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NIM : 201052501065
Educational Psychology Class – D
Dr. Fatimah Hidayahni Amin, M.Pd., M.A.

1. Topic
“The Multicultural Integration Pattern in Environment-Based Learning at MAN 1

2. Problem Statement
a. What forms of cultural diversity exist in the community in MAN 1 Sengkang?
b. How is the pattern of environment-based school development in MAN 1 Sengkang?

3. How to find the data ?

a. Data Collection
The data in this study will collect by in-depth interviewing, documentation and
observation techniques. In-depth interviews with subjects were related to; 1) Types of
multicultural society in Sengkang, which include; religion, socialization between people of
different religions, neighbor relations, mutual cooperation, the culture of educating
children, and social capital; 2) patterns of integration, which include; collaboration
between internal and external elements of the school, the formation of a core team, the
creation of a school roadmaps, an increase in community participation, and a pattern of
integration into learning.
b. Data Validity
The four main things will use as the basis for determining the validity of the data, namely;
truth value, application, consistency, and neutrality. Determining credibility of data was
carried out with several techniques including considering the adequacy of data collection
time (initially planned for two months plus three months), always checking with various
data collection techniques, and asking for peer reading. The application is intend to ensure
that the method or procedure of the research carry out can be done elsewhere. Therefore,
this method of trial research elsewhere has similar characters. ]
c. Data Analysis
Data analysis is carry out in interrelate stages, namely; data presentation, data reduction,
verification, and conclusion drawing. All results of data collection obtain from in-depth
interviews, observations and documentation will describe and tabulate to be categorize
according to the object of study, sub-objects, and indicators. For data that is lacking or
irrelevant, the reduction is finish by collecting files in specific folders which could be
retrieve at any time if needed. The data that will doubtful or needed to be add or clarifie
will then verify and check with the data obtain from different data collection methods.
Next, all the data that will be collect are temporarily conclude. If the data are declare final,
the final conclusion of the study is drawn.

4. Type and Research Approach

This research is qualitative using a case study approach. To obtain accurate data by
integrating the techniques of in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The
research will conduct at MAN 1 Sengkang. Site selection was based on the considerations
that the school is a pilot of the national level of adiwiyata school, the level of stakeholder
participation is quite good, and environment-based learning is implemented at the school. The
school itself is located in Sengkang City in which its community embraces different religions,
namely; Muslim, Christianity and Hinduism. Since such religious diversity is certainly
believe to have an impact on cultural diversity, and on how the people socialize with others
and view education for their children.

5. Subject of Research
The subjects of this study includ one school principal (53 years old), 3 vice principals (60
years old, 45 years old, and 35 years old respectively), 5 teachers (25 years old, 29 years old,
31 years old, 43 years old, and 52 years old respectively), 2 school committees (35 years old
and 53 years old), and 2 parents (35 years old and 45 years old). Thus, the total number of
subjects of this study is 13 and they are select based on the criteria of having good
understanding of the learning process, being directly involve, and being active in the learning
process which is integrate with local multicultural communities.
6. Theory of Data
Mlticulturalism in education is a global issue and its main globalization is in Turkey,
Canada, US, Thailand, China, North Africa, and Brazil. each country has its own way of how
multiculturalism can be embedded in society in the world of education, whether through
curriculum policy, political policy, government policy, or from the demands of minorities.
This can be a theoretical basis and have implications for applying multiculturalism in
Research will conduct that the participation of parents/guardians/ communities
through school committees can influence students' competency knowledge, attitudes, and
skills (Sarjono & Mardapi, 2018). The involvement of parents in schools varies, for example
being involved in the management of school committees, class associations, performing
activities for students conducted at the end of the semester or at the end of the year, involved
in the physical construction and school environment or the construction of public facilities in
schools. Building good relations with parents/guardians of students can accelerate the
achievement of school goals, both related to academic aspects and environmental aspects, and
school culture. In many ways, the involvement of parents/guardians as the results of a study
conduct by Kholis et al. (2014) shows that the involvement of parents/guardians can
accelerate the achievement of school goals, interacting with all element of schools (Ambele
& Boonsuk, 2018). Schools have a variety of targets and objectives within a certain period of
time. For example Senior High School of MAN 1 Sengkang aims to be a school that teaches
students to have environmental awareness (adiwiyata school). It is necessary to involve
parents/guardians in planning, implementing and evaluating environmentally friendly
learning and development programs for school culture life. They can participate in
developing a culture of love for the environment in the family environment, participating in
the go green program at the school, supporting books related to the love of the environment,
supporting activities at the end of the year and at the end of the semester about the
performance of students.

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