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Presidential Debate Script

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Username: viscomm2020


Password: viscomm2020

*Intro To SNL*

Host- Welcome the at home audience to Saturday Night Live, live from New York City in front of a live in
studio audience. Tonight's show is going to feature numerous skits revolving some of the new issues
that have become prevalent in our country over the past few months. We have a lot in store for you
guys tonight with everything from pandemic problems to a Nichols College debate. Now Lets meet our

*Actual Debate intro*

Candidate 1 intro: Good evening everyone My name is Tyler Sargent and I am going to be representing
the Nichols party during tonight's debate in which we will be able to fight for the proper future of
Nichols college.

Candidate 2 intro: Hello everyone my name is Tyren Clark and I will be representing the Bison party and I
will be fighting for the proper treatment of our students.

Moderator: Gentleman tonight's debate will be focused on 3 main topics that are major issues here on
the Nichols college campus each candidate will have 30 seconds to answer each question and both sides
have agreed that they will allow the other to finish their point without interruption. For the 1 st question
Mr. Sargent, How does the school feel about its food?

Candidate 1- Well Marianna, to be honest its edible and all students should feel as though they have a
lot of options to choose from for a balanced diet...

Candidate 2- Well Nichols College as many students This food is not it, it is borderline inhumane...

Moderator: Ok Mr.Clark what is the Bison party’s opinion on Air conditioning on campus and the blatant
lie that you have control over it?

Candidate 2- It has been a well-known fact that some buildings on campus do not have air conditioning
which in the hot summer months up here on the hill can be a rough endeavor for students to endure...
Moderator: Mr.Sargent, your response?

Candidate 1- Well you see air conditioning especially is a very expensive amenity but as it may seem
although we can't afford that, but did you see the new additions to the dining hall...nice right?...

Moderator: Ok gentleman final question what are your opinions on the availability of kitchens on

Candidate 1- Currently here at Nichols we offer 3 dorms with kitchens for our students to cook, and it
would be a large cost for us to take on to add kitchens to every dorm.

Candidate 2- Students in dorms without access to a kitchen are left at a disadvantage as they are unable
to cook good quality meals for themselves and have less alternatives than those who are lucky enough
to wind up in dorms like rem, shamie and copper.

*Post-Debate interviews*

Interviewer: Mr Sargent how did you feel about the debate today?

Candidate 1- I feel like the debate went would but the school is able to take on anymore financial
obligations at this time...

Interviewer: Mr.Clark, how do you feel about tonight’s debate?

Candidate 2-The students feel as though they have finally had their voices heard and the Bison party
should prevail in the upcoming bison elections

Moderator wraps up debate


 Host of SNL comes back and wraps up the show

Thank you to everyone for tuning into tonight’s debate we hope it will inspire change on the Nichols
college campus

 Everyone comes on stage and waves to audience

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