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Income Articles 4

By Jagadish

When you are planning tourism packages national or international channelize through wife insight

When male follows female he can know the fears of family members much more closely

When male follow female he can know the budget of safety whether to take the plunge or drop out

When male follow female he can know the knowledge of the state through concern of wife staying

When male follow female he can know the areas where the family is comfortable to stay

When male follow female he can know which type of male tourism board he can depend upon

When male follow female he can know the food and the methodology to tap cuisine of state city

When male follow female he can know the intricacies of selecting places and odd behavior of family

When male follow female he can take protection of family and avoid confrontations to safety net

When male follow female he can easily guide the family to safety places with help of locals

When male follow female he can easily find out the cost structure and knowledge of tourism boards

Male insight is always bachelorship and can fit himself to any type of stay in the city

When he travels with wife, he automatically knows the issues of the female and has to adjust

This adjustment to avoid certain places is knowledge of tourism board

That’s why wife travelling is considered to be insight because it teaches male lifestyle

Throwing the baton on male dominance female would avoid tourism

If it is done you should know that male has failed and would never be safe in world

Female till gives protection through continuous accompany male would easily know the knowledge

Through which at each stage of age limit wife keeps changing gears and male keeps adjusting

This adjustment of male and female anatomy behavior package is knowledge of tourism board

Always pick-up family as two brains is better than one brain of tourism as it is knowledge to self
Thought of the day

Female accompanying male is safety of male knowledge the more wife is intimate lifestyle changes


When you are staying in one city for less than 48 hours and want to relish food use and throw option

Middle class is everywhere in the nations

They can't stay in the vicinity for long as expenditure increases if they stay

Best method designed is to move in and around the cities to know them closely

If they are caught in the city for long, they have to be ethical

And middle class is ethical hence it is taught to them to stay in one place than move around

Post pandemic decision to stay and record them as integral part of citizenship is ethical code

Even then if they aren't able to stay due to many reasons

Best way to relish the country is to show loyalty to their cuisine either state or country

So best logical reasoning to show ethical code in a country which is not ours

Is to relish their food closely through use and throw option

Purchasing items from organized retail stores in smaller quantities

Using them up in single day being lesser in quantity and throw them in as proof of existence of staying

Best way to show solidarity with nation is to identify self instead of running away from cities

Being identified and getting benefits is the knowledge to be shared between nations

Hence purchases of food items and getting recorded as fans of cuisine is prerequisite to show friendship

Sustaining the economy through sharing information of food, clothing, shelter is being safe in foreign

Foreign nation needs finance to keep its economy intact through tourism and we should give help in
Thought of the day

Purchasing and gaining membership of foreign institutions and showing friendship staying is tourism


If you want to be alive and be associated with goodness never ever delete recreation or internet in life

Knowledge is not the goal

Reading is not permanent

Writing is temporary

Investment is not unlimited hours

Spiritual path is not aim of life

Food is disease

Money is not life long aspiration

After birth life is not target of mankind

Sense organs is not positions

Astrology is not segmentation of space

Internet is permanent

It should never be discarded

It should be goal for which knowledge and everything is achieved

Internet is huge relief where money also can't satisfy but is medium

Everything pertaining to this earth is satisfied by keeping one internet intact

24/7 365 days internet is needed to keep oneself intact and alive with news and information at table
Recreation is next level after internet to keep humans intact

Recreation negates away knowledge and keeps him fresh

Knowledge is essential but if made compulsory can destroy a human

Recreation on other hand helps humans come closer together

The more you have it the more your contribution becomes polished

It is so because you have to contribute to society in lesser time but qualitatively

Bringing in insight and well-wishers in front of your observation

Recreation can keep you alive by diverting your attention to lesser and crucial networking

Hence internet and recreation should never be deleted

Thought of the day

Internet & recreation is making humans believe through collaboration world can keep people intact


When you want to earn income completely never ever share your space of knowledge with outsiders

Public is huge and would never decrease

Those who would decrease would be social debtors

Knowledge is limited in supply because game changers are not huge

If you want to earn income create such knowledge which is useful to family

Through collaboration and discussions and sharing a author is paid money by institutions

It takes time because rating scale should be common phenomenon across the globe to be paid money

Money is earned per day and disposed off certain portion by night
Creation of money is done by day time institutions

Night time institutions destroy away the savings of the public

Investments into financial institutions are done through savings done after paying to night institutions

Hence interest rate of the country is determined on the basis of money kept with financial institutions

Financial schemes are limited and short lived also

It is not permanent meaning close ended funds are more prevalent than open ended funds

Hence those who believe in earning huge money never get opportunities because of many obstacles

Hence to share knowledge is to be ousted out of interest compounding by night time in 24 hours gap

Hence it is always believed by me that if you want to share information with public always do it solo

You would always be paid full and through compounding you can increase it drastically to be wealthy

