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Published in IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution
Received on 19th September 2011
doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2011.0851

ISSN 1751-8687

Improved particle swarm optimisation for

multi-objective optimal power flow considering
the cost, loss, emission and voltage stability index
T. Niknam M.R. Narimani J. Aghaei R. Azizipanah-Abarghooee
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz 71555-313, Iran

Abstract: The study presents an improved particle swarm optimisation (IPSO) method for the multi-objective optimal power flow
(OPF) problem. The proposed multi-objective OPF considers the cost, loss, voltage stability and emission impacts as the objective
functions. A fuzzy decision-based mechanism is used to select the best compromise solution of Pareto set obtained by the
proposed algorithm. Furthermore, to improve the quality of the solution, particularly to avoid being trapped in local optima,
this study presents an IPSO that profits from chaos queues and self-adaptive concepts to adjust the particle swarm
optimisation (PSO) parameters. Also, a new mutation is applied to increase the search ability of the proposed algorithm. The
30-bus IEEE test system is presented to illustrate the application of the proposed problem. The obtained results are compared
with those in the literatures and the superiority of the proposed approach over other methods is demonstrated.

1 Introduction mutation increases the diversity of the generated population

and causes to escape from local optima during the
Optimal power flow (OPF) is a static non-linear programming optimisation process.
problem which optimises a certain objective function while The thermal power houses release sulphur oxides (SOx),
satisfying a set of physical and operational constraints nitrogen oxides (NOx) and carbon dioxides into the
imposed by equipment and network limitations [1, 2]. It atmosphere. The passage of the US Clean Air Act
is also a large-scale static optimisation problem with both amendments of 1990 forces the utilities to modify their
continuous and discrete control variables [3]. Many operation strategies for generating electrical power not only
mathematical techniques such as quadratic programming at a minimum generation cost but also with minimum
[4], linear programming [5], non-linear programming [6] pollution level [13]. There are a lot of solutions proposed in
and the interior point method [7] have been applied to solve the literature for reducing the emission. The short-term and
the OPF problem. All the above mathematical techniques applicable solution for the emission problem is an
have some drawbacks such as being trapped in local optima environmental dispatch that needs no additional equipments,
or they are suitable for considering a specific objective therefore this method is applied for emission reduction.
function in the OPF problem [8]. These shortcomings can Since electrical business enters a deregulated environment,
be overcome if evolutionary methods are utilised to solve power companies try their best to operate with economic
the OPF problem. Particle swarm optimisation (PSO) is one efficiency. Loss reduction is an effective method to
of the known optimisation algorithms that has been used to decrease the generation cost, also active power transmission
solve complicated problems [9 – 12]. Also, it is a strong and loss is considered as an objective function. By decreasing
accurate algorithm that can find high-quality solutions for the loss in power systems, the total generation and
complicated problems such as the OPF. However, the consequently generation cost are reduced which increase
traditional PSO is often trapped in local optima and social welfare. The stability of power systems is an
converges to the optimal value in a long time. In order to important task that the power system operator should keep
avoid these problems and increase the efficiency of the PSO at an acceptable level. One of the important branches
algorithm, this study uses a chaos concept to tune the related to the stability in power systems is voltage stability.
inertia weight (v) and a self-adaptive approach for adjusting So, during previous years a great number of approaches
the learning factors (C1 and C2) of the PSO algorithm. have been considered for satisfying the voltage stability.
These parameters (v, C1 and C2) play an important role in Therefore beside economic and environmental issues in this
the PSO convergence property. In other words, the study, the voltage stability is considered as an objective
performance of the PSO algorithm greatly depends on these function, in this regard the Voltage Stability Index (VSI) is
parameters. Also for increasing the search ability, a new optimised to increase the secure operation of the power
mutation is applied in the proposed algorithm. The used system.

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There are several techniques that have been considered in is the total number of generation units, Ntran is the number
the literature to solve multi-objective problems. One of of tap transformer and Ncap is the number of the
these methods is reducing the multi-objective problem into compensation capacitor.
a single objective problem by considering one objective
as a target and others as a constraint. Another strategy 2.2 Emission objective
is combining all objective functions into one objective
function. The above strategies have some weak points such The emission function can be presented as the sum of all types
as the limitation of the available choices and their priori of emissions considered, such as NOx , SOx , thermal emission,
selection need of weights for each objective function. etc. In the present study, two important types of emission
Besides the above drawbacks, finding just one solution for gases are taken into account. The amount of NOx and SOx
the multi-objective problem is known as the most important emission is given as a function of generator output that is
weak point of these strategies. Over the past few years, the the sum of a quadratic and exponential function as follows
studies on evolutionary algorithms have revealed that these
methods can be efficiently used for solving the multi- 
objective optimisation problem, some of these algorithms F2 (X ) = 2
(gi Pgi + bi Pgi + ai + ji exp (li Pgi )) ton/h
are multi-objective evolutionary algorithm [14], strength i=1
Pareto evolutionary algorithm (SPEA) [15], non-dominating
sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA) [16] and multi-objective (8)
PSO algorithm [17]. Since these algorithms are population-
based techniques, multiple Pareto-optimal solutions can be where F2(X ) is the total emission (ton/h), gi , bi , ai , zi and li
found in one program run. are the emission coefficients of the ith unit.
Since the objectives are in conflict with each other in multi-
objectives problems, it is usual to obtain a set of solutions 2.3 Transmission loss
instead of one. In this study, the proposed improved PSO
(IPSO) algorithm is implemented in order to extract the The power flow solution gives all bus voltage magnitudes and
non-dominated solutions. In this regard, this study utilises angles. Then, the active power loss in transmission line can be
an external repository to save all non-dominated solutions computed as follows
during the evolutionary process, and a fuzzy decision-
making method is applied to sort these solutions according 

to their importance. Power system decision makers can F3 (X) = gk [Vi2 − Vj2 − 2Vi Vj cos(ui − uj )] MW (9)
select the desired solution between them by applying k=1
the fuzzy decision-making method to the Pareto-optimal
solution. Finally, to authenticate the obtained Pareto-optimal where F3(X ) is the total transmission loss (MW), Nline is the
solutions, three criterions involving generational distance number of transmission lines, di and dj are the bus voltage
(GD) [18], spacing (SP) [18] and diversity metric [19] are angles at the two ends of the kth line, Vi and Vj are bus
used. The 30-bus IEEE test system is presented to illustrate voltage amplitudes at the two ends of the kth line and gk is
the efficiency of the proposed method. the conductance of the kth line.

