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There have been many experiences in our lives, but some of them are considered memorable
for us, these experiences can be a positive and negative that shape on who we are. According to
Albert Bandura’s Triadic Reciprocal Causation that there are three major factors that can impact
to the actions of the individuals these include behavior, person variables, and environment. These
factors do not have to be equal and the person variable is the most influential to the behavior. I
will reflect these factors on my three experiences.

The first experience had an impact on me. Growing up, I was always a shy kid who lacked
confidence and I also have a feeling of distrust of the people around me. When I was a child, I
used to hide behind my mother when someone was talking to me because I do not trust the
people that surrounds me, not because I disliked them, but because I was afraid to talk or
approach them, and I only trusted my family at that time. That is why I am having difficulty
approaching and conversing with people. My parents have always taught me how to socialize
with others, but despite all of my efforts and motivation, I am still unable to do so. Another
experience was that during my high school years, some of my classmates were always laughing
at me because of the way I speak, and as a result, I completely lost all of my confidence. Every
time I speak in front of the class, I still get nervous because I know they will laugh at me. Up till
now I still have a feeling of distrust and I only trust and approach to my family and closest

The second experience is that when I was little and up till now, I always rely on the help of
others and as a result, I become a dependent person. My family is always there for me to assist
with everything such as on school works, simple tasks, and many more and There were times
that they spoiled me but I was always taught to be grateful for what I had. I realized that I was
very wrong in my actions because when I rely too much on them I will be limiting all of my
actions or abilities.

Lastly, I have skills at drawing and my portraits are always praised by my friends, family, and
those people on social media specifically Instagram. Every time I draw it makes me so alive,
where I can show my creativity, and drawing is also my form of therapy since it allows me to
clear my mind by allowing me to reflect on my thoughts and I am always off or feeling down,
but when I start to draw those negative thoughts and feelings on my mind fades away. Those
people who praised my drawing have helped me to gain confidence and a sense of industry.

In conclusion, the factors of Triadic Reciprocal Causation have definitely shaped my

behavior. My current behavior and actions are just simply a reaction to my experiences. The
environment those people around me has an impact on me and on myself also because the person
variable plays a big role in every action that we do.

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