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I am an outgoing person with a good sense of humor and I make

friends easily. My friends say that I am funny and fun to be with. I

sometimes go out of my way to be nice to people and help them out. I
guess this is rooted in my sense of responsibility which was honed
into me by my parents considering that I am the first born of my family.
Friendship and family mean a lot to me. I can go all out for my friends
and my family and they know it. I think this is why I have had the same
set of friends for years. We have transitioned from friends to family.

I’m always looking for ways to develop my skills and learn new things
not just in school but outside the school environment. I share ideas
with my friends, we learn interesting things about one another, and
most of the people I associate with I met with while on the lookout for
ways to advance my skills.

I have every intention to make the world a better place. I know I’m no
superman and I have no concrete plans right now, but I am on a road
to discovery. I feel happy and enthusiastic when people commend my
art works and the poems I love to doodle every now and them. I pride
myself as a motivational person, so I write poems for people to inspire
them when they are down or don’t know what else to do. I know I’m on
the right track and soon enough I’ll be close to where I want to be.

Also see: 5 Tips to Avoid Plagiarism

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