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Ndayiragije Mvuyekure, Aime Fidele

BSN 3101

Assignment : FILM Analysis related to Physical and Psychological Assessment of an Adult


I. Identifying data

Name: Carl Fredricksen Sex: Male

Age: 78-year-old

II. Environment

a. Describe neighborhood and geographical area in which you reside: What about it was
important to you?

Answer: Mr. Carl fredricksen was living in an organized place, he lives in south America.
things that was more important to him was the picture, Mail box of his wife Ellie who died of
old age.

b. Describe your current or previous home and arrangement of space: What health hazards
are or were present?

Answer: carl's home was were arranged and organized with a good environment. the health
hazard that presented, was the loud noise due to construction that was performing in their city
and the thunderstorm. the transportation facilities that he mostly uses airway and sometimes
roadway transportation.

c. What transportation facilities do or did you use?

Answer: Carl’s use airship and roadways transport.

d. What leisure activities or recreation do you pursue? Where? With whom?

Answer: Recreational activities that Carl perform was an arbitrary task such as cleaning the
windows, getting the mail, and watching television with his wife Ellie before she died, and
backpacking with a little boy Russell.

III.Socioeconomic Level and Life‐Style

a. How would you describe your socioeconomic level and life‐style? How do you think these
have affected your health?

Answer: the socio-economic level of carl Fredrickson is considered as high because he has more
resources like his own house which helps him to live healthy and safe.


a. marital status:

Answer: Married

b. children:

Answer: none

c. other important members of the family:

Answer: none

d. who resides in home with you?

Answer: Russel

e. What is the usual daily living pattern in your family?

Answer: the usual daily living pattern of carl was performing arbitrary tasks such as watching TV,
getting the mail, and reading the adventurous book.

f. What family events are important?

Answer; the family events that are important to carl was the marriage that she made with his
wife Ellie, Wilderness Explorer sweat lodge meeting and visit of Paradise Falls.

g. What rituals are important in your family?

Answer; the ritual things that were most important in Carl’s family before her wife died were
performing an arbitral task such as cleaning the windows, getting the mail, and watching television.
Secondly, saving money for a trip to visiting paradise fall.

h. How do daily living pattern and rituals affect your health? Family Functions and

Answer: the daily living pattern of carl affect, him after losing his wife Ellie, he starts feeling
lonely, cranks, socially isolated which leads him to avoid any interaction with people around him.

What is your role in the family?

Answer: carl was family-oriented man Before losing his wife, His role in the family was to take
care of his house and as well as his wife but after her wife die his role turned to take care of his
house and keep the promise that she set with his wife.

How are decisions made in the family?

Answer: Since he left alone his the one, who takes his own decision. but before her wife die, they
used to take decision together with his wife.

Who has the responsibility for the various family tasks?

Answer : Mr carl Fredricksen was the one who has various responsibilities in his family.


b. Are you active in that church?

Answer: carl wasn't much more active in the church because he attends it during his marriage and
Ellie's funeral only.

c. Are there special beliefs that you adhere to? How do these beliefs affect your health?

Answers: carl, his special belief was that one day he will reach the paradise falls, this leads him
to become patient and persistent in achieving his and Ellie's dream.


a. What groups/organizations in the community to you belong to?

Answer: carl belongs to the community of senior citizens.

b. What is your role in these groups?

Answer: carl eventually work in a zoo as a balloon vendor and zookeeper before real estate

VII. PERSONAL VALUES (consider expressed ideal vs. real)

a. What are your ideas about the following:

2. Privacy vs. group interaction (being with others)?

Answer: Carl's life after losing his wife Ellie, he becomes socially isolated until he met with
Russell's who helps him to regain nicer again.

b. Time orientation:

1. Do you like to have things done promptly?

Answer: yes, as it portrayed in the movie. after carl and Ellie had the plan to visit the paradise
fall, carl and Ellie starts directly to save money that will help them in their trip without any

2. Do you rely on past experiences primarily?

Answer: yes, carl relies mostly on past experience as the movie portrays it.
3. Do you like to plan ahead into the future

Answer: yes, carl like to plan ahead what he wants to achieve in his future as the short movies
portray it.

4. How do you feel if you know that you or someone else is going to be late

to an event?