2 Problem formulation and constraints 2.4 Voltage stability enhancement index

2.1 Generation cost objective The static voltage stability margin can be measured by the
minimal L index which is described as follows [20]
The generation cost function can be mathematically stated as  
Lj = 1 − Fji i  j = Ngen + 1, . . . , n (10)

Ngen i=1
F1 (X ) = (ai P 2gi + bi P gi + ci ) $/h (1)
i=1 Matrix (F ) is computed by
X = [P g , V g , TAP, Qc]1×n (2)
[F] = −[Y LL ]−1 [Y LG ] (11)
P g = [P g1 , P g2 , . . . , P g(Ngen −1) ]1×(Ngen −1) (3)
where [YLL] and [YLG] are submatrices of the Y bus matrix.
V g = [V g1 , V g2 , . . . , V g Ngen ]1×Ngen (4) The network equations in terms of the node admittance
matrix can be simply written as
TAP = [TAP1 , TAP2 , . . . , TAPNtran ]1×Ntran (5)
I bus = Y bus V bus (12)
Qc = [Qc1 , Qc2 , . . . , QcNcap ]1×Ncap (6)
For computing the VSI value, it is necessary to cluster all
n = (Ntran + Ncap + Ngen + (Ngen − 1)) (7) nodes into two categories that involve load buses (aL) and
generator buses (aG) as follows
where F1(X ) is the total fuel cost ($/h), ai , bi , ci are fuel     
cost coefficients of the ith unit, Pgi is the real power IL Y LL Y LG VL
= (13)
generation of the ith unit, Vgi is the voltage magnitude of IG Y GL Y GG Vg
the ith generator, TAPi is the tap of the ith transformer, Qci
is the reactive power of the ith compensator capacitor, Ngen I L = Y LL × V L + Y LG × V g (14)

516 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2012, Vol. 6, Iss. 6, pp. 515 –527
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The above equation can be written after adding the diagonal constraints are expressed in the following equations [20]
elements of IL matrix into the YLL matrix as follows

Y ′ LL × V L + Y LG × V G = 0 (15) Pi = Pgi − Pdi = Vi Vj (Gij cos uij + Bij sin uij ) (19)
From (15), it is clear that all load bus voltages can be
calculated by using the generator bus voltages. According
to the superposition principle, the voltage VLk in a load 
bus k can be calculated by Qi = Qgi − Qdi = Vi Vj (Gij sin uij − Bij cos uij ) (20)

VLk = ((Y LL )−1 Y LG )k,i × Vgk (16) where i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , nbus and uij ¼ ui 2 uj that ui and uj are the
voltage angle of two ending buses of an arbitrary branch and

Ngen nbus is expressed as the number of the buses. It is worthwhile
Lj = ((Y ′ LL )−1 Y LG )k,i (17) to note that all generator outputs except slack generator are
i=1 generated randomly in their limits. Furthermore output of
slack generator puts in its limit according to Fig. 1. The
The L indices for the given load condition are computed for mechanism of handling the equality constraint related to the
all load buses and the maximum of L indices shows that the equality of generation level with load level plus loss is
system tends towards the voltage collapse. For stable shown in Fig. 1. It is noticeable that whenever each output
situations, the condition 0 ≤ Lj ≤ 1 must not be violated for of generator is set to its maximum or minimum level the
any of the nodes j. Hence, a global indicator L that related velocity of the control vector for the next iteration is
describes the stability of the whole system is given by declined. In this regard, a negative value is added to the
current velocity in order to change the direction of
F4 (X ) = L = max (Lj ) j [ aL (18) aforementioned element that is output power of the generator.

2.5 Constraints
2.5.2 Inequality constraints: The inequality constraints
2.5.1 Equality constraints: The OPF equality constraints of the OPF reflect the limits on physical devices in the
reflect the physics of the power systems. Equality power system as well as the limits created to ensure system

Fig. 1 Diagram of satisfying equality constraint

IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2012, Vol. 6, Iss. 6, pp. 515– 527 517
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security. They are presented in the following inequalities 3.2 Self-adaptive method for computing the
learning factors
Pgi min ≤ Pgi ≤ Pgi max i = 1, 2, . . . , Ngen (21)
The learning factors C1 and C2 determine the influence of the
personal best pki and the global best gbestk
, respectively. They
Qgi min ≤ Qgi ≤ Qgi max i = 1, 2, . . . , Ngen (22) have a significant effect on the PSO convergence. When the
global fitness is large, the particles are far away from the
|Pij | ≤ Pij max (23) optimum point. Therefore a large velocity is needed for global
search in the search space of the problem and so C1 and C2
must be larger values. Also, for the local search, a small
Vi min ≤ Vi ≤ Vi max i = 1, 2, . . . , NL (24) movement is needed, therefore C1 and C2 must set to small
values. According to above statement, learning factors in the
Qci min ≤ Qci ≤ Qci max i = 1, 2, . . . , Ncap (25) proposed method are adjusted as a function of the global
optimum fitness. Therefore a self-adaptive method is developed
Ti min ≤ Ti ≤ Ti max i = 1, 2, . . . , Ntran (26) to adjust the learning factors, which is expressed as follows

