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Appendix C


Of the
Central Negros Youth Adventist Federation (CNAYF)
Negros Occidental Conference


We, the Central Negros Adventist Youth Federation (CNAYF), entreating the guidance of our Almighty
God in order to institute among ourselves a federation of young Adventist people that shall embody the
ideals and doctrine of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, to attain strong spiritual unity among us; to
provide varied spiritual, social, mental and physical agenda; to encourage spiritual and leadership
excellence; and to preserve Christian individuality in humility and love as exemplified by our Savior and
Lord Jesus Christ, do hereby ordain and propagate this constitution.


This organization shall be known as the Central Negros Adventist Youth Federation (CNAYF).


Sec. 1.The objectives and purposes for which this organization is formed are:
a. To develop the spiritual strength of the youth encompassed within the Federation.
b. To encourage the Adventist Youth to hone their skills, talents, abilities, and
capabilities for the service of the Lord for them to be holistic leaders of God’s church
in the near future.
c. To inculcate a sense of mission orientation among the youth.
d. To deliver the Good News of Salvation in and out of the Church as God’s army and
workers in the field of harvest.
e. To set as an example among the believers and to the unbelievers in speech, in
conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.


Sec. 1. All baptized Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA) youth from all districts circumscribed within the
Federation are automatic members of CNAYF.
Sec. 2. Duties of a member – Every member shall have the following duties as follows:
a. Attend assemblies and general meetings conducted by the Federation.
b. Obey the rules and regulations/policies as stated in the Constitution and By-Laws.
c. Promote the objectives and purposes of this organization.
d. Observe Sabbath-keeping ordinance from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset.
Sec. 3. Right of a member – Every member of this organization has the following rights:
a. Take part in the deliberation/discussion during meetings.
b. Examine the record books, the minute books, and financial books.
c. Participate during elections.


Sec. 1. Regular General Meeting – Regular meeting for the general population of the Federation
should be held at least once a year (also called: CNAYF General Assembly).
Sec. 1.1 Officers’ Meeting—regular meetings should be held by the officers at least once
a month for deliberation of proposed programs and setting-up of future agenda for the benefit of
the Federation.
Sec. 2. Emergency Meeting - shall be called by the officers or as needed.
Sec. 3. Foundation Day – the CNAYF Anniversary/Foundation Day should be held annually at a
certain time and place as agreed by the officers and supported by the body.
Sec.4. Special Meeting- A special meeting is to be called at any time and place by the President
of the Federation or by the Youth Director of the Negros Occidental Conference.

Sec. 1. CNAYF members could not transact business under the Federation’s name without the
knowledge of the body and the approval of the President.
Sec. 2. At any meeting (regular or emergency), 50% + 1 member present shall constitute the
Sec.2.2 Officers’ meeting should have 50% + 1 member present for the meeting to be


Sec. 1. The Officers of CNAYF shall be:

President, Vice President (Social), Vice President (Religious),
Secretary, Asst. Secretary, Treasurer, Asst. Treasurer, Auditor, (2) P.I.O. Additional
officers can be appointed according the Federation’s need.
Sec. 2.CNAYF Officers shall be elected every two years by Show of Hands (hand raising) during
the first of May.
Sec. 3. The President shall have the following duties:
a. To call forth and preside meetings.
b. To catalyze different programs for the improvement of the group.
c. To appoint committee heads as the situation requires.
d. To coordinate with other officers in all plans.
e. To oversee the organization according to the provisions of the Constitution and By-
f. To implement the approved plans and projects of the organization.
g. To render a report of activities of the Federation to the NOC Youth Director and to
the body of the organization.
h. To represent the Federation in behalf of its members in Youth Council meetings and
associations of higher body than CNAYF.
Sec. 4. The Vice President Social shall have the following duties:
a. To be responsible in planning the social activities of the Federations such as social
nights, fellowship outings, hiking/trekking and other social gatherings.
b. Perform the duties and responsibilities of the President in his/her absence.
c. Coordinate with the President and Vice President Religious in all activities.
Sec. 5. The Vice President Religious shall have the following duties:
a. To plan and lead all religious activities of the organization.
b. Perform the duties and responsibilities of the President in his/her absence.
c. Coordinate with the President and Vice President Social in all activities.
Sec. 6. The Secretary shall have the following duties:
a. Retain a complete list of all the officers and maintain a correct record of all
b. Relate minutes of all meetings in every setting.
c. Turn over to his/her successor all books and properties in his/her possession
belonging to the Federation.
d. Perform the duties of the treasurer in case of the latter’s absence or inability to
perform his duties.
e. Act as a temporary chairman in the absence of the President and Vice President.
Sec. 7. The Asst. Sec. shall have the following duties:
a. Perform the duties and responsibilities of the secretary in his/her absence.
b. Assist the secretary in performing duties especially during meetings.
Sec. 8. The treasurer shall have the following duties:
a. Take custody of all the funds of the Federation.
b. Present complete records and proof of cash transactions performed under the
Federation’s name to be tallied by the auditor of the organization.
c. Turn over all funds, cash, book of records and other properties belonging to the
Federation that he/she may have in possession upon election of his successor.
d. Perform the duties and responsibilities of the secretary in the absence of the latter
or his/her inability to perform the duties.
Sec. 9. The Auditor shall have the following duties:
a. Audit all acquired funds and expenses of the Federation.
b. Compute the remaining fund after certain activities which required money from the
Federation’s stash to be spent.
c. Coordinate with the treasurer in safekeeping the Federation’s fund.
Sec. 10. The P.I.O. shall have the following duties:
a. Responsible for the dissemination of information to all members of the Federation.
b. In charge in the documentation of the organization’s activities by taking
photographs, videos and souvenirs.
c. Give announcements if necessary.
Sec. 11. The Advisers shall have the following duties:
a. To render sound advice for the welfare of the Federation.


Sec. 1. At every regular meeting held by the Federation, each member is encouraged to donate
at least five pesos for the fund of the Federation to be used in future activities.
Sec. 2. No other fees, dues or contribution shall be required except upon the approval of the


Sec. 1. Being one of the recognized organizations of the Negros Occidental Conference of the
Seventh-day Adventist Church, here are the policies formulated:
a. It is the policy of the organization to inhibit its members from attending secular
activities during the Sabbath. Attending CNAYF gatherings and other SDA meetings
is, however, encouraged.
b. In case of absence, the absentee should notify the group prior to the meeting.
c. Drinking of hard liquors and alcoholic beverages, taking prohibited drugs, smoking in
any form, and joining any gangs or fraternity and doing acts that destroy the morale
of the individual is highly discouraged among CNAYF members.
Sec. 2. Disciplinary Action –there are the following disciplinary actions:
a. First offense –an explanatory report (verbal or otherwise) must be presented to the
officers of the Federation.
b. Second offense—the church elders as well as the parents of the person involved will
be notified.
c. If the acts are repeated subsequently, his/her membership in the Federation will be
put on probationary status and his/her name will be submitted to the office of the
NOC Youth Director for further measures to be taken up regarding this matter.


Sec. 1. The following are qualified to be Advisers:

a. District Pastors
b. Church Elders
c. NOC Youth Director
d. Former CNAYF Officers
Sec. 2. Appointed Advisers participation in all programs is highly accepted.


Sec. 1. Any amendment to this Constitution and By-Laws will be presented to the body in formal
discussions during any regular meeting.
Sec. 2. It shall take at least 65% of the total votes of all members to approve the amendments.

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