This process through you can become wealthy faster and nation can question you easily as there is no

Duality but only one person to tackle with which avoids confusion in the minds of giver and taker is

Also tension free as his knowledge is full and debatable but expressed easily without hesitation

Hence knowledge in the hands of many is dangerous but in the hands of one is always protectable

Finance earning is also huge and giver is never ever is in confusion over debate of topic raised by taker

Taker of finance is called upon and within few hours the whole topic is disclosed and debated upon

Identified source of knowledge is faster to share with outsiders' else countries

Sub topics can be created easily and inter changeable and disclosed easily without tension of losing

Payments mode also is easy as there are nobody other than one and negotiation is also easy

Thought of the day

Solo contributors are needed as implementation to generate employment through can be done faster

To take professional help and be safe from evil an economic man has to know how to earn wealth

Wealth creation is nothing but saving the existing land and get passive income from it

Take the helping hand of institutions and correct the system of land which is losing value

The best way to earn wealth in this world by big stalwarts is to convert losses into profits

The way is to purchase existing resorts which are in losses and shift it to farm resorts for profits

It requires investments and best way is infusion of capital into it through big stalwart's finance

Purchase resorts and shift it with permission from political parties and convert them to farm resorts

This way you need not lose agricultural land by doing everything from scratch

And giving helping hand to chief minister by doing social service of saving the already used land

Farm resorts are best suited when professional help is taken up by paying money by big stalwarts

Once they know how to convert and whether convertible or not to farm resorts

With the help of institutions and their reports submitted existing resorts are to be converted

This conversion needs money and that money is infused by big stalwarts to do business with state

Saving the existing resorts is also a helping hand, government loses no land and farming is successful

Farm resorts restore away and increase the supply of food in return abundance of food

Resulting in entrepreneurship which is nothing but usage of land for welfare of people health

Famine is removed, food is huge, entrepreneurship is done and resorts are safely converted

Thought of the day

Big stalwarts tender is checked out by chief minister for farming to extend to resorts as farm resorts

Passive income or passive food which is crucial if you want to die in old age peacefully with no tension

Income is needed for all purpose hence investments is measuring rod of being rich

Food is essential but without money food you can't eat all the times

Income is earned for people to roam around in transportation and build up networking

Food is eaten only 4 times when you are hungry

Income is earned to do activities beyond food

Food is restrictive to what Is available

Income is earned to do activities on internet and is spent 24/7

Food knowledge is linked up with spending money

Income knowledge is applied science of various financial jargons knowledge

Food goes to crisis and can kill an individual through creation of diseases

Income saves people by investing in insurance plans to come out of death scenarios

Food is restrictive to what to eat, how to eat, how to make

Income is more than food and teaches you science of living and art of dying

Food knowledge is restrictive knowledge of availability

Income is art and science of wealth management through science of awareness

To choose between income and choice of food

Those who earn are wise

Those who have money are asked for to contribute

Those who are wealthy are invited to activities

Those who are money minded are sought after to draft biographies

Those who have income to earn can live anywhere in world

Income is money, money is precious, money who possess can do activities beyond food to be alive

Food is essential but has to be healthy to be of use, knowledge of food eating is liquid therapy fasting

Thought of the day

Money is king, money is wealth, money is income, money who earns can live anywhere, eat anything


Knowledge strength of wife cooking is tourism strength of male independency is strength to travel

Social distancing is the call of the nations

Serviced apartments have already been set up

Countries prefer to share their sociology with outsiders

Vloggers are promoting cuisine culture through them

Tourism board is coming forward for fear of losing tourists

World economy runs on knowledge of each other vicinity to keep economy booming

Global village is order of internet and knowledge of everything is shared by authors

Authors write on all subjects and is promoted in Wikipedia

Travelling now a days definition is staying in one place and relishing the public SWOT

State government promotes tourism through festival season to give opportunities to relish the country

Transportation is made contract based as it facilitates countries privacy with economic man opportunity

Women are taught cuisine culture of the country through sharing chefs to make visitors relish country
Thought of the day

Knowledge of country is knowledge of the world to make economic men everywhere rich in insights


However knowledge I gain in this world when it comes to children, they are illiterate if they don’t read

Humans can protect themselves but not others

Every human being is responsible for his own death

He cannot blame others for his misfortune

If he wants to take up activity to survive it should be his

He can't get the things done through others

Every act in this world is give and take

Without benefits being provided no individual is inclined to serve others

Entire knowledge gained by human being is waste knowledge

Unless he convinces others, he can never be satisfied in his knowledge thirst

Without sharing there is no acceptance

An individual can be destroyed on non-acceptance of Vedic tantra

Humans are interdependent and knowledge shared is knowledge of humans

Knowledge of anyone can never exist in this world without written form

All scriptures which were not written and not found were lost and humans struggle is common

Writers that’s why are precious to record the events as they share knowledge to be wealthy