where NL is the number of load bus and Pij is the power that Cj = 1 + j = 1, 2 (29)
flows between bus i and bus j. Vimax and Vimin voltages are, (1 + exp(−a × F(gbest
))k )
respectively, the maximum and minimum valid voltages for
each bus. Pijmax is the maximum power flow through the where F(gbest ) is the fitness of the global optimum solution. The
branch. Pgimax and Pgimin are the maximum and minimum value of a can be selected as the inverse of the best compromise
active power values of the ith bus, respectively. Qgimax and objective value in the first iteration which is shown as follows
Qgimin are the maximum and minimum reactive power [11]
values of the ith bus.
In this study, the penalty factor method is utilised for a = 1/(F(gbest
)) (30)
handling the inequality constraints. In this regard, each
control vector which violates constraints will be fined by k
By this manner, C1 and C2 change according to the gbest rate.
these penalty factors therefore in the next step this control k
Since the proposed problem is a multi-objective problem, gbest
vector will be deleted automatically. cannot be selected according to the fitness of the objective
function. The proposed method for computing the gbest is
explained in Section 5.
3 Fuzzy adaptive particle swarm
3.3 Chaotic formula for inertia weight
3.1 Overview of the PSO
The inertia weight factor is used to control the impact of the
PSO is an evolutionary optimisation method modelled by the previous experience of velocities on the current velocity. A
social behaviour of birds flocking or fish schooling. This large value of v leads to a global search whereas a small
algorithm consists of a population continuously updating value of v tends to facilitate local search. This factor
the searching space knowledge. This population is formed usually decreases linearly from 0.9 down to 0.4 [22].
by individuals, where each one represents a possible Despite many major advantages of the PSO such as its
solution and can be modelled as a particle that moves simple concept, easy implementation, minimal storage
through hyperspace. The position and velocity of each requirement and straightforward incorporation with other
particle are updated as follows [21] optimisation methods, it may experience inappropriate
convergence and fall into the local optima. Therefore a
proper tuning of the PSO parameters is very important for
Velocityik+1 = vk × Velocityki + C1 × rand()1 finding the global optimum solution.
In this study, the inertia weight factor is tuned dynamically
× (pki − Xik ) + C2 × rand()2 × (gbest
− Xik )
in each iteration as follows
cvk = vk Dk (31)
Xik+1 = Xik + Velocityik+1 (28)
where cvk is the chaotic inertia weight factor at iteration k, vk
where Velocityki is the velocity of the ith particle at the is the inertia weight factor which is decreased linearly from
kth iteration, Velocityik+1 is the velocity of the ith particle 0.9 down to 0.4 and D k is the chaotic parameter at iteration
at (k + 1)th iteration, vk is an inertia weight in the kth k. The value of D k is determined by an iterator chaotic
iteration and rand()1 and rand()2 are random numbers system, namely the logistic map [23]
selected between 0 and 1. C1 and C2 are positive
coefficients between 0 and 2 that is C1 + C2 ≤ 4. Original Dk = mDk−1 (1 − Dk−1 ) (32)
PSO often suffers from the problem of being trapped
in local optima so as to prematurely converge. The where m displays a control parameters which is selected
performance of the original PSO greatly depends on C1 , C2 between [0, 4]. The variation of m is greatly influenced on
and vk. In order to avoid this disadvantage, this study D k that is able to evaluate the D k in a constant size, oscillates
proposes a chaos algorithm to compute the inertia weight between a limited sequence of size or oscillates randomly.
(v) and a self-adaptive method to compute learning factors Equation (32) is without any stochastic pattern in the value
(C1 and C2). of m and indicating chaotic dynamic when m ¼ 4 and

518 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2012, Vol. 6, Iss. 6, pp. 515 –527
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D 0  {0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1} [22]. The searching capability |f (X ir1 )| |f (X ir2 )| |f (X ir3 )|
and efficiency of the proposed algorithm increase greatly h1 = , h2 = , h3 = (37)
h∗ h∗ h∗
with the chaotic v as illustrated in the numerical result.
Fig. 2 shows the chaotic sequence, the conventional weight where h∗ = |F(X ir1 ) + F(X ir2 ) + F(X ir3 )| and F(X ) is the
factor and presented chaotic weight factor. From this figure it function to be optimised, K1 to K3 are the coefficients
is clear that the change in the proposed weight factor is erratic. between 0 and 1.
The aforementioned characteristic of the proposed weight After generating the mutant vectors, we should check the
factor leads to improvement of global search ability and limits for all elements in each mutant vector to ensure that
prevent from trapping in local optima. there are not any breaks the limits, if any element of each
vector break its constraint (xmax or xmin), it should be
3.4 Mutation replaced by its own limit, which are the elements of upper
and lower boundaries (Xmin , Xmax) of control vectors.
To avoid being trapped in local optima, a new mutation is Furthermore the inequality and equality constraints are
proposed in this study. For building the mutant vectors in checked for these new vectors in the way mentioned before.
each iterate, firstly four vectors Xr1 , Xr2 , Xr3 and Xr4 are After all mutant vectors are compared with the X gbest , if
selected randomly among the population. It is worthwhile to each mutant vector dominates the X gbest , then X gbest is
note that for increasing the mutation effect each mutant replaced by the mutant vector.
vector is generated by different mutant rules according
to (33) – (37) [24]. This feature causes searching of the entire
4 Multi-objective strategy
search space in different directions to be improved.
Therefore the probability of being trapped in the local 4.1 Fuzzy model for the multi-objective problem
optima decreased drastically and consequently the ability of
finding the global optima increased intensely. Equations (33) A fuzzy system can handle the multi-objective problems with
and (34) pave the way for the proposed optimisation problem objective functions in contradiction. In this study, a fuzzy
to have an appropriate search in different directions around optimisation approach is used to normalise the objectives of
the gbest . Also (35) and (36) generate two random vectors in the multi-objective problem. The objective functions are
order to increase the diversity of population in the condition modelled by membership functions to achieve the optimal
that the algorithm loses its diversity in its population. point. The higher the values of the membership function
Therefore this procedure compensates the progressing of the are, the greater the solution satisfaction is. The membership
algorithm in local optima direction or weak it at least. function includes lower and upper boundary values together
with a strictly monotonically decreasing and continuous
X imutant 1 = X ir1 + K1 × (X igbest − X ir2 ) + K1 × (X ir3 − X ir4 ) function.
i and Fmax
i are lower and upper bounds of ith objective
(33) function. The membership function is calculated under given
constraints for each objective function, Fi(X ). The ith
X imutant 2 = X igbest + K2 × (X ir1 − X ir2 ) (34) membership function is defined as follows

X imutant 3 = X ir1 + K3 × (X ir2 − X ir3 ) + K3 × (X ir1 − X ir4 ) ⎪
⎪ 1 if Fi (X ) ≤ Fimin
⎪ max

(35) Fi − Fi (X )
mi (X) = if Fimin , Fi (X ) , Fimax (38)

⎪ F max
− F min

⎩ i i
X imutant 4 = (X ir1 + X ir2 + X ir3 )/3 + (h 2 − h1 )(X ir1 − X ir2 ) 0 if Fi (X ) ≥ Fimax
+ (h3 − h2 )(X ir2 − X ir3 ) + (h1 − h3 )(X ir3 − X ir1 )
Fmin max
i , Fi are extracted from optimisation of each objective
(36) separately.

