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Mother Interview:

Me: How are men and women treated when compared to each other?
Mom: How are men and women...treated the workforce or or at home or
Me: In society.
Mom: In society overall I still think there are many men even in our 2020 society that
believe that a woman's place should be in the home and not in the workforce. I believe if
men had their ways most of the women would be at home watching kids and making
dinner and cleaning the house.
Me: Question 2 have you seen or experienced gender inequality in your life, why or
why not?
Mom: Actually I have, I worked at Harley Davidson for 29 years and I was one of the
first female managers at Harley, and I did not receive a warm welcome from my peers.
They we're not ready to deal with a woman being an equal and they did treat me
differently for about 2 years. I felt like an outsider in my peer group.
Me: What changes need to happen to achieve gender equality in society in the
workforce and our social structure and things in that nature?
Mom: I think women in general are trying to make a Stan, in making these changes, I
believe that a lot of it is in corporate America and old school men in America that need
to wake up and smell the coffee, and realize that women can be just as good or better
then some of the men in corporate America. So I think they should take off the blinders
and be more accepting to women in the workforce.
Me: Do men and women have different personality characteristics based on their
biology alone?
Mom: Yes, an example of that when men are assertive or get angry it's them being
assertive but when women do it it is portrayed as being bossy or mean. Exuding the
same strong confidence can be portrayed as being bossy for women but Men do it is
portrayed as being strong.
Me: When it comes to the characteristics do you think that all the sudden because
you're a girl you are more emotional or just because you're a guy you're more of this
and more of that?
Mom. Yes, there is an assumption that women are more emotional, not assertive, and
not capable of withstand being in a leadership position in the workforce, absolutely.
Me: Do you think there's any natural occurrence, like when they say women are more
emotional or tend to be, like biologically. When it comes to biology people claim that
women are more nurturing and men are tough and that just happens naturally.
Mom: I think you're right I think as a female manager at Harley, I was able to get folks to
do their job based on the nurturing motherness of a woman versus a man. I've had
peers of mine ask folks to do something and they were met with resistance but when I
ask them, they're more willing to do it and maybe that's the biological piece in dealing
with men vs women but I do believe that there is some truth in that statement.
Me: Do you feel that was because you were being more “womanly” or because you saw
a harsh approach wasn't working so you tried something different.
Mom: It's probably a little bit of both, my success in being a leader of Harley all those
years were not because I had to be assertive, overly assertive, like men typically can
be, I can be assertive in my own way and still get the same results.
Me: Do you think the men at your job will give him more of a break when they were
being overly aggressive or being too power hungry but when you did the same thing you
were reprimanded for it.
Mom: I kind of got, I wouldn't say reprimanded for it, actually I got the reverse. I was
asked to be more like the men and I resisted because my style of meeting and working
with people worked for me just to get the same job done. There was an expectation that
I become more like a man and be very very assertive and nasty to people but I didn't
have to do that too do the job they're getting paid to do, and I was always being asked
why I'm not changing and my answer has always been I don't have to change I'm
getting the same results done.
Me: You stand with KAM or other similar sentiments.
Mom: Kill all men?
Me: Yes.
Mom: No absolutely not!
Me: Do you know what that means?
Mom: I have heard of the statement, I have heard different things about it. I'm not about
to kill man philosophy.
Me: What have you heard about it?
Mom: I have heard that they are the radical women, that basically want to destroy men
and what woman to rule the world basically, is that what KAM is?
Me: KAM, for background information purposes, Stands for killing all men. It is used by
extreme radical people that say things like many cages in 2020 or kill them in 2020 and
they take it seriously. Those are extremist interpretations of it. But a lot of less extreme
people who are not as crazy as that use it as a way to try to grab somebody's attention
because women sang stop murdering us for being women and stop sexualizing us for
just being girls oh, just because of wearing skirts; we were trying to be nice about it and
be like hey stop this, but men weren't listening. the boys weren't listening. But now we
say kill all men now it's a whole big thing. So it's more of an attention grabber then
something to actually happen because it's not going to happen.
Mom: Kill all men to me just does not have a good connotation to it I think there needs
to be another slogan out there to get the same attention other than kill all men, but I
agree behind kill all men but I don't like the phrase kill all men there has to be something
different out there that's less radical sounding.
Me: There probably is, but the reason it sounds radical is because women and female
activists have tried different things like respect all women like more positive things and
they haven't gotten any attention and they haven't been working. So now we need
something more aggressive, we're trying to ask you to respect us and we're trying to tell
you that we're equal but now you don't want to listen that we've been nice it's “kill all
men” and now that's getting attention.
Mom: I understand the philosophy and I support the philosophy behind kill a man stands
for but for me personally, just those words have a bad connotation but I do understand
that women have to do something to get the attention of men for men to stop doing
certain things. I wholeheartedly agree and support that something needs to change with
Me: It's just the wording that you don't like? you wish to have to go that far
Mom: It just gives me a bad vibe. but I totally a hundred percent agree and support the
Me: The other half of that question is why is it okay to say kill all men but not kill all
Mom: I'm not with killing all men nor kill all women but I think the fundamental principle
behind the cause, I understand and support but, the verbiage that to me put it in an
extremely negative light and more radical sounding.
Me: Just for some background information I didn't think that you would know what that
meant, but people are more okay with KAM rather than KAW, because killing women
is happening and certain Latin American countries. Nowhere in the world are men being
killed just because they are meant. Maybe in the mass majority there are crazy women
out there that are chilling men just because they're men and that can't happen but there
is not a super defined word for that. There's really a word for killing women and the call
femicides. Because that is the rate at which this is happening at so that is why it's too
touchy to say kill all women because actually happening. When you said kill all men that
has never happened in history and it's probably never going to happen ever. okay and
the last question is are you a feminist?