Answer: carl, feel sad, impatience, and annoyed in time there is anyone who wants to obstruct
his plan.

c. Work or Activity – Leisure Orientation:

2. Do you prefer to be busy? Sitting and thinking; Reading or relaxing?

Answer: Yes, Carl, prefers to relax, sitting, reading, thinking about the best memories that he
had with his wife, and he also enjoys watching television.

3. What do you do to relax?

Answer: he watches television, reading some book or email.

d. Attitude toward change:

1. How do you feel when you hear the word change?

Answer: carl feels sad, embarrassed, bitter, cranky once he heard something that he needs to
change as it was portrayed in the movie by the time, the court told him to move to shady oaks
retirement home.

2. How often do you make/have you made changes in your life?

Answer: Carl changes actions several times directly to Russell responses or actions as
portrayed in movies

3. What changes would you like to make in yourself? In others? In the environment?
Answer: Carl, desire was to move to South America to see the paradise fall

e. Education:

3. What do you consider necessary for achievement?

Answer: what Mr carl Friedrickson considered as necessary was about to fulfill a lifelong
dream that he promised his wife to visit the paradise fall located in South American.

Health‐Illness Value or Definitions:

2. When do you consider the mill?

Answer: Carl, consider himself as a mill in time she loses her wife Ellie, and also in the time
Muntz fire beneath his house.

3. What do you do when you or members of your family become ill?

Answer: During the Time, her wife was ill, Carl take care of her or comforting her by
continuously staying around her always.

4. What customs, special practices or rituals do you and your family engage in to

keep healthy?

Answer: the special ritual task performed by the carl's family, was engaging in maintaining
the cleanliness of the environment and home through performing some arbitrary task such as
cleaning the windows.

Psychological Assessment

I. Identifying Data:
Name: Carl Friedrickson
Age:78 y/o Sex: Male
Marital Status: married Race/Ethnicity:
Children: none
Occupation: balloon vendor and
II. Health History:
a. Have you had previous admissions to the hospital? To another nursing home or

Answer: yes, carl had a nursing home before.

b. How accessible are health services? Is transportation readily available? Do you have some
form of health insurance?

Answer: the health service is easily accessible as it was portrayed in the movie two times. first,
once carl loses his balloon in the rafters, and his wife Ellie helping him to retrieve it, suddenly
he falls from a beam and breaks his arm which ends up going to the hospital. Secondly, it was
perceived also by the time her wife Ellie was near to death she was also hospitalized.

c. What do you consider your major present problem or area of concern?

Answer: Carl, major present problem was feeling lonely, cranky, and missing her wife terribly
after losing her.

When did the problem begin?

Answer: it starts when his wife dies.

d. What does this problem or illness mean to you?

Answer: This problem means a lot to him cause he's not able to cope with the situation that his
living now without her.

What do you consider the stressful event triggering your problem?

Answer: the promise that carl promise her wife Ellie when they first met with her regard visiting
the parasite falls, the adventurous book that she gave him, the best memories that they cherish with
her, living without children and thinking that he never became an adventurer like his idol Charles
II. Life‐Style Patterns:

a. What is your usual pattern of living? Are you able to care for your own ADL’s?
(Activities of Daily Living.) What time of the day do you feel the most alert?

ANSWER: Carl, usual pattern of living was doing arbitral tasks such as cleaning the window,
getting the mail, and watching television.

What is your present living situation and environment? Are there any hazards to health or

Answer: the hazard health Carl, experienced was:

Firstly, it was the time Carl loses his balloon in the rafters when he was with his wife Ellie which
leads him to falls from a beam and breaks his arm.
Secondly, it was the time his house was near a ravine facing paradise falls, a thunderstorm
appears but Russel and carl were able to survive from it.

b. How do present circumstances differ from usual pattern of living?

Answer: as it was portrayed in the movie it shows us that thunderstorm, the sense of feeling
lonely that carl faced it doesn't continue to happen therefore this shows us that the present
circumstances that can happen are totally different from the usual pattern of living because it
doesn’t continue to occur consistently.

d. Have things changed with your aging or illness s or disability? If so, how?