Fig. 2 Comparison of conventional weight factor and proposed chaotic weight factor

IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2012, Vol. 6, Iss. 6, pp. 515– 527 519
doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2011.0851 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012
For fuzzy multiple objectives, the fuzzy solution can be Step 1: The input data involving the generator real powers,
calculated as generator bus voltages, fuel cost coefficients of generators,
emission coefficients of generators, the tap position of the
F(X ) = min [m1 (X), m2 (X ), m3 (X ), m4 (X )] (39) transformer, the reactive power of switchable VAR, Fimin
and Fimax are defined.
Step 2: Transfer the constraint multi-objective problem to an
The maximum value of F(X ) is considered as the optimal
unconstraint one as follows (see (42))
where Neq and Nueq are the number of equality and inequality
constraints, respectively. hj (X ) and sj (X ) are the equality and
4.2 Pareto-optimal solution
inequality constraints, respectively, and Z1 and Z2 are the
Since the target of the proposed approach is to obtain a set of penalty factors.
solutions for the multi-objective OPF problem it is necessary Step 3: Produce the initial population. An initial population
to apply a method which can obtain a set of optimal solutions. based on state variables is produced randomly as follows
The Pareto-optimal method is a suitable approach for the
⎡ ⎤
multi-objective problem which can obtain a set of solutions X1
instead of one. This method works based on the dominance ⎢ X2 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
concept, the vector X1 dominates X2 , when the following Population = ⎢ .. ⎥ (43)
conditions are satisfied [2] ⎣ . ⎦
X Nswarm
∀ i = {1, 2, . . . , M }, Fi (X 1 ) ≤ Fi (X 2 )
(40) X i = [xi,1 , xi,2 , . . . , xi,n ] (44)
∃ j [ {1, 2, . . . , M }, Fj (X 1 ) , Fj (X 2 )

4.3 Fuzzy decision maker xi,;j = rand(.) ∗ (xj, max − xj, min ) + xj, min , j = 1, 2, 3, . . . , n;

In the proposed approach, a repository is defined to save i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , Nswarm (45)

non-dominated solutions in each iteration. The solutions
that are saved in this repository in all iterations are sorted where xj is the position of the jth state variable, n and Nswarm
by a type of decision-making function. Therefore it is are the number of control variables and the number of initial
possible to select the best solution by selecting the top population, respectively.
solutions in this collection. A decision-making function that Step 4: Calculate the objective functions value and normalise
is utilised in this study is defined as follows [25] them by the fuzzy decision-making which is proposed in
(41). Also for each individual (Xi) the membership values of

Nobj all the different objectives are computed.
b × mk (j)

n k
Nmj =
m k=1 (41) Step 5: Apply the Pareto method and save non-dominated
j=1 k=1 bk × mk (j) solutions in the repository.
Step 6: Select (pki ) and gbest
in each iterate, as follows:
where bk is the weight factor for the kth objective functions, In the first iteration, the initial population is considered as
Nobj is the number of the objective function and m is the pki but in the second to final iteration, if the pk+1 i could
number of non-dominated solutions. The weight values bk dominate the pki then, the pki is replaced by pk+1 i and if
can be selected by the operator based on the importance of could not dominate pki then pki is remained as the best
the objective function. The solution with the maximum solution in next iteration. If none of them dominates each
membership function Nm is the most preferred compromise other, then pki is updated by max – min method in the next
solution based on the adopted weight factors. iteration which is described as follows:
After computing all objective functions and normalising
them by (38) in each iterate, by calculating the following
5 Application of the IPSO to the equation for all objectives, mDi is computed for each
multi-objective OPF individual as follows
To apply the IPSO algorithm to solve the proposed problem,
the following steps should be taken and repeated. mDi = max(min(m1 , m2 , m3 , m4 )) (46)

⎡ N  N ⎤
 eq  ueq

⎢ F1 (X ) + Z1 (hj (X)) + Z2
(Max[0, −sj (X )]) ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ j=1 j=1 ⎥
⎢ N  N ⎥
⎡ ⎤ ⎢  eq  ueq ⎥
⎢ ⎥
J1 (X ) ⎢ F2 (X ) + Z1 (hj (X)) + Z2
(Max[0, −sj (X )])2 ⎥
⎢ J2 (X ) ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
J (X ) = ⎢ ⎥ j=1 j=1
⎣ J3 (X ) ⎦ = ⎢


⎢ ⎥
J4 (X ) 4×1 ⎢ F3 (X ) + Z1 (hj (X)) + Z2
(Max[0, −sj (X )])2 ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ j=1 j=1 ⎥
⎢ N  N ⎥
⎢  eq  ueq ⎥
⎣ ⎦
F4 (X ) + Z1 (hj (X)) + Z2
(Max[0, −sj (X )])2
j=1 j=1

520 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2012, Vol. 6, Iss. 6, pp. 515 –527
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012 doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2011.0851
pik+1 = max(mD (Xik+1 ), mD (Xmut
), mD (pki )) (47) 6 Simulation and numerical results

