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Monetary Articles 10

By Jagadish

Family know you are determined by your wealth you have it you are respected you don’t have it you are thrown out

Family has to fight inflation

Family has to fight hyper inflation

Family has to fight disaster management

Family has to fight black money

If you don’t fight you would have black money which would destroy your family

If you don’t fight you would end up in poverty giving wealth to political parties

If you don’t fight you would have to give wealth to relatives who would take it free of cost and would never return

You have to be rich to lead a middle class lifestyle

You have to be rich to fight poverty stricken goods to delete

You have to be rich to fight against illiteracy

You have to be rich to be knowledgeable in the society

You have to do consultation to be respected in the society for which money is needed

You have to do consultation to be respected in the society for which wealth is to be created

You have to do consultation to be respected for which money transfer and finance knowledge is mandatory to survive

You have to do consultation to be respected for which banks offer you alternatives to choose from to be rich or poor

Thought of the day

To be rich you should study genres being not knowledgeable on financial knowledge you would be taken for a ride

Family know that best way to live in 21st century is not resorts but heritage hotels and heritage resorts of the city

You have to fight for space

You have to fight for alacarta space

You have to fight for being served

You have to fight for being hungry

Buffet you are always hungry

Buffet you are always fight for place

Buffet you are always desire for more food but have to settle for less

If you are rich always go for presidential suite

If you are rich always ask yourself to be served in presidential suite

If you are rich always stay in presidential suite

Heritage hotels are next level to serve you food

Heritage hotels if you are rich

Heritage hotels if you want warmth and affection

Heritage hotels if you want knowledge of the place

Always stay in 2 bed room suite

It would feel like home stay

It would give you privacy from children

It would give you airy space to move around

Thought of the day

When you move around move around In space houses suites to stay for week to be away from home homely feeling

Family know doing same job will not make you rich you should progress with up gradation of knowledge diversify

Economic man doing same job will not make him rich as everyone does

Economic man doing same job will not make him rich as it is mundane

Economic man doing same job will not make him rich as it is routine

Up gradation of knowledge is necessary to diversify to look out for ways to find new ways of doing job

Up gradation of knowledge is necessary to look at knowledge skills to upgrade present job

Up gradation of knowledge is necessary to know how to uplift your work and give new meaning to work

Why knowledge skills have to be improved

Salary is less

Newer prospective jobs at hand

Higher scale of payments

Knowledge diversification

New areas to explore

Wide variety of payment options

How come books help you upgrade skills

Newer language knowledge

Application of language

Newer countries to explore

Newer routes to job satisfaction

Mundane jobs are removed

Thought of the day

Books knowledge reading increases scope to earn money huge into different areas unexplored gives scope to get paid

Family know you do job because of food otherwise you need not do job clothing shelter is next safety net medicine

Everyone do job to get food

Diverisified food is mandatory to keep your budget under control

Food is the basis for which job is to be done

Your family asks for food clothing and shelter to protect themselves

You cater to these without salary earning even then they would appreciate you

Quality standard of food clothing shelter comes later on once basics is delivered

Who should do job

One who doesn’t have agricultural land?

One whose agricultural land is barren

One who is downtrodden and living in debt?

One whose expenditure has surpassed income earning capability

How to get paid for food clothing shelter for your family

By doing service to the nation

By doing service to companies

By doing service to neighbors

By doing service to self by setting up entrepreneurship

By doing service to institutions through consultation

Thought of the day

By doing service to other you get paid for clothing’s food shelter if you don’t do service you are pauper in this world

Family know that through passive income one can never aspire for being rich as it is dependency not independency

With passive income an economic man can never live in peace

With passive income an economic man doesn’t have stable income

With passive income an economic man doesn’t have proper financial knowledge

Being rich you have to earn

Those who earn are wise

Those who earn are knowledgeable

Those who earn are intellectual

Who can earn income

A literate person

A financial knowledge person

A bookish person

A encyclopaedia person

How to earn income

Social gadgets




Consultation firm

Thought of the day

Those people who are independent and depend upon themselves for livelihood can set up a family through banks help

Family know those economic man who contribute daily have better chances to pass old age as it is consistent income

Contribution those who do daily are wise

Contribution those who do daily earn income every day

Contribution those who do daily earn wealth happily

Contribution those who do daily have confidence under their belt to marry

How to contribute daily

Write blogs

Design websites

Publish articles

Do social networking websites work

Be associated with media

Institutions helping hand

Collaboration with industries

Why old age doesn’t pay you money

Lack of energy reserves

Lack of mental fatigue

Lack of interest

Not able to comprehend books

Not able to transact financial schemes

Thought of the day

Those who do contribution are aware of newer trends and books and keep themselves up to date on daily newspapers

Family know that family members have to contribute daily if they want to be rich as work is money sitting back is not

To be rich family members have to contribute

Each family member salary gives weightage to food purchased

Those who are dependent and don’t work are meant to be reduction in being rich

Those who depend reduce family to pauper

Those who contribute to the society are wise as they have wisdom to implement financial schemes

Those family member who don’t contribute

Given bank loans

Made entrepreneur

Ask them to marry

Live on means

Made to become rich on success of entrepreneurship

Continue business till death

Those family member who are social debtors

Given annuitiy of 50000 rupeees till death

Create recurring deposit for them

Maintain insurance package

Ask them to stay with youth

Made to travel

Thought of the day

Family members have to contribute for house to purchase items to eat dependents are made entrepreneurs not stay

Family know that bride should access away bridegroom money as quickly as possible before becoming pauper

Family which runs on wife is wise as money flows through dependency to independency