Answer: as Carl met with this boy Russell thing were changed totally because he had changed
from feeling lonely, impatient, high temper, and become nice.
IV. Perceptual Ability

a. Describe your sensory ability or any impairment related to:


Answer : carl had eye problem because he wears eyeglasses


Answer : Carl had impairment on his leg which tends him to use a cane to have balance while
standing as it was portrayed in the movie.

d. Do you have special visions?If so, describe them and when and where they occur.

Answer: Mr carl had a special vision as it was seen in the movie he wears Glasses.

V. Emotional Status

How would you describe yourself?

Answer : Carl describes himself as an old man who had heart-broken due to the loss of his wife.

How do you feel you handle yourself and your life? What would you describe as your attitude
toward life? What are the most important values to you?

Answer: Carl handle it by isolating himself, the most important value to him was to become an
adventurer like his idol Charles Muntz, adventurer book and the Paradise Falls.

What goals or aspirations do you presently have?

Answer : Mr. Carl Fredricksen had the goal of fulfilling a promise that he set with her wife Ellie
to go to Paradise Falls.

Do you feel you have managed to achieve your goals in life?

Answer: Yes, Carl feels that he was able to achieve the Goal settled even though he wasn’t with

Which of the following comes first for you?

1. Pleasure

2. Your goals

3. Essential tasks

Answer: Carl, was focusing more on Goals other than other things.

d. How do you respond to situations that require you to do something you are reluctant to do?

1. Do you ignore the task?

2. Do you plunge in and complete it as soon as possible?

3. Do you delay the task as long as possible?

Answer : Carl, ignore some task requested him to do because he is not willing to do it for example
he denied moving to shady oaks retirement home as the court ordered him

g. Relations to others:

Do you share your feelings with another with ease or with difficulty? With whom do you share
your feelings?

Answer: Carl doesn’t have anyone with whom they can share his feeling.

Who can you trust to help you in time of need? Who or what do you care about the most in your
life? Who do you think cares most about you?

Answer : carl, cares most about the promise that she promises to her wife Ella, the house, Ellie's
picture, and the adventurer book.

How do you see your life fitting into the lives of others? How dependent or independent of family
or friends are you?
Answer : carl, was a nice friend of Russell as the movie portrayed it because he is the only person
that he cherishes Good situation and bad situation in his journey of reaching to the paradise
he offers him a grape soda bottle cap that his wife Ellie given to him as symbol of appreciation.

What do you feel has control over what is happening to you? How much control do you exert
over others?

Answer: Carl Fredricksen has control over losing her wife Ellie which led him to become heart-
broken, but he didn’t take it out on others.

j. Reaction and coping with situations:

What situations or persons cause you to feel calm, secure and happy?

Answer: Apart from his wife Ellie, the Junior Wilderness boy named Russell also makes him feel
calm, secure, and happy.

What situations or persons cause you to feel upset, embarrassed, anxious or anger? What
usually results from your behavior?

Answer: the situation or person that cause Carl to feel upset, embarrassed was to see someone who
wants to obstruct his paradise dream.

e. Adaptive pattern

How much does another’s reaction or behavior influence how you will act? How important is
another person’s behavior or feelings to you?

Answer: Carl was perceived as a public menace due to bad reaction that he did to a construction
worker who was accidentally directing a large vehicle onto Ellie's mailbox which led carl to strikes
him on the head by using his cane.

What is your reaction to frustration? To success?

Answer: carl was very impatient, very angry if there is something/someone frustrates him .
Which of the following are you likely to do? Go along with the person or situation to keep peace?
Blame others if something goes wrong for you?

Answer: After Carl, lose his lovely wife Ellie, he chose to live on his own.

Consider yourself the cause if something goes wrong? Feel angrier than is warranted by the
situation? Let others know abruptly of your feelings?

Answer: if something goes wrong, Carl feel angrier than is warranted by the situation

VI. Use of Leisure

a. What activities do you enjoy for recreation or relaxation?

Answer: the activity that carl enjoy was to watch Tv and reading books such as Adventurer book

c. How often do you engage in these activities?

Answer: Carl, engage in doing these activities mostly during day time.

d. How do these activities affect your health?

Answer: Through performing these daily activities it develops Carl on striving to reach the
promise that she made to his wife Ella.

VII. Communication Pattern: (Observe and listen for)

a. Ability to express thoughts and feelings (talks freely or hesitancy, writes, draws, uses
nonverbal behavior primarily).

Answer: carl, talks freely

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