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Essay No 8 on “Myself Essay” (500

I cannot say exactly how I have survived school even till now, but I did
and I have come out somewhat stronger. Bullying has been an awful
experience that characterized the most part of my school life. I have
endured bullying for so long that it has shaped who I have turned out
to be. I know for a certain that we can reduce bullying (I doubt it can
be totally stopped), by paying attention to people who have been
bullied, the bullies themselves, analyzing how it happened, what led to
it, the impact it has on both parties, and how best it can be dealt with.

My name is (insert your first name followed by your last name here),
and I have been a victim of constant victimization. I am sixteen years
old and I am a senior in my school. I attend (insert the name of your
school here). Each time I have been asked who I was, this has always
been the only explanation I give. When I act in a mean way to others,
it is not a personal decision I made, it is often a reflex action born out
of years of constant bullying.

Initially, I was a very quiet and calm girl. I never spoke back to my
elders and I was very kind and accommodating of others. Now I can’t
stand tardiness and I am always on the defensive. So I react before
thinking of the consequences.

I am the last of seven children and I have endured bullying at home.

Although, I wouldn’t exactly compare what I go through at home with
what I endure in school. My six siblings are all boys and it is their
nature to make my life miserable. I sometimes find it endearing
because that is the only way they relate with me. I’m not athletic in any
way, I am lanky and awfully small for my age. I get teased by my
brothers for this, so when others bully me in school for being a size
too small for my class, I take it all in stride.

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