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Empowering Research for Educators

Volume 1 | Issue 1 Article 4


Growth Mindset in the Classroom

Luther L. Kiger
South Dakota State University,

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Growth Mindset in the Classroom
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MINDSET. (n.d.). Retrieved April 05, 2017, from Krakovsky, M.
(2007). The Effort Effect. Stanford Magazine. doi:
article/?article_id=32124 Jain, R. (2012). The Not-So-Subtle Effects of a Fixed Mindset. Retrieved April 10,
2017, from Finley, K. (2016). 4
Ways to Encourage a Growth Mindset in the Classroom (EdSurge News). Retrieved April 10, 2017, from

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Growth Mindset in the Classroom • June 2017 • Vol. 1, No. 1

Growth Mindset in the Classroom

Luther L. Kiger
South Dakota State University

Growth Mindset in the Classroom 20

Growth Mindset in the Classroom • June 2017 • Vol. 1, No. 1

”Mindset is an established set of attitudes ing environment, and especially to an individ-

held by an individual.” (Dweck, 2006). Ev- ual learner. Students compare themselves to
ery student will come into a classroom with their peers, often times asking why they can-
a different mindset. Some students will be not perform as well academically. Renee Jain
excited for the opportunity to come into the (2012) says, ”Individuals with a fixed mindset
classroom and learn. Others will come into the believe intelligence and talent are innate and
classroom with a lack of motivation and may immutable. In other words, no matter how
even be discouraged by the thought of learning much you study or how hard you work, you’re
new concepts. Learning new concepts can be a pretty much stuck with the cards you’re dealt.
scary and intimidating process. Many students Since a youth with a fixed mindset believes
lose motivation that is required to tackle these their potential is capped, they avoid challenges
tough tasks. Students may lose confidence and which test their abilities.” Every teacher strug-
settle for being ”just ok.” There are many stu- gles with the student who refuses to take a
dents that could exceed their own expectations, chance, or who becomes frustrated early when
and all they need is a little nudge in the right dealing with an academic struggle, hearing the
direction. dreaded ”I don’t get it” or ”This is too hard.”
Carol Dweck proposed the concept of mind- Hearing those words is a sign that your stu-
set and different types of mindsets. She has dents may have a fixed mindset and needs the
compiled decades of research to form the idea tools to become self-confident to tackle aca-
of mindset. Her findings have been ground- demic issues that students may face. It is the
breaking for people around the world, espe- educator’s job to provide those tools for the stu-
cially in classrooms. Many students enter the dent. Students need to understand that their
classroom with a Fixed Mindset. Carol Dweck intelligence can be developed.
(2006) says, ”In a fixed mindset, people believe Dweck’s definition of growth mindset is as
their basic qualities, like their intelligence or follows, ”In a growth mindset, people believe
talent, are simply fixed traits. They spend their that their most basic abilities can be developed
time documenting their intelligence or talent through dedication and hard work and talent
instead of developing them. They also believe are just the starting point. This view creates a
that talent alone creates success without effort.” love of learning and a resilience that is essen-
With a fixed mindset, students have already tial for great accomplishment.” Students who
been defeated before they even attempt a prob- buy into the idea of growth mindset will be-
lem. These students tend to give up when come more resilient when they are faced with
confronted with problems. In some instances, academic challenges. Students will be far more
students become frustrated easier and more willing to go outside of their comfort zone to
frequently. Students that have a fixed mindset solve problems. Robert Schuller has a great
believe they are either born with certain tal- quote that relates to growth mindset quite well,
ents or academic achievement, or they aren’t. ”What would you attempt if you knew you
Marina Krakovsky (2007) makes an excellent could not fail?” This relates to growth mindset,
connection between students who have a fixed not because students won’t fail from time to
mindset and a Soccer club in England. She time, but instead because students that practice
says, ”Faulkner knew the source of the trouble: growth mindset are not worried about failing.
British soccer culture held that stars are born, If a student fails, all they accomplished was
not made.” Many students share this same finding a strategy that does not work for them,
belief. Many students believe that you are ei- they can keep searching for strategies that may
ther born an efficient learner, or not. Students work. Growth mindset, in itself, does not im-
that believe that they can only learn so much prove student’s overall IQ. Instead, it increases
information have a fixed mindset. student’s resilience, drive, and investigative
Fixed mindset can be detrimental to a learn- strategy. These are all strategies that students

