a greater sense of youthfulness.

Although there are a variety of sports while some do more physical sports others prefer sports
that require only mental ability, where they do not require the strength of the body but now
that also contributes to avoid the fading of mental dexterity.

As more people start doing more exercise as soon as possible their lifestyle will improve, only
if, accompanied by a healthy diet, now that that is clear in case people want to start a healthier
and happier life they just have to do some sport.

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