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Monetary Articles 20

By Jagadish

Bridegroom who groom up bride place to stay where hospitals maximum is ethical else unethical

Investing money in insurance med claim is compulsory

Those who invest in it are ethical

A city groomed up in hospitals is ethical city who cares for citizens

Citizens who are bothered about their children always groom up cities with hospitals as goals

A government who is bothered about its citizen’s welfare and like to do business groom up hospitals

Financial institutions always have policy of how to tackle medical and take care of old people

Those states who groom up olden generation are always robust both finance and medical

Maximum if the bridegroom is ethical he would keep you closer to cities where hospitals are max

Those who are unethical never bothered about health and health is medicine and medicine is cure

Leave the job but never leave the city if you want to be alive

Science compulsory

Science is never lost

Science is extension of lifespan

Science is research of future

Science is next generation investment

Science is robotic management

Thought of the day

Once you create subject or rules of jobs those jobs are never deleted but adjusted to mankind

Bridegroom who groom up service industry food for bride online are ethical else unethical

Zomato and swiggy are never deleted

Online food is always ordered

Bridegroom lives where food is plentifully available

Bride is happy that she can cook food bride who discards cooking is not female

She has no role to play in life of child

Unethical brides are always have unethical bridegrooms

Bridegrooms following unethical wife

Bridegrooms who are ethical never ever sit tight

They revamp reschedule redraft live of family

Bridegroom negotiate with eservice industry and make the provision

They look for jobs where brides are safe and secure in cooking

Children learn from service industry and follow parents and groom their lives later on

Why online is ethical

Plenty of food

Bridegroom has to earn to live

Service industry is costly

Food is tasty

Children learn to spend money

Pocket money is available

People learn budgeting with online support

Thought of the day

Service industry teaches children family members art to earn and live and spend invest in finance

Bridegroom who groom up food online holistically foreign and Indian brands for wife ethical veg

Male groom up food foreign is ethical

Male groom up knowledge of food encyclopaedia ethical

Male groom up vegetarian is ethical

Why groom up of bride non vegetarian unethical

Knowledge that food is poisonous for bride to consume

Knowledge that food is cancerous when read through books

Knowledge that food is death still ask to consume it for love sake

Why eating foreign food in foreign is ethical

Able to make female eat food of choice of foreign food

Able to make female eat food of local food for experimentation

Able to make female eat outside the jurisdiction of food of native country

Why serviced apartment based judgment of selecting food is ethical

Able to consume country food

Able to shop

Able to eat country food

Able o experiment with quality food

Able to follow food of choice

Why internet food is choice to be made when travelling is ethical

Able to watch videos of country

Able to digest food of nation habits

Able to see websites and purpose to create the scenario

Thought of the day

Watching observing seeing tasting country food of tourism is ethical and to be promoted by bride


Bridegroom who groom up annuities for wife and child is ethical than parent and last for himself

Bridegroom teaches finance to wife and child bridegroom teaches knowledge of investment to wife

Bridegroom acts as teacher to teach wife lessons in investment

Bridegroom room up salary package in the form of annuities to act as ethical

Why knowledge of finance is ethical

Knowledgeable people are finance oriented

Knowledgeable people are finance learners

Knowledgeable people are finance earners

Why learning finance is security to bride

Bridegroom teaches you independency

Bridegroom teaches you knowledge

Bridegroom teaches you how to live beyond himself

Thought of the day

Finance learners are finance earners who are finance getters who are finance readers are ethical

Bridegroom who doesn’t groom up bride cooking in the house is unethical children like food

Bride who does cook should never marry

Bride basic way to live is to serve others

Bride who gives others food and eats food last has longer lifespan

Inert nature of bride is to look after family matters

Bride who doesn’t take care of family issues never has safe passage in job

Bride is always cancerous who discards family matters

Bride who is good at family matters and negotiates with bridegroom father mother is always happy

Why bride should cook

It is compulsory because outside food is poisonous

It is compulsory because outside food is diabetic

It is compulsory because outside food is not authentic

Why service apartment have to be promoted during travelling

It facilitates health

It facilitates food

It facilitates knowledge

It facilitates stay

Why gadgets are needed by bide while cooking when travelling

Knowledge of what to purchase and what to discard

Knowledge of how to take care of children and family

Knowledge of how to move in society

Knowledge of how to keep family healthy and wealthy

Knowledge of finance manoeuvring while travelling

Knowledge of banking sector and its usage while travelling

Thought of the day

Confidence of bride confidence in kitchen matters settle off the issue while travelling disease free


Bridegroom who facilitates non-banking finance corporation account while travelling bride ethical

Knowledgeable wife with finance as subject always an asset to husband

Knowledge of banks always asset to husband

Knowledge of usage of negotiable instruments always an asset to husband

Knowledge of opening account in countries while you visit frequently is asset to husband

How to open NBFC accounts in other countries

Service industry

Banking industry

Tourism industry

Transportation industry

Why is it important to open nbfc accounts when you visit countries?