Growth Mindset in the Classroom 21

Growth Mindset in the Classroom • June 2017 • Vol. 1, No. 1

will be able to use throughout the students’ view intelligence as a fixed trait; in the face
lives. Growth mindset is not limited to the of failure, these children will display less task
classroom. Students can apply this to different persistence, less task enjoyment, and overall
aspects of their lives. worse performance.” Praise students for the
On paper, growth mindset sounds great! effort that is put forth, not just the level of
An eager, young teacher who is ready to take achievement that the student reaches. Not all
on the world would think, ”I can instill this students will reach the same achievement level;
into all of my students; all I have to do is dis- however, students can still put forth their best
cuss it with them.” In reality, there is a lot efforts. Teachers should also focus on the value
more that goes into the development than that. of the process of learning. If students do not
You can compare the process to a football team. value the process of learning, they will focus
People may show up and watch a football team success on the grade they receive. It is imper-
play a game. The fans may be blown away by ative that teachers do not place too much of
how well they work together or how hard they an emphasis on the grades students receive.
work. People only see that part of the process, Finley (2016) also believes that teachers must
the final product. However, there is much more design classroom activities that contain coop-
that goes on behind the scenes that people do erative work, rather than competitive. When
not see. There are practices, workouts, study students are allowed to work in groups, they
tables, and film sessions. All of these attribute are able to collaborate together. This allows
to that team’s success. When an administrator students to share their strategies. Students
comes in to observe a teacher, he is only seeing will need to work and collaborate with others
that final product of how the classroom oper- in their futures, so growth mindset is a great
ates. However, there are many different things way for students to start practicing these great
that had to be done to get to that final product. strategies.
Planning, demonstrating procedures, and walk- Growth Mindset is an extremely power-
ing your students through those procedures all ful resource teachers can implement into their
attribute to the final product. Teachers have to classrooms. The implementation of growth
go over these procedures with their students mindset into the classroom will benefit the
to establish growth mindset in their classroom. whole school. Growth mindset is a great way to
Teachers must go through these procedures improve student problem solving and peer co-
and processes so that their ”final product”, or operation skills. Growth mindset is not some-
classroom environment, is healthy and built on thing that is installed over night. It may take
growth mindset. weeks of procedures and encouragement be-
The idea that growth mindset can be in- fore students fully start practicing growth mind-
stilled into classroom just by encouraging stu- set strategies. There are many strategies that
dents is simply not true. While encouragement schools could use to instill growth mindset
is key for a healthy classroom, there is more into their classroom. A school could set a ses-
to having a strong foundation in classrooms. sion of their in-service time aside and have a
To implement growth mindset into into class- speaker come to discuss growth mindset. A
room, teachers must start at the very beginning speaker could inform teachers how it benefits
of the school year. Introduce your students to students, some of the best ways to implement
the concept, and explain different strategies on it into their classroom, and how to ensure that
how they can practice a growth mindset. Katie students keep practicing these great strategies.
Finley (2016) says, ”When students succeed, Evidence has shown us that students, teach-
praise their efforts and strategies as opposed to ers, and administrators would benefit greatly
their intelligence. Praise for intelligence can ac- from implementing growth mindset into the
tually undermine motivation and performance, classroom and schoolwide.
as children praised for intelligence increasingly

Growth Mindset in the Classroom 22

Growth Mindset in the Classroom • June 2017 • Vol. 1, No. 1

Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The new psychol-
ogy of success. New York, NY: Random
Finley, K. (2016). 4 Ways to Encourage a Growth
Mindset in the Classroom. Retrieved
Jain, R. (2012). Not-So-Subtle Effects of a Fixed
Mindset. Retrieved from http://www.
Kravkovsky, M. (2007). The effort
effect. Retrieved from https:

Growth Mindset in the Classroom 23

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