Unless you read and study other writings you would never grow as humans

Those who discard knowledge of others are poor in one aspect of lifestyle that is awareness
No individual by nature can dominate the earth unless he has proven theories governing nature

If somebody is powerful in knowledge it must be understood that followers are many

Wisdom of any individual is called wisdom because maximum got benefitted on applied science

Such people are always wealthy who benefit others and take benefit from others

Those who criticize others have lost knowledge so nobody knowledge is waste on planet earth

Knowledge is so vast that nobody owns it in real aspect unless he is immortal

Mortal beings would never ever know knowledge in purity because it is death which is destination

World knowledge runs in different intelligence quotient, it is not higher or lower, it is levels of insights

Lower intelligence cant decipher higher intelligence, higher intelligence can't decipher lower intelligence

When it comes to intelligence quotient nobody is poor in knowledge, they get associated with nature

Nature protects everyone and every human intelligence is given certain levels to survive in his field

Never boast never feel delighted on seeing other human being, he has his own survival tactics

No individual is same, everyone is groomed up separate, you can't copy his behavior it is environment

What one encounters in 24 hours his intelligence changes and changes &changes with passage of time

What one reads literature, his knowledge is restricted to that level of intelligence and moves ahead

What you feed your brain cells with, you become like that and behave in accordance with fit mindset

Your fears, your knowledge and your insight is not needed by others

Humans are dependent upon others to know survival you are being paid money

When you give humans confidence and knowledge of tactics to fight fear and overcome it money u earn

Thought of the day

Humans live in fear of everything one who removes fear from their mind & give confidence one is rich

Security of job for children relatives is not a practice to keep industry running in INDIA by OS

While discussing with Telegu actors their father kept them in Telegu medium instead of English medium

to give to heroes' crores of rupees to see that industry is safe and secure with children as next heroes

No English medium to tackle, no security of marriage, marry anybody who is rich

Now existing heroes' children are kept in Telegu medium giving them security of job of hero worship

fifteen years in advance

Children don’t want to do job of heroes stunts and are scared that proper IIM girls is deleted

Father makes the provision by signing an agreement with iim well in advance to prove their

management fees money power instead of intellectual power house of knowledge

Big stalwarts in olden days were big stalwarts when questioned now a days big stalwarts definition is

children of past stars and when questioned about education are flunk or tenth pass are entering

industry through political and father security

Industry doesn’t have protection of supreme court and hence would be deleted by operating system

When women protection is not there in industry why exist

It exists because all unethical ladies like Kriti sanon have easy license plate to continue their children

further into job security and give kisses to heroes in each film as if industry is not decent but a bunch of

red alert zone of operations where to get license plate you should shed clothes otherwise industry cant

sustain is claim openly made in Ravi teja movie and to be accepted by the public as if they are the only

ones who have authority to tell what society should be and others have to shut their mouths saying

nothing allowing dictators to rule as heroes

Policy of the industry is to marry at 36 plus and if they marry before hand they are to be removed from

the industry as non performers , I have never heard such an industry ever exists where practice of

democracy is promoted in the nation has become rule books of nation to accept non freedom to stay

and because all the characters in the industry are unethical they easily accept the terms and conditions

desiring gold and laugh at nine to five jobs as fools

Late night when everyone feel safe to do job in the morning , the industry has policy to complete the

tasks in the night time when all women are scared to come out of their houses industry is active

promoting red alert to wake up; and get paid

Industry should be respected where as the industry media is always criticizing them for bad taste of

wearing clothes and these bunch of crooks women who wear indecent clothes displaying there bra and

boobs want to get married to decent CEOs of the nation like me as easy batons because I am wealthy

and they by displaying their body parts can easily get married to me if they show sexual intimacy with

me as if my parents are unethical and not from decent background is their knowledge

All the bunch of foolish girls who have failed in life know and have information that film industry sells

sex as romance and to get into it knowledge is not necessary and can be got from the films easily if they

act disrespecting society and culture of nation

If you are proven ethical never marry and if unethical marry me is the license plate for which they can

do kisses in the open forum stating to me that it is custom and tradition of industry women to display

sex in the openly accepted and forced by the CEO of the industry CBFC

Doing sex is legal practice in country like ours and if they show their nude pictures to each other

Business magnets can easily marry them making their body parts viral is the catchword talked between


Unethical children always associate with bad elemental force and same is scenario of industry
A lot of talk goes on between me and cbfc employees under friction, they are not big stalwarts any

longer and sold away their education to walls calling it as unworthy license which they would never ever

be able to become rich if practiced so to become rich without knowing big stalwart stature they want to

take the position of their fathers deleting all the candidates who are coming and applied for national

school of drama

I deleted cbfc girls from marriage list being a zillionaire from India

Thought of the day

Protection of job is not democracy it is authoritarianism style of functioning never to be allowed


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