The aim of the proposed approach is to find the well- To validate the performance of the proposed method, this
distributed Pareto front that covers all Pareto trade-off front, method is tested on the IEEE 30-bus test system. The
in this regard a new method that considers all objective detailed data of the test system are given in [26]. The 30-bus
values in obtaining Pareto fronts is presented as follows. IEEE test system has 41 transmission lines, six generators
In the first iterations of the algorithm, all weight factors and four transformers (T6 – 9 , T6 – 10 , T4 – 12 and T27 – 28). The
related to each objective are equal (e.g. in two-dimensional lower and upper voltage magnitudes and transformer tap
Pareto front both of them are equal to 0.5), after specific limits are considered between 0.9 and 1.1 pu, the emission
iteration numbers (usually three-tenth of the maximum and generation cost coefficients are given in Table 1. The
iteration) one objective function is selected randomly and parameters required for implementation of the proposed
its weight factors are considered as one for specific iteration IPSO algorithm are adjusted by 100 times running of
numbers (usually one-tenth of the rest of the iteration). This this algorithm. These parameters involve maximum iteration
process is repeated until the number of the iteration reaches and number of population which are set on 200 and 100,
its maximum value. The above approach causes each respectively. The importance of this act is having
objective function to obtain an opportunity to conduct the compromise between accuracy and run time which is a
Pareto front trajectory towards its minimum value point. necessity feature of the evolutionary algorithms.
Step 7: Update the velocity, the position and the IPSO For the purpose of comparison, the simulations are carried
parameters (C1 , C2 and v). The position and the velocity of out for two different cases categorised as cases I and II. Also,
each individual are modified by (28) and (27), respectively. the obtained results are compared with those reported by other
Step 8: If any element of each individual breaks its limit then approaches. The rest of this study is divided into two
the position of the individual is fixed to its maximum/ categories, as follows:
minimum operating point.
Step 9: Compute the objective functions for the new Case I: All objective functions are optimised individually.
generated individuals and normalised them. Case II: Objectives are optimised simultaneously.
Step 10: Apply the Pareto method and add the non-dominated
solutions to the repository. Case I: Initially, each objective function is considered
Step 11: Determine the non-dominated solutions between the individually in order to explore the extreme points of the
repository members using the Pareto method. In each trade-off curve and assess Fimin and Fimax (which are the
iteration, some non-dominated solutions are added to the best and worst result of the ith objective function while it is
repository and they might dominate solutions which had optimised as a single objective), these values are needed
existed in the repository. Therefore it is necessary to to normalise objective functions in multi-objective
apply the Pareto method again to determine the real optimisation process. The obtained results from IPSO are
non-dominated solutions. compared with evolutionary programming (EP) [27], tabu
Step 12: If the current iteration number obtains the search (TS) [28], improved evolutionary programming (IEP)
preordained maximum iteration number, the algorithm is [29], modified differential evolution optimal power flow
stopped, otherwise go to step 6. (MDE-OPF) [30], stochastic genetic algorithm (SGA) [31],

Table 1 Cost and emission coefficients for 30-bus IEEE test system

G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6

Fuel cost coefficient

a 100 120 40 60 40 100
b 200 150 180 100 180 150
c 10 10 30 10 20 10
Emission coefficient
g 0.06490 0.05638 0.04586 0.03380 0.04586 0.05151
b 20.05554 20.06047 20.05094 20.03550 20.05094 20.05555
a 0.04091 0.02543 0.04258 0.05326 0.04258 0.06131
j 0.0002 0.0005 0.000001 0.002 0.000001 0.00001
l 2.857 3.333 8.000 2.000 8.000 6.667

Table 2 Best generation cost for different algorithms

EP [27] TS [28] IEP [29] MDE-OPF [30] SGA [31] EGA [32] ACO [33] FGA [34] PSO IPSO

Pg1 , MW 173.848 176.04 176.2358 176.009 175.974 176.2 181.945 175.137 178.4646 177.0431
Pg2 , MW 49.998 48.76 49.0093 48.801 48.884 48.75 47.001 50.353 46.274 49.209
Pg3, MW 21.386 21.56 21.5023 21.334 21.51 21.44 20.553 21.451 21.4596 21.5135
Pg4 , MW 22.63 22.05 21.8115 22.262 22.24 21.95 21.146 21.176 21.446 22.648
Pg5 , MW 12.928 12.44 12.3387 12.46 12.251 12.42 10.433 12.667 13.207 10.4146
Pg6 , MW 12 12 12.0129 12 12 12.02 12.173 12.11 12.0134 12
cost, $/h 802.62 802.29 802.465 802.376 803.699 802.06 802.578 802 802.205 801.978

The bold numbers show that the proposed IPSO algorithm resulted in obtaining better global solutions with respect to the other
approaches in the area for single-objectives cost, transmission loss, VSI and emission

IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2012, Vol. 6, Iss. 6, pp. 515– 527 521
doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2011.0851 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012
Table 3 Best transmission loss for different algorithms Table 4 Best VSI for different algorithms

Initial [35] SPEA [35] GA [35] PSO IPSO Initial [36] EGA-DQLF [36] PSO [37] FAPSO [37] IPSO

Vg (1) – – – 1.045 1.047 Vg (1) 1 1.0618 – – 1.05

Vg (2) 1.045 1.044 1.03 1.043 1.044 Vg (2) 1 1.053 – – 1.047
Vg (5) 1.01 1.023 1.00 0.998 0.976 Vg (5) 1 1.053 – – 1.049
Vg (8) 1.01 1.022 1.00 1.009 1.035 Vg (8) 1 1.014 – – 1.021
Vg (11) 1.05 1.042 1.02 1.014 0.984 Vg (11) 1 1.025 – – 1.023
Vg (13) 1.05 1.043 1.04 1.047 1.042 Vg (13) 1 1.046 – – 1.043
T6 – 9 , pu 0.97 1.09 1.00 1.012 1.029 T6 – 9 , pu 1 0.9125 – – 0.92
T6 – 10 , pu 0.96 0.90 1.01 0.971 0.98 T6 – 10 , pu 1 0.9 – – 0.91
T4 – 12 , pu 0.93 1.02 1.00 1.023 1.01 T4 – 12 , pu 1 0.9 – – 0.95
T27 – 28 , pu 0.96 0.96 1.04 1.014 0.97 T27 – 28 , pu 1 0.925 – – 0.91
power loss, MW 5.4356 5.1995 5.3513 5.2105 5.0732 VSI 0.23 0.10402 0.1307 0.1238 0.1037

