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ji/IIJU' -(]ila(]u' If! [mm 1:" 乙/嘛絜J [left/u, .

Jurajrz DECIDED m BECOME A mmerouu DANCER cane: err: LOVED 10 mm AmuD ourerE. ~o
棚n矾仔 |r was com 0尺 Hot. Bur mummy err: DEVELOPED A 15mm: nary RASH Mn

H_鬮鷹n Jlng Jie wasn't careful she contracted (on: open sores or fully erupted measles) and (cc: LV wind) when she got (note: ohm
paired with fang lens) the werewolf.

L il
English Name: schizonepete, flnrleefschlxompeh
Pharmacuetlcel Name: Herb: Schlzonepm
Properties: ecrld, slightly twin

臟_ 帥h屾n or KeyWords in thrs'

outsrde hot or 圳d Exterior WIH or WIC le枷
rt‘chy rash vents rash: alevra'te liming
bleedrrtg wrt’h vaginal stops bleedrng' lad \riigltal~
罈鴕ha喵e drscharge'

Fun Photo Chm:

0 Wm'dmill: Wind
0 Halt desert Halt lee: Heat or Cold
0 ltd'ry Rash: Vents rash allevra'tes rtch‘lng
0 Bleedrng' wl Vaginal Discharge:
Stops bleeding and vaginal disdrarge

0 Release: exterior. Extinguieh th (exterior wind—cold or wind-heat dependng’ on which other herbs rt‘ is combined)
0 Vent mhn. alleviate itching (skin‘ problems in m‘itr’al stages: measles. wind rashes, prun'tic skin eruptron’s. eczema)
0 Stops bleeding and Virgin! discharge (best when charred for bleeding, vaginal disharge; auxilliary herb for blood in the the stool or uten'ne
0 (on: [her wind patterns)
0 (on: fully erupted measles or open sores}
0 (oooldngzdonotdeeodfaholongatime)

0 Ten- To stop bleeding or vaginal discharge

′ lˉ{巴一

0 ˉ' J‖0卟y Jing Jre‘ has Antibiotic" as wall as Antr'pyretrc and dta'phomtrc' propertre's.
0 Often perred' wrt‘h W

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