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QUIZ #17

From the list of the skills, qualities and abilities anyone needs to be a successful
translator, choose at least five (5) that you think should be learned and acquired
first and foremost? Discuss each and explain why.

This is such a tricky question. It sounds so simple but to choose only five
among the given list of skills, qualities and abilities a translator must have is
quite difficult because all of those in the list are essential on becoming a
successful translator. Anyway, if I am to choose only five, I would go for the
first three of the core competence skills and the first two from the list of the
key personal qualities. The five competency skills and qualities I have chosen
are, Advanced Language Knowledge, Excellent Writing Skills, In-depth
Cultural Knowledge, Attention to Detail, and Good Organisation.
The most important skill to have as a translator is to be exceptionally
knowledgeable with both the source language and the target language. It is
crucial that the translator understands the text being translated to avoid
misinterpretations and to ensure an accurate translation.
Second is to have excellent writing skills. Of course, this is expected already
from a successful translator to have excellent writing skills. Translators should
be able to write translated texts that sounds close to the original with minimum
to zero traces of being a translation. This is achievable when the translator
has excellent writing skills in which he/she is able to manipulate words into
writing, thus readers of the original texts have the same impact or reading
experience with readers of the translated texts
Next is the in-depth cultural knowledge skill. In order to sound like a native-
speaker of a certain language, translators must have this skill. Translators
must have an in-depth understanding of both the source and target cultures.
Also translators must be vigilant to the differences between cultures of the two
Attention to detail is a must-have personal quality of a translator. Translators
must be attentive every detail even the smallest one to give an accurate
output or translations. Translating is very crucial because even just by a single
article can cause misinterpretations. Even by a slight or minor error in
translation can cause trouble or conflict between nations. Therefore,
translators must be sensitive in every aspect and in every detail of their works.
Lastly, a translator must be good when it comes to organizing stuffs. Being
able to manage their time wisely is very important especially when finishing a
task. Translators must be mindful of what to prioritize to be efficient and not
waste time.

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