Table 5 Best emission for different algorithms

enhanced genetic algorithm (EGA) [32], ant colony Pg1 , Pg2 , Pg3 , Pg4 , Pg5 , Pg6 , Emission,
optimisation (ACO) [33], fuzzy genetic algorithm (FGA) MW MW MW MW MW MW ton/h
[34], and PSO for the cost objective function, SPEA [35],
GA [35] and PSO for loss objective function, enhanced IPSO 67.04 68.14 50 35 30 40 0.2058
genetic algorithm-decoupled quadratic load flow (EGA- PSO 67.13 68.94 49.86 34.89 29.67 39.94 0.2063
DQLF) [20], PSO [36] and fuzzy adaptive particle swarm GA 69.73 67.84 49.73 34.42 29.15 39.29 0.20723
optimisation (FAPSO) [36] for VSI objective function
which are summarised in Tables 2 – 4. Unfortunately, there
is no reference for the emission objective function to
compare with our results, therefore this objective is
optimised by GA, PSO and IPSO methods which are all
implemented in MATLAB computational environment and
the results are shown in Table 5. It is clear that the
proposed method can achieve better results with respect to
other algorithms and it is evident from Tables 2 – 5. These
values are not negligible because of the continuous
operations of power dispatch throughout the years as well
as the numerous power plants in the entire world. Also
the comparison of the best, worst and average solutions for Fig. 3 Best, worst and average of emission objective function for
the emission objective function is shown in Fig. 3 for the 50 trials

Table 6 Control variables related to multi-objective problem for PSO and IPSO algorithms

Cost, $/h Emission, ton/h Loss, MW VSI


Pg1 , MW 177.126 177.0431 67.13 67.04 77.18 76.94 105.916 105.742

Pg2 , MW 49.172 49.209 68.94 68.14 60.36 60.14 73.26 73.32
Pg3 , MW 21.413 21.5135 49.86 50 49.55 49.532 48.92 48.32
Pg4 , MW 22.538 22.648 34.89 35 34.33 34.743 34.53 35
Pg5 , MW 10.621 10.4146 29.67 30 30 30 10 10
Pg6 , MW 12 12 39.94 40 39.84 39.74 12.19 12
Vg1 1.05 1.05 1.0287 1.0351 1.05 1.047 1.0493 1.05
Vg2 1.0442 1.0462 1.0341 1.0273 1.0426 1.044 1.0485 1.047
Vg3 1.446 1.0459 1.0387 1.0417 0.985 0.976 1.049 1.049
Vg4 1.0408 1.04165 1.0254 1.0248 1.0372 1.035 1.026 1.021
Vg5 0.9601 0.95231 1.0317 1.0321 0.973 0.984 1.025 1.023
Vg6 1.05 1.05 1.0395 1.041 1.0436 1.042 1.031 1.033
T6 – 9 , pu 1.01 1.01 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 0.98 0.98
T6 – 10 , pu 0.99 0.98 1.02 1.01 0.98 0.98 0.92 0.91
T4 – 12 , pu 1.01 1.01 1.05 1.06 1.02 1.01 0.97 0.97
T27 – 28 , pu 1.02 1.02 0.99 0.99 0.98 0.97 1.01 1.02
Qc10 25.62 27.27 11.85 12.53 15.03 15.81 27.84 28.62
Qc24 23.51 22.43 8.251 8.741 12.42 11.63 23.36 23.79
Cost 802.105 801.97 954.475 954.248 942.188 941.672 869.47 866.11393
emission 0.3665 0.3513 0.2063 0.2058 0.20834 0.20807 0.2471 0.247089
loss 13.58 13.39 5.385 5.362 5.1204 5.0732 14.158 14.001
VSI 0.1197 0.1192 0.1152 0.1131 0.1307 0.1294 0.1042 0.1037

522 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2012, Vol. 6, Iss. 6, pp. 515 –527
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012 doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2011.0851
proposed approach, PSO and GA algorithms. It can be minimisation of the loss objective results in the reduction of
noticed from this figure that the proposed algorithm can 6.5% in loss and 43% reduction in the VSI. Moreover, the
obtain better results with respect to other mentioned minimisation of the VSI objective results in a 55%
algorithms. The emission difference between the highest reduction in the VSI over its base case. Therefore it is clear
and lowest emission is only 0.08 ton/h, which confirms the that considering a specific objective function in the OPF
effectiveness of the proposed method. problem cannot obtain a solution which satisfies other
From Table 6, it is clear that the control settings objective functions, and for achieving a result that satisfies
corresponding to the cost-based OPF result in a reduction in some objectives, it is necessary to solve the multi-objective
fuel cost but cause the system loss to increase by 146% of OPF problem.
its base case value and VSI to decrease by 48% of its base Case II: In this case, the proposed problem is handled as a
case value. From the above mentioned statement, it is clear multi-objective optimisation problem, whereas each two
that the cost and VSI are in line with each other, but cost and three objective functions are optimised simultaneously.
and loss are not in line with each other. Minimisation of All obtained Pareto fronts with the IPSO algorithm are
emission causes the system loss and VSI to decrease by shown in Figs. 4 and 5 for two-dimensional Pareto fronts
1.25 and 50.8% of their base case values, respectively. The and Fig. 6 for three-dimensional Pareto fronts.

Fig. 4 Two-dimensional Pareto-optimal fronts Fig. 5 Pareto-optimal front for

a Cost loss a Cost voltage stability index
b Emission–cost b Emission–voltage stability index
c Emission–loss c Voltage stability index loss

IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2012, Vol. 6, Iss. 6, pp. 515– 527 523
doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2011.0851 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012

Fig. 6 Three-dimensional Pareto fronts for different objective functions

a Voltage stability index – emission loss
b Voltage stability index – emission–cost
c Loss–emission–cost
d Voltage stability index – cost– loss

It is worthwhile to say that each Pareto-optimal solution is an Case II-A: Two-dimensional optimisation: All two-
optional choice for a system operator. As a matter of fact, after dimensional Pareto fronts for different objective functions
acquiring the Pareto-optimal solutions, the decision maker are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. It is clear that the proposed IPSO
needs to choose one best compromised solution according to algorithm is able to obtain well-distributed Pareto-optimal
the specific preference for different applications. In this fronts. The best compromise solution which is found by the
regard, (41) is computed for all non-dominated solutions, fuzzy decision method according to (41) is shown in each
after that they are sorted according to their Nm value, the best figure. In the proposed approach the trade-off among
solution among them is considered as a best compromised the competing objectives is obtained by emphasising on
solution. It is noted that in (40), the importance of each non-dominated solutions and getting a well-distributed set of
objective function should be determined (in this study b1 , solutions, respectively. These result in finding a set of
b2 , b3 and b4 are importance of cost, emission, loss and VSI well-distributed Pareto-optimal solutions.

