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Iloilo Doctors’ College

Basic Education Department

West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Day 9 Teacher’s Remarks and Signature:

December 1, 2020 __________________________________
Online Streaming Class __________________________________

Topic: Using Simile and Metaphor and Identifying Moods in Poems

Learning Objectives:
1. Analyze figures of speech (simile and metaphor)
2. Identify the moods in poems

Reference: Rainbows in English 4, page 115 to 117

Let’s Focus
1. Simile and Metaphor
2. Moods and feelings

Let’s Meet
Join our Google Class Grade IV English

Let’s Do It
1. Prepare a piece of paper for the discussion
2. Listen to the discussion of the teacher about the topic “Using Simile and
Metaphor” on page 115
3. Answer the Exercise on page 115
4. Listen carefully to the discussion of the teacher about the topic “Identifying
Mood in Poems” on page 116
5. Answer the Exercise on page 116-117
Iloilo Doctors’ College
Basic Education Department
West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Day 10 Teacher’s Remarks and Signature:

December 2, 2020 __________________________________
Offline Class Activities __________________________________

Topic: Using Words with Multiple Meaning

Learning Objective:
1. Use words with multiple meanings

Reference: Rainbows in English 4, page 113

Let’s Focus
1. Words with multiple meanings

Let’s Do It
1. Review the topic about words with multiple meanings on page 113
2. Answer the activity in Google Classroom (Activity Title: Using Words with Multiple
Iloilo Doctors’ College
Basic Education Department
West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Day 11 Teacher’s Remarks and Signature:

December 3, 2020 __________________________________
Online Streaming Class __________________________________

Topic: Forming and Using Noun Possessives

Learning Objective:
1. Form and use noun possessives

Reference: Rainbows in English 4, page 118 to 119

Let’s Focus
1. Possessive form of nouns
2. General rules in forming noun possessive

Let’s Meet
Join our Google Class Grade IV English

Let’s Do It
1. Prepare a piece of paper for the discussion
2. Listen carefully to the review discussion of the teacher about the topic “Forming
and Using Noun Possessives” on page 118
3. Answer the Exercise on page 119
4. Review about the previous lessons

Study the following topics for the quiz tomorrow (December 4, 2020):
1. Using Words with Multiple Meanings (page 113)
2. Using Simile and Metaphor (page 115)
3. Identifying Moods (page 116)
4. Forming and Using Noun Possessives (page 118)
Iloilo Doctors’ College
Basic Education Department
West Avenue, Molo, Iloilo City

Day 12 Teacher’s Remarks and Signature:

December 4, 2020 __________________________________
Online Streaming Class __________________________________

Topic: Using Words with Multiple Meanings, Using Simile and Metaphor, Identifying
Moods, and Forming and Using Noun Possessives

Learning Objectives:
1. Use words with multiple meanings
2. Analyze figures of speech (simile and metaphor)
3. Identify moods and feelings
4. Form and use noun possessives

Reference: Rainbows in English 4, page 113 to 118

Let’s Focus
1. Words with multiple meanings
2. Simile and metaphor
3. Moods and feelings
4. Possessive form of nouns

Let’s Meet
Join our Google Class Grade IV English

Let’s Do It
1. Listen carefully to the review discussion of the teacher
2. Take the Quiz No. 2. Go to the Google Classroom (English) and answer the quiz.
Submit your quiz on time.

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