Mom: In What description, am I feminist?
Me: Would you like to description of what feminist means?
Mom: Because I think when I know the clinical verbiage of being a feminist I can see if
I agree.
Me: What does feminism mean to you based off of what you seen in the media or things
that affected you and your life?
Mom: Feminism to me is about women breaking through ceilings that were once
restricted to them. For example having a female vice president, who would have ever
thought in a million years that we would have a female Vice President of the United
States. To me that is an example of feminism, she is breaking through those ceilings
that once would have confined women to be a secretary and note-takers coffee makers
and things like that. Breaking those walls down is what feminism is to me. What is a
clinical definition of feminism?
Me: The definition of feminism is the​ advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality 
of the sexes.  
Mom: Yep, Point you have a female vice president.  
Me: Exactly, if a man can be a vice president so should a woman. 
Mom: Yes absolutely, so I believe I'm a feminist, and I would say I'm a feminist with the example 
of me being a one manager in a predominately male organization... Harley.   
Me: And for the sake of background information Harley is a factory base working area and 
factory jobs are mostly dominated by men.  
Mom: Yes I would say that 85% to 90% of the workers at Harley are men and probably around 
10% women.  
Me: Why do you think that people are not identify as feminist or not identifying with feminism as 
much. They're still thinking the same things and still advocate for gender equality for both sexes 
but they're not identifying with the label feminist.  
Mom: I think feminist over the years and I'm going to back over to 1960s where feminism was 
really starting to play out, that's where women in my opinion started to break the traditional 
gender roles of becoming more than a mother or a caregiver in the house. I believe in the sixties 
or seventies you start to see a lot of feminism when you see women going into non-traditional 
positions that were once held by men. I believe that the word feminism because of history, may 
have had a not-so-good connotation but I believe that the example of 2020 is excellent 
feminism. I think that it has evolved over the years. 
Me: I find that interesting because people have actually had the opposite.  
Mom: Really!? 
Me: People have said that that's third and fourth wave feminism era that is happening right now 
is much different compared to the other waves of feminism. People say that second-wave 
feminism was acceptable because it focused on issues of marital rape Reproductive Rights 
domestic violence and workplace safety for women and men. back then they were trying to get 
marital rape to be illegal they're trying to get harsher sentences for domestic abuse. People say 
back then when we're fighting for real issues and now women are trying to break down what it 
means to be a man and what it means to be a woman.  
Mom: Interesting.  
Me: Those are all my questions actually thank you.   
Maliyah Interview 
Me: How are men and women treated differently when compared to each other?  
M: Um... Can you elaborate on that?  
Me: Like do you think that women are treated more harshly than men are when it comes to 
society and societal standards. 
M: Yes I think so... when it comes to higher-ranking jobs, for example being a manager or CEO of 
a company, women are only respected when they're angry authorities but they're also called 
things like bossy and other words like that but on the other hand if you're too shy ortakoy 
people won't respect you.  
Me: Have you heard or seen gender inequality in your life?  
M: Yes I have especially when it comes to sports, and talking about field hockey, guys often are 
like oh that's a “wimpy sport”, or “it's gay to play”; and just like saying if you play any kind of 
sport you're automatically a lesbian I've heard, especially softball.  
Me: What changes need to happen to achieve gender equality?  
M: Um...I think changing the way our women are paid, that would definitely help for gender 
equality and I think in schools telling children that even though women were treated as equals in 
the past we can change that. and how everyone should and can be treated equally and the 
Me: Question 4 do men and women have different personality characteristics solely based on 
their biological sex.  
M: No, personalities really, and the basic psychology personality types are not just based on 
what gender you have, yasso scientist way that there isn't specific personalities that go with 
one gender or the other yah. 
Me: Do you think Society blames all its issues on cis men? 
M: No I think with the upcoming jokes about men and cis man all being the same I think that 
They are becoming more of a joke rather than the root of the issue. There are some extreme 
people who do blame all men when it's a small minority of men that are causing issues.  
Me: So you think that they are becoming a punchline to a joke rather than them actually causing 
issues and it's only the extremists that are claiming that men are the issue.   
Me: Ok You stand with Kill all men or other similar sentiments?  
M: Um... I do because it's obviously a joke but people interpret it as literal. But yeah I stand with 
it maybe not kill but we educate men to treat everyone the same and with respect.  
Me: Why is it okay to say kill all men but not kill all women?  
M: Because women are actually getting killed because of their gender and because they are 
women and men are not and since women are minorities and not really treated with respect 
people feel that it's better just say kill all men rather than kill a woman.  
Me:​ Are you a feminist? 
M: Yes. 
Me: Why? 
M: I believe that there is inequality when it comes to being in our society and economically, 
when it comes to women and jobs and just being treated respectfully socially there are also 
obvious problems with our school system, when it comes to Children treating each other with 
Me: Define feminism. 
M: Feminism is, well my definition is, establishing equality for everyone and making sure 
everyone is equal, not necessarily just for women but for all minorities everywhere.  
Me: Why are people not identifying as feminists much anymore.  
M: Because there is The Stereotype on the internet where if your feminist you are loud, a 
socialist, and it's super loud but your opinion and men should just die and stuff like that. 
feminism has gotten a bad name because there are people that are representing feminism who 
aren't doing the best. 
Me: Okay thank you that's it, thank you?  

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