Suppose you have to stay longer

Suppose you have to work

Suppose you have to visit frequently the country

Thought of the day

Friends circle in industry with similar background do work should team up to open nbfc account

Bridegroom who groom you up one city per travel instead of cities is ethical base camp one city

Getting to know city closer by

Getting to know the cultural heritage of the city

Getting to know the food and learning it

Getting to know friends circle to be safe

Why visiting one city is safe than visiting tremendously

Able to know banks

Able to know institutions

Able to know capital city

Able to know vibrations of the city

Able to live enjoy and merry making in the city

Why that one city should be capital city of the country





Living lifestyle

Organized retail stores


Why that one city should be repeated more than twice

Connect with people

Connect with security aspect

Connect with followers

Connect with outside evil forces

Connect with public for safe return to motherland

Thought of the day

Capital city is security and institutions oriented which gives security and passage to other cities


Bridegroom who promotes knowledge without asking wife to be alive through cooking is unethical

Poverty stricken wife

Beggar in foreign nation

Having money not knowing how to spend

Rich but poor in mind-set

Don’t know how to do networking

Don’t know how to live in outside motherland

Marriage issues specially handling elders

Why cooking is important while doing tourism

Financial troubles


Disaster management

Income not sufficient to travel

Thought of the day

Cooking classes in foreign is to be used as an arsenal to get away from disaster management issues

Bridegroom who is ethical always keep bride in the house and ode s door delivery shopping online

Bride to be knowledgeable has to read books in the house

Bride in office can’t study and never knowledgeable

Bride to be knowledgeable has to have time with herself to choose her own time pass

Why brides should have door delivery option as way to let out frustrations and tensions of life

One can purchase books

One can purchase groceries

One can shop online

One can do shopping till death

Why brides asks aske to be rich and wealthy

Need not do job

Depend upon husband for wealth

Husband is entrepreneur

Depend upon institutions for work

Work from home concept

Why brides have tie up with middle men institutions agents




Thought of the day

Institutions keep you rich and wealthy and have networking to facilitate jobs and tourism


Work less be rich philosophy in today 21st century creation of wealth daily entropy

Have to do creation

Have to be independent

Have to be knowledgeable

Have to book work

Have to be internet friendly

Have to do research as lifestyle

Why one should work less

Formation of currency per day basis

Distribution of wealth into many hands per day

Enemy at the gates

Research knowledge more than writing

Consultation is to read more gain more knowledge write less

Why being rich is promoted even though writing is less

Qualitative research is promoted

Junk yard information to be discarded

Knowledge has to not quantitative

Fundamentals knowledge of finance to be enhanced

Why earnings is promoted till death

Job passive income to be done

Thought of the day

Lesser work keep you alive more work give you indigestion and reason to die early in life


Quality work can be done if you know answer script to draft Nobel Prize thought process

Pose a question

Answer the question

Well in advance you should know the question

Answer the question only if it is revolutionary inside the brain

If the answer script matches the Nobel Prize thought answer else delete the question

Or ponder over the question if question is out of box question

Answer the question only if it gives employment tot the masses

Answer the question only if it generates prize ceremony in your name

Answer the question only if the answer script you are drafting can make you rich

Answer the question only if it gives education to the one who reads it or study it

Answer the question only if it gives opportunities to create research in mind of professors

How quality questions are drafted in your brain cells

Study the books

By heart the terms

Know the acronyms

Frame the question in such manner that your family members can sit in front of it trying to decipher
What the answer can be so that they can be educated upon

Thought of the day

Question are framed in such a manner for readers to grasp what answer can teach them


Make the other person save his face when you give answers for him to marvel at your questions

Humans want to save their face

They would do anything to help themselves out of poverty

They forget that collaboration was key to success they promoted competition

Competition destroys helping hand and promoted collaboration as boring

How to answer questions

Insight to self

Insight to others

Why speaking truth is crucial

Saves times

Saves reputation of country

Brings in people who can save earth

Why botheration about self is dangerous than looking at truth to save earth

It destroys purpose being earth sustenance

Implosion sets in

Biographies are haywire and lost in time

Historians are misguided and brought to actual facts losing wealth

Financial institutions played a key role not seen in crisis

Bubble erupted when not needed only to see that world of rich don’t possess knowledge

Poor people are at helm and given false knowledge only to see that generations upside down

Thought of the day

Generations fought wars and came to wrong conclusions in writing because truth was sacrificed


The intention to give present to opposite family is nothing but to save his family from poverty

Presents are givens to see yourself as well-wisher of family you donated the present to

Presents make you aware that the person treats you as special and is well-wisher of your fate

Present remove you from poverty and make you continue middle class if present is money

If present is money format marriages can happen

If present is money format life of your well-wisher can be saved through medicine

If present you give is money you can save the life of society by creating followers in same path

Learn to give money to opposite party

Money is needed

Leave the choice of what the opposite party does with money to his own fate

You can save lives of you donate money in cash or in cheque

You can increase the bank balance of second person whom you donated money and improve lives

Living lifestyle of many poor people have change and can change if they observe money as saviour

People society become rich when small tokens of gift of money is given to each other saving child

Money even though small in denomination can save marriages and divorces

People hate each other marriages are broken lot because you didn’t donate money when they
Needed it at crisis because you thought your money is minuscule in world of rich people donations

Thought of the day

Money is donated and saved lived not kind presents to each other without asking given careless


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