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Basic for oral communication:

“Confidence is a feeling that you thick you are capable
of doing something”.
But confidence is not the feeling that you thick you are
better than others
Confidence building:
 Without hasitation
 Boldness
 Clearity
 Discussion/sharing knowledge
To improve confidence:
1. Firstly believe in yourself that you can do it.
2. The key for confidence is putting the audience in
your under ware.
3. There is a psychological fact that the key for
confidence is assuming people in a room like you in
which you are going to speak.
4. Be prepared for the failure.
5. Do some crazy stuff in public so that you would lose
your fear.
6. Make peace with yourself
7. Accept the views of others that you are
normal/common person.
8. Never care about the result ignore result
9. If you make peace with yourself first you can
remove fear from yourself.

Difference between oral and written communication:

Oral communication:
Exchange of ideas,information,and messege through
spoken words is called oral communication.
Written communication:
On the other hand written communication is defined as
interchange of messege opinions and informations in
written or printed form is called written communication.
 Face to face communication is oral communication
 There is no education required in oral
 In oral communication we communicate direct
 In oral communication the messege is speedy
 In written communication the messege is not
 No prove dealing in oral communication
 Written communication is more reliable in business
 In our culture we deal with work of mouth
 Saudi Arabia is high involvement environment
because they have trust
 Written communication has prove
 Oral communication has no prove
 In written communication we read a messege
twice,you can also edit your messege
 In oral communication revision is not possible
 If we communicate oral with others,you know the
mood of others
 If we communicate written you don”t know the mood
of others
 In oral communication the chances of
misunderstanding happens
 In written communicationthe chances of
misunderstanding is not happens
 Oral communication is direct e.g
Presentation,meeting e.t.c

Steps for complex speaking:

 Research and preparation
 Writing your speech
 Practicing
 Putting together visual aids
 Handling the questions and answers
Research and preparation:
1. Make sure that the tone and information is
appropriate for that audience
2. Try to put yourself in their shoes
Writing your speech:
1. First understand your native language
2. Write you own point in your own words
3. To make bullet point that the audience impress from
1. Practice your speech at least three times
2. If you practice something the fear will gone
3. Practicing make a perfect man
Putting together visual aids:
1. Visual aids should be simple and colourful
2. Few effective slides or charts can help your
3. Visual aids means video clicks,pictures
Handling the questions and answers:
1. Make a list of possible questions that people might
have about the material that you are presenting
2. Prepare answer to the audience questions
 Think things through before speaking
 Openly talk about themselves with people they
know and trust
 Visible stay in the background
 Prefer to communicate in writing including e-mail

 Talk out loud to sort through their ideas
 Communicate freely with anyone about themselves
 Prefer communicating on the telephone
 Usually prefer getting input from as many people as

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