Family which runs on wife knows the bank balance as wife is literate

Family which runs on wife knows the financial budgeting as she know correspondence

Why should wife handle money and not husband

Knows the annuity of the house

Knows the bank balance of the house

Knows the salary of the house

Knows the budgeting of the house

Knows the tourism of the house

Knows the swot of the house

Wife remains alive after husband hence house is safe if she runs the house

Knows the budget to keep after husband death

Knows the annuity to keep after husband death

Knows the entrepreneurship of the house after death of husband

Knows the swot of the child after husband death

Knows the financial status of the house whether to do job or not to keep house intact

Financial books to be read and to be known financial statements to keep house running even after husband death

Thought of the day

Husband death everything changes responsibility comes to hands of wife to run house financial knowledge must wife

Family know that those boys who don’t earn money for themselves have to live on streets as economics is inflation

Boys who don’t earn have to live on streets

Electricity rates are high

Water bills are high

Internet connection is high

Rental payments are high

Property tax is high

Ownership rights of flats is on rise

Ownership rights on duplex is increasing

Unemployment is on rise

Salaries are not being paid

Investment vehicles are high

Annuities interest rates have fallen

Lump sum to pay for annuities is ten fold increasing

Interest rates have fallen and coming to zero

Marriage rates have risen

Minimum amount to marry has risen to 50000 rupees

South is marrying south and north to north because of religious attires

Annuities order of the day to save old age medicines and health check ups

60 40 bonds equities would be order of the day as fixed income would be call of families to sustain families

Thought of the day

Rising costs are going to force families to do a job without which they cant get their sons daughters married

Family know friends circle can save you from pass book to pass book transfers in emergency but not earnings old age

Best way to transfer money is to have money in the pass book

Money in the pass book is yours to keep

Transfer of money from pass book to pass book is methodology

Friends can do it free of cost to solve their nutty gritty things of items purchases

Earnings Is compulsory without which pass book to pass book entries is difficult to sustain

One individual to few individuals must by earning members in the group

Group must have intention to solve the problems of daily intake of food

They should attend regularly and see each other case study

Group must be small and not big and should be formation of groups

Each group should interact with other group and interact daily

Both group groups must be knowing each other combination and permutations

Without earning member group can’t function

Without earning from the member groups transfers of money can’t happen

Without earning s knowledge transfer can’t happen as they have determine the wealth creation

Without earning of members everyone would become pauper

Who should earn and who should give helping hand in such type of group formations

Group member who is good at creation should earn regularly income

Group member who is good at creation should have helping hand members

Group member should be able to sustain creation for lengthy period of time

Group member should have other members also as creators so that they can take over

Thought of the day

Creators should be more followers helping hand should be less groups of transfer of money pass book to pass books

Family know if you want to do intellectual journey you should go for galaxy tab for trains and pc for house tourism

21ST Century you should do intellectual tourism

Money is constraint and one needs knowledge to sustain while having tourism plans

In such cases intellectual tourism is order of the day

Having books availability and using it is gaining access to wealth of information

Transfer of information to money can be done while staying in location

Having net book pc and working it out while travelling is easiest way to be knowledgeable and gaining money

While travelling in trains galaxy tab through if you gain access to knowledge

You can work it out knowledge while reaching the destination

at the destination find out the authors and gain access to wealth of information about them through book store

Through bookstore access books and authors names and download from torrent and gain access to money earning

Convert books to money while staying in the place

Chose the place in such a manner which has books tore involve in it

Or the rest write a lot about spiritualism and other related books

Where there is knowledge reading you can work also easily as it gives you access to wealth creation through collaboration

You can easily work out gadgets reading of books through these institutions helping hand and

can access more number of days stay by involving the inmates into discussions and sharing wealth

Everybody needs wealth and those who can access it are always invited into the premises

The other best place to do intellectual stay is serviced apartments where without any tension you can do job

They allowed you to stay not lesser than 15 days and you can extend it also

Nearby bookstores you can access wealth of information and download it and use it and gain wealth and stay easily

Choosing that’s why city with knowledge is crucial awhile selecting intellectual cities for tourism to gain money access

Including availability of books stores and bookshops specially organized books shops become crucial in this type of tourism

Thought of the day

Intellectual places to choose research plays a crucial role in knowing whether you are rich and earning member not

50000 annuity till death you have a family 3 lakhs annuity till death you have tourism 1 lakh annuity till death solace

If a family has 50000 rupees one can set up a family

If a family has 1 lakh rupees earning one can set up solace

If a family has 3 lakhs rupees earning one can easily travel

If all the above is done in annuity format

One can easily live in this earth

Best thing is to have it under your belt for which effort is needed

How to setup 50000 rupees annuity till death

Through consultation

Through recurring deposit

Through annuities in smaller denominations

Multiple financial schemes

How to setup 1 lakh rupees annuity till death

Through consultation

Through contribution from father and mother working

Each male female contributing to annuity from starting

Male taking after 50000 rupees department

Female taking after 50000 rupees department

Each contributing to the annuity

Multiple financial schemes

How to setup 3 lakhs rupees annuity till death

Contribution from the entire family

Child also contributing to it

Grandfather Grandmother contributing to the scheme

Whole family participation

Multiple annuity schemes

Father contributing to 50000 rupees annuity

Mother contributing to 50000 rupees annuity

Child contributing to 50000 rupees annuity

Grandfather contributing to 25000 rupees annuity

Grandmother contributing to 25000 rupees annuity

1 lakh coming up as interest to principal amount paid to financial plans

Thought of the day

Annuities is best way to keep families intact with constant flow of work nonstop being accomplished

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