i=1 bi = 1). The
objective functions, respectively, also Fig. 5a shows the Pareto-optimal front for fuel cost and VSI
results of selecting the best compromise over Pareto-optimal objective functions. The best compromise solution is 822.72 $/h
solutions are proposed in Table 7. By comparing the results, and 0.10916. The fuel cost and VSI values in the best
the following observations can be inferred: in case I, when compromise solution are very close to their optimised values,
each objective is minimised individually, its value is the best whereas these objectives are optimised individually, the truth
one over cases II–IV. Also, it can be seen that when each of the aforementioned statement is clear in all Pareto fronts.
objective reaches its minimum value, the other objectives’ All the above features are provided by applying the mutation
value will increase with respect to their minimum (when they and self-adaptive method for tuning the learning factors,
are minimised as single objective process). Also in cases II– because these methods increase the search ability of the PSO
IV the values of the objective functions are shown for different by adapting its learning factors according to its convergence
weight factors. In other words, the importance of the objective trajectory and increasing its population diversity.
functions is considered by weight factors. For instance, the Being the minimum values of both objectives in each
cost function and emission are 860.421 $/h and 0.2383 ton/h, two-dimensional Pareto front has approved the statement that
respectively, when b2 ¼ 0.8 and b1 ¼ 0.2 in case II, in the proposed method is able to cover the entire trade-off
contrast when b1 ¼ 0.8 and b2 ¼ 0.2, the cost and emission front. Pareto fronts also almost show that there is no gap in
are 823.134 $/h and 0.2751 ton/h, respectively. It is obvious their shapes except some gaps which may appear in some
that by raising the weight factor the significance of objective regions because of the nature of the proposed multi-objective
function is raised and consequently its value is diminished. OPF problem and objectives.

524 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2012, Vol. 6, Iss. 6, pp. 515 –527
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012 doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2011.0851
Table 7 Multi-objective obtained results for different weight factors

Cases b1 b2 b3 b4 Cost, $/h Emission, ton/h Loss, MW VSI

case I – – – – 801.978 – – –
– – – – – 0.2058 – –
– – – – – – 5.0732 –
– – – – – – – 0.1037
case II 0.8 0.2 0 0 823.134 0.2751 – –
0.5 0.5 0 0 841.052 0.2585 – –
0.2 0.8 0 0 860.421 0.2383 – –
0 0 0.8 0.2 – – 6.821 0.1121
0 0 0.5 0.5 – – 7.219 0.1087
0 0 0.2 0.8 – – 7.913 0.1073
0 0.8 0.2 0 – 0.2061 5.213 –
0 0.5 0.5 0 – 0.2063 5.179 –
0 0.2 0.8 0 – 0.2066 5.162 –
0.8 0 0 0.2 815.109 – – 0.1105
0.5 0 0 0.5 822.638 – – 0.1092
0.2 0 0 0.8 832.374 – – 0.1085
0.8 0 0.2 0 839.843 – 8.976 –
0.5 0 0.5 0 850.916 – 7.893 –
0.2 0 0.08 0 869.731 – 6.775 –
0 0.8 0 0.2 – 0.2146 – 0.1073
0 0.5 0 0.5 – 0.2226 – 0.10586
0 0.2 0 0.8 – 0.2286 – 0.1051
case III 0.3 0.6 0.1 0 867.854 0.2489 8.793 –
0.3 0.1 0.6 0 855.281 0.3169 6.184 –
0 0.2 0.7 0.1 – 0.2496 7.818 0.1537
0 0.7 0.2 0.1 – 0.2136 9.632 0.1243
0.3 0 0.3 0.4 889. 631 – 11.357 0.1137
0.4 0 0.3 0.3 872.481 – 11.152 0.1185
0.5 0.3 0 0.2 828.632 0.3613 – 0.1286
0.2 0.3 0 0.5 923.452 0.27084 – 0.1136
case IV 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4 910.542 0.2441 10.4521 0.1124
0.5 0.2 0.2 0.1 883.514 0.3659 13.892 0.1238
0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 897.371 0.3341 12.764 0.1213
0.7 0.1 0.1 0.1 869.518 0. 3715 15.518 0.1208

Such important optimal solutions could not have been problem where multiple Pareto-optimal solutions can be
discovered without the proposed multi-objective Pareto obtained in a single run.
optimisation method. Unlike the single-objective optimisation, Case II-C: authenticate the obtained Pareto-optimal
there are two targets in a multi-objective optimisation: (i) solutions: Since one of the significant targets of the
convergence to the Pareto-optimal set and (ii) maintaining the proposed approach is solving the multi-objective problem,
diversity in Pareto-optimal solution. These two goals are so it is very important to use some criterions to authenticate
satisfied by the proposed method. The Chaotic formula for the the obtained Pareto-optimal solutions. Moreover this study
inertia weight and the self-adaptive method for computing the compares the obtained Pareto solutions with those which
learning factors beside the proposed mutation in the presented are obtained by PSO and NSGA II [37] optimisation
IPSO algorithm appear to work well for multi-objective algorithms. In this regard, this study utilises GD, SP and
problems. diversity metric criterions which are described as follows:
Case II-B: three-dimensional Pareto fronts: In this case, three Generational distance: GD criterion is proposed by Van
competing objectives are optimised simultaneously by the Veldhuizen and Lamont [38] to estimate the value of being
proposed algorithm and the obtained results are shown in far of the elements in the set of non-dominated vectors
Fig. 6. It is clear that cost, emission, loss and VSI cannot found so far from those in the Pareto-optimal set. This
be further improved without degrading the other two related criterion is explained as follows
optimised objectives. Fig. 6 clearly shows the relationships
among all presented objective functions. Between the 

m 2
i=1 di
obtained Pareto-optimal solutions, it is necessary to choose GD = (48)
one of them as a best compromise for implementation which m
has been done by the fuzzy decision maker. It is necessary to
note that like the two-dimensional Pareto fronts, the best where di is the Euclidean distance (measured in objective
compromise is shown in red colour in this case. space) between each of these non-dominated solution
It can once again be proved that the proposed method is vectors and the nearest member of the Pareto-optimal set. It
giving well-distributed Pareto-optimal front. The results is noticeable to note that a value of GD ¼ 0 indicates that
confirm that the multi-objective IPSO algorithm is an all the elements generated are in the Pareto-optimal set and
impressive tool for solving the multi-objective optimisation consequently whatever this criterion be closed to zero it

IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2012, Vol. 6, Iss. 6, pp. 515– 527 525
doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2011.0851 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012
shows that all the generated elements are close to the Pareto- and shows the space among Pareto-optimal solutions in a
optimal set. Therefore if this criterion is less, it is more Pareto front are divided equally.
acceptable and the related Pareto-optimal solutions have Diversity metric: This metric does not require any optimal
better condition respect to those which have greater GD. Pareto front and bases on the Hamming and Euclidean
Spacing: Another important factor of the obtained Pareto distance between solutions. If there is m number of points
solutions is the distribution of these solutions in the Pareto on a Pareto front and the space is N-dimensional then
fronts. In this regard, a criterion in which measures the range centroid Ci for ith dimension is computed as follows
(distance) variance of neighbouring vectors in the non-
dominated solutions which are found so far is proposed in

[18]. Since the ‘beginning’ and the ‘end’ of the current Pareto xij
front found are known, a suitably delineated metric judges Ci = , for i = 1, . . . , Nobj (50)
how the solutions in such front are scattered. This criterion is m
defined as follows
where xij indicates the ith dimension of the jth point. So the
diversity measuring D-metric is calculated as follows

1  m
SP W (d − di )2 (49)  
Nobj m
m − 1 i=1 D- metric = (xij − Ci )2 (51)
i=1 j=1

where di = minj (|F1i (X ) − F1j (X )| + |F2i (X )− F2j (X )| + · · · + Although this metric is greater, it shows that all the elements
|FNi obj (X ) − FNj obj (X )|), i, j ¼ 1, . . ., m, d is the mean of all di . generated are close to each other. In other words, the distances
A value of zero for this metric indicates all members of the between Pareto-optimal solutions in a Pareto front are less.
Pareto front currently available are equidistantly spaced. Therefore the higher value of this parameter shows the
Therefore the less value of this parameter is more desirable higher diversity of the obtained Pareto-optimal solutions.

Table 8 Best, worst and average values of GD, SP and D-metric for different optimisation algorithms in two-dimensional Pareto fronts


Objectives Best Average Worst Best Average Worst Best Average Worst

loss –emission SP 0.001360 0.001732 0.002573 0.004146 0.009988 0.015405 0.003976 0.006742 0.011860
GD 0.000153 0.000948 0.001984 0.000775 0.000943 0.001075 0.000666 0.000741 0.000857
D-metric 0.812698 0.739690 0.631683 0.275222 0.222158 0.144417 0.312606 0.283617 0.241940
cost –emission SP 1.697219 2.106907 3.084262 2.703175 4.715341 6.578263 1.722061 2.874325 4.582061
GD 0.338549 0.397213 0.484126 0.438114 0.541632 0.627423 0.438114 0.479327 0.575769
D-metric 132919.7 119893.2 98674.3 89796.0 70025.8 52662.7 93183.4 81957.3 57932.1
emission –VSI SP 0.000369 0.000486 0.000674 0.000410 0.000925 0.001352 0.000397 0.000726 0.001233
GD 0.000070 0.000079 0.000105 0.000078 0.000142 0.000183 0.000072 0.000089 0.000123
D-metric 0.017317 0.015732 0.012329 0.013486 0.010163 0.007736 0.013908 0.009734 0.008954
loss –VSI SP 0.082554 0.116354 0.174527 0.080661 0.203413 0.309906 0.084822 0.146212 0.267528
GD 0.018233 0.019843 0.022153 0.020785 0.024932 0.028515 0.019075 0.021075 0.024539
D-metric 469.2634 441.7878 386.9124 415.7619 308.4173 246.7909 419.9626 310.9859 249.5638
cost –loss SP 0.897170 1.093265 1.582948 1.276503 2.274323 3.040720 0.987462 1.361819 2.456410
GD 0.107436 0.118743 0.139172 0.149522 0.174715 0.192352 0.117923 0.129876 0.155830
D-metric 151051.83 142753.38 130387.94 125264.40 99093.67 76845.95 137017.93 113214.72 81402.35
cost –VSI SP 1.270777 1.510842 1.973527 1.544961 2.978063 4.132463 1.300492 1.963890 3.477516
GD 0.335409 0.345183 0.369821 0.399661 0.493415 0.579372 0.364580 0.409365 0.490397
D-metric 13545.013 12494.282 10650.715 10379.771 7752.827 5629.884 10459.242 8642.474 6004.651

Table 9 Best, worst and average values of GD, SP and D-metric for different optimisation algorithms in three-dimensional Pareto fronts

Objectives Best Average Worst Best Average Worst Best Average Worst

loss –emission –VSI SP 0.0186168 0.02136 0.02979 0.05112 0.11131 0.15950 0.03463 0.04842 0.06421
GD 0.0441499 0.04682 0.05176 0.15202 0.20127 0.23329 0.09625 0.10853 0.12632
D-metric 410.006 386.453 328.526 270.733 202.482 173.301 348.752 291.013 217.273
cost –emission –VSI SP 0.30100 0.37511 0.52137 1.05239 2.31160 3.31081 0.86433 1.29525 1.88078
GD 0.04164 0.04348 0.05306 0.16825 0.21631 0.24849 0.11749 0.13174 0.15094
D-metric 348652.8 317773.4 262884.2 210473.5 149029.5 119570.0 276482.8 242188.5 185879.4
cost –emission –loss SP 1.252664 1.41075 1.91458 4.21748 6.95823 8.63428 2.34184 2.95173 4.13837
GD 0.179002 0.19075 0.21164 0.51074 0.67310 0.75043 0.32846 0.37361 0.43633
D-metric 160650.4 148863.7 129221.1 92543.8 68442.8 54541.6 127381.5 102321.6 76268.4
cost –loss –VSI SP 0.63177 0.74220 0.96737 1.53205 3.37516 4.86042 0.97465 1.54174 2.28166
GD 0.03526 0.04792 0.07493 0.09275 0.10844 0.11428 0.05282 0.05208 0.06733
D-metric 391962.4 372188.8 318414.6 273184.5 201629.5 150060.2 321846.9 281241.0 232051.6

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IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2012, Vol. 6, Iss. 6, pp. 515– 527 527
doi: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2011.0851 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2012

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