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FALL 2020

Course Title: Core III 11-11-2020

Course Instructor: Ms. Farwa Qazalbash Post-mid Test

Student: sijal zafar

1. Read the following case study and plan a presentation in light of skills taught in the
classroom. (3)

Case Study:

 A passenger on a flight with a major airline was getting dripped on by moisture leaking from

overhead vents. He reported the incident to the stewardess and asked her if she would report the

incident, and she refused to do so, saying there was a condensation problem with the entire fleet

and her report wouldn't make any difference. The stewardess' response was problematic as her

response implied that the airline ignored the needs of their customers and refused to confront

problems. The passenger has sued the airline for bad customer service. To save her job the

steward now has to give a presentation in front of her CEO. How can she give an effective

presentation and to avoid losing her job?

2. Answer these questions, and write a job objective based on your answers. (3)

What kind of job would I like to have* Three choices would be:

What qualifications do I have for the jobs I listed above*

What can I do to be better qualified for these jobs*

3. Answering the questions below will help you decide what information should be

included in a cover letter.

What do I want from this company* (3)

What can I offer this company* (3)

What experience do I have that will qualify me for this position* (3)

4. ACTIVITIES (Related to College and Profession you are choosing) (1)


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