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Fluid Mechanics II

(BDA 30203)

Chapter 2: Potential Flow


1. Understand how the differential equations of mass

and momentum conservation are derived.
2. Calculate the stream function and Potential Function.
3. Understand superposition as a method for solving
potential flow.
Why this chapter is so important?

In Fluid Mechanic I –
use finite control volumes: detailed knowledge within the control volume is not
required (pressure and velocity variations)
• many situations that arise in which details of the flow are important
• - velocity varies over the cross section of a pipe
• - pressure and shear stress varies along the surface of an airplane wing
• finite control volumes approach will not yield the desired information
• need to develop relationships that apply at least in a very small region (infinitesimal
control volume or infinitesimal fluid element) within a given flow field
• infinitesimal control volume referred to as differential analysis since the governing
equations are differential equations


• This chapter will introduce the differential equations that describe the
motion of fluids

• Apply the governing flow equations to an infinitesimal control volume

• Discover that the governing equations are differential equations.

• Kinematics refers to how fluid behaves in reference to time.

The Velocity Field
• To describe the motion of fluid, we analyze the behavior of fluid elements passing fixed points
rather than observing a particular element as it moves. This method is called the Eulerian method.
• In the course of deriving the differential equations, we look at fluid as elements (infinitesimal
control volume) rather than singular fluid particles.
• This means that a finite volume of fluid containing the fluid particles is used and the characteristics
of the elements are based on statistical average values.
• In a flow field, fluid elements move and changes shape. So it has motion and deformation. The
types of deformation are shown:

The velocity field is a representation of fluid
velocity as function of spatial coordinates and time
V = V ( x , y, z , t )
Since velocity has both magnitude and direction, the
velocity field is often expressed as vectors
V = ui + vj + wk
where the u, v, and w component of velocity are
given, respectively by
u = u ( x , y, z , t )
v = v ( x , y, z , t )
w = w ( x , y, z , t )

The acceleration of a fluid particle can be expressed as

and in component form

The acceleration is also expressed as:

The substantial derivative (material derivative or total derivative), D( )/Dt

In Cartesian coordinates, the vector operator (gradient operator) is defined as

So, equation D( )/Dt can be written as

= substantial derivative, which is physically the time rate of change following a moving fluid
element. Total derivative.
= local derivative, which is physically the time rate of change at a fixed point.

= convective derivative, which is physically the time rate of change due to the movement of the
fluid element from one location to another in the flow field where the flow properties are spatially

The Divergence of the Velocity

= divergence of the velocity

In mathematical form, is expressed as;

Example 2.1

A steady, incompressible, two-dimensional velocity field is

given by the following components in the xy-plane:

Calculate the acceleration field, and calculate the acceleration at the point (2, 3).
Governing Flow Equations
The fundamental governing equations of fluid flow are:
- Continuity equation
- Momentum equation
- Energy equation
These equations speak physics. They are mathematical statements of three
fundamental physical principals upon which all of fluid dynamics is based:
- Mass is conserved
- Newton’s second law,
- Energy is conserved

Models of the Flow
We have used the finite control volumes for the solution of a variety
of fluid mechanics problems.
This approach is very practical and useful, because it only requires a
detailed knowledge of the pressure and velocity variations within
the control volume.
Typically, we found that only conditions on the surface of the control
volume entered the problem, and thus problems could be solved
without a detailed knowledge of the flow field.
In these circumstances we need to develop relationships that apply at
a point, or at least in a very small region, the infinitesimal fluid
element within a given flow field.
This approach, which involves the infinitesimal fluid element or we can
call it an infinitesimal control volume as distinguished from a finite
control volume, is commonly referred to as differential analysis.

Continuity Equation
The mass balance, or continuity equation, for a control volume is:
Any change of mass within the control volume is equal to the net gain of
mass flowing into the volume through the control surface,
Rate of Change of Mass + Net loss of Mass = 0

• In mathematical terms

/t cv d = the rate at which the mass within the control volume is changing
cs  u.dA = net rate at which mass is flowing out through the control surface (total rate
of mass outflow - total rate of mass inflow)
• net rate at which mass is flowing out through the control surface:

cs  u.dA = out ( uA) - in ( uA)

Continuity equation

 cv (   /  t ) d  +  out (  u A ) -  in (  u A ) = 0
• •
cv (/t)d = in m - out m

where the element is so small that the volume integral on the left
side of the equation can be written as;

 c v (  /  t ) d   (  /  t ) d x d y d z

• Sum up the mass flow rates into and out of the 6
faces of the CV

Net mass flow rate into CV:

Net mass flow rate out of CV:

• Plug into integral conservation of mass equation

• After substitution,

• Dividing through by volume dxdydz

Continuity equation

Alternative forms

Cylindrical coordinates

Special Cases
• Steady compressible flow



Special Cases
• Incompressible flow

and  = constant



Example 2.2


The third velocity component cannot be explicitly

determined since f (x.y) can have any form and
conservation of mass still be satisfied. An additional
information is needed to completely determine w.

Thank You


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