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Personal Statement

Hi my name is Josiah Trelles I am 17 years old and I attend El Capitan High School

and I am a Senior. Some fun facts about me are I really love interacting with people, I

may be shy at times but I do enjoy talking to others. Another thing I really enjoy is going

to the gym I used to go to often but now trying to get my credits and graduate High

School I want zero distractions. I took some time off, but the gym makes me feel a way

most places and people don't. That is where I feel like I can be myself and be confident

about myself. Last important thing about me I think I should include is that I am mainly

an independent person but I do not mind being around or working with others one bit. I

am a very friendly person when I get to know someone.

One thing I always struggled with was insecurities about how I looked and my

confidence. I always struggled with it because I would constantly overthink and compare

myself to other people and I would want to be like them. I would always do this and at

some points I would get depressed. Times got better then it would get worse, The worst

it gets is always around December time. I cannot explain why I think it’s seasonal

depression and I wish it could go away. Apart from that I dealt with my insecurities and

confidence issues by just being myself. There is no problem being yourself then trying to

be like everyone else. YOU’RE your own enemy and your own ally. You can’t put yourself

down because of others or yourself. Yes, it’s okay to be insecure but it’s a cause

everyone has you cannot make it a constant thing you have to worry about. I started

going to the gym and stopped being so shy around others and found my light. Everyone

has their light and their own circle; you just have to find yourself before you find

anything else. How you feel matters mentally and physically.

I’ve only recently grown from this since June 2023 it is now September 2023 I feel

so much better now, I love being confident and not worrying about how people can be

better then me when I know I am better. I enjoy talking with everyone at my school. I

used to attend most school activities not so much anymore, but I really like the cultural

events we have. I like exploring every different culture and seeing how different they can

be from my culture and how similar we can all be. I like attending sports events we have.

I enjoy supporting our sports teams and how crazy our student sections can be. Me

overcoming my insecurities and gaining confidence allows me to go out and have fun

with friends and others whilst being myself and not having to worry about being shy or

worry about being like others. In conclusion it’s perfectly okay to be yourself and enjoy

who you are you are not always going to have people who like you or support you but

that’s how life is be you and believe in yourself remove all distractions that are getting in

your way as hard as the distractions are it may be for the better.

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