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Name: Mohammad Khodor Madani

Human Rights Essay
Human Rights are rights intrinsic to every single individual, whatever our identity, residency, sex,
public or ethnic cause, shading, religion, language, or some other status. We are generally similarly
qualified for our basic liberties without separation. These rights are completely interrelated,
associated and unified. The standards are: Universal and unavoidable, Interdependent and
indissoluble, Equal and non-unfair, and Both Rights and Obligations. Human rights include the proper
to life and liberty, freedom of opinion and expression, the proper to figure, marriage and family, and
education, and lots of more. A right are some things an individual owns and must not be scared to
defend his own rights to guard himself sometimes or to measure in peace and equality. it is a rule
about what an individual can try to, have, or to be. Rights could also be put into laws, in order that
they have legal protection.
Human Rights Principles:
Human rights are universal and inalienable; indivisible; interdependent and interrelated. they are
universal because most are born with and possesses an equivalent right, no matter where they live,
their gender or race, or their religious, or cultural. Inalienable because people’s rights can never be
removed. Indivisible and interdependent because all rights—political, civil, social, cultural and
economic are equal in importance and none are often fully enjoyed without the others. They apply to
all or any equally, and everyone have the proper to participate in decisions that affect their lives. they
are upheld by the rule of law and strengthened through legitimate claims for duty-bearers to be
accountable to international standards.
Universality and Inalienability: Human rights are universal and inalienable. All people everywhere
within the world are entitled to them. The universality of human rights is encompassed within the
words of Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “All citizenry is born free and equal in
dignity and rights.”
Indivisibility: Human Rights are indissoluble. regardless of whether they identify with common, social,
monetary, political or social issues, basic liberties are natural to the poise of every human individual.
Thusly, all common freedoms have equivalent status, and can't be situated during a various leveled
request. Forswearing of 1 right perpetually hinders satisfaction in different rights. Subsequently, the
best possible of everybody to a sufficient way of life can't be undermined to the detriment of different
rights, similar to the correct to wellbeing or the correct to instruction.
Interdependence and Interrelatedness: Human Rights are reliant and interrelated. all adds to the
conviction of an individual's human nobility through the fulfillment of their formative, physical, mental
and profound necessities. The satisfaction of 1 right frequently depends, entirely or mostly, upon the
satisfaction of others. for instance, satisfaction of the best possible to wellbeing may depend, in
specific conditions, on satisfaction of the correct to advancement, to instruction or to data.
Equality and Non-discrimination: All individuals are equal as citizenry and by virtue of the inherent
dignity of every human person. No one, therefore, should suffer discrimination on the idea of race,
color, ethnicity, gender, age, language, sexual orientation, religion, political or other opinion, national,
social or geographical origin, disability, property, birth or other status as established by human rights
Participation and Inclusion: All individuals have the best possible to take an interest in and access
data concerning the dynamic cycles that influence their lives and prosperity. Rights-based
methodologies require a serious level of cooperation by networks, common society, minorities, ladies,
kids, indigenous people groups and another distinguished gathering.
Regardless of the principles of human rights, I can confirm that based on the fundamental values of
human rights. First to be mentioned is fairness, which is set to be the equality among all and dated to
the famous quote of we are all born equally and by equally I mean the basic rights of food, shelter
and freedom and which is a necessity to all. Talking about fairness we can go back to the basic
treatment of black and white when Martin Luther King liberated about the freedom of the native
Americans in the USA against the whites. My daily role in life would be about securing the basic rights
between all as in treating all people the same.
Respect comes second, whether at work or university or even starting from home it’s the most ethical
contribution one can give to another and the most deliberate treatment method to one another.
Starting from my surrounding I can reach a fundamental conclusion that at work I respect my
colleagues and adhere to my manager’s decision. At university or even society I respect high
authority and follow their contributions.
Dignity, and it is one of the basic fundamentals which reflects oneself and one’s own image and to
me, I would reflect dignity as a basic shield that needs to be possessed in any men self-respect for
individuals and to others as well. For example, I must show dignity for those who are less fortunate
than me and others as well and provide the basic amendments of life and that is a human right by
itself. As Gandhi referred no hunger must be sitting shivering on the road, and to this extreme no
poverty and poor people must be present in our communities these days and due to the advanced
development of technology and several factors, we must meet all society’s needs.

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