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Software Installation

SERVAview for Cementing is a data acquisition software for SERVA ACM system, it
displays real time data and real time chart during a job, and generates charts report and
data report after the job.

Window 2000/XP/VISTA, 256M of RAM

Data detection via COM Port

Data detection
1. First shut down other programs which will use COM Ports.

2. Create a new job file. In the main window click menu File|New , or click
menuFile|Open to open a existing job file, when open a existing job file, the following
real time data will be appended to the existing job data.

3. COM Port,click menu Communication|COM Port , when all cable connections works
well and ACM system is sending data to COM Port, the software can automatically test to
find which Port is used to communicate with the ACM System,when it found, the COM
Port Setting window will disppear. In the main window the bottom right corner there will
show the tips "It's testing COM Port...","It's testing data...","Data testing success." or "It
can't detect a proper COM Port. ". If it fails to find the proper COM Port, the user should
appoint a port number, in the COM Port Setting window, select the port number, baud
rate,verify,data bits,stop bits, the default setting is baud rate:19200, verify:N, Data bits:8,
stop bits:1. After setting,press the OK button.
Parameters Setting
General Setting
1. Job info item is the information about the jobs.

2. Parameters Settings item is the information about the parameters. each parameter has a
original unit and a current unit. original unit is the initial unit, current unit is the unit you
expect. there is a calculation expression between the origianl unit and current unit. In the
calculation expression the X means value calculated in initial unit ,Y means the value
calculated in current unit. you should give the calculation expression use X and Y. For
example, when you want to show density unit as G/CC(it means the density current unit is
G/CC), and the density initial unit is PPG, because 1 PPG=0.11982643 G/CC, then X
PPG=X *0.11982643 G/CC so the calculation expression should be Y=X*0.11982643.
the same way, when you want to show the density value which calculated in KG/M^3,
because 1 PPG=119.82643 KG/m^3, so X PPG=X* 119.82643 KG/M^3. so the
calculation expression shoulnd be Y=X*119.82643. when you want to change a current
unit for one parameter, just double click the current unit position for the parameter, and
select a unit, when the unit is selected, the corresponding calculation expression will be
updated, or you can input the expression. Each parameter has a averaging number, when
you give a averaging number, during the job, the real time data will be calculated
according to the averaging number and the result will be the current real time value, then
the curve for the parameter will be smoother. The expression for the wellbore should be
the expression for the slurry total. for example, if ch1 is density, ch2 is cement val, ch3 is
rate-1,ch8 is slurry total, then the expression for the wellbore should be ch8. the
calculated parameters are the parameters you defined, for example, the data acquisition
just respectively acquire the values of rate-1(ch3),and rate-2(ch4), it doesn't acquire the
total rate(rate-1+ rate-2) value, if you want to get the total rate(rate-1+rate-2) value, you
can input the expression ch3+ch4 in the expression box for the parameter total rate which
you defined, then the program will regard the total rate as a parameter,then during jobs
you can get the real time value of total rate and after job the charts and report also will
show the total rate value.

3. The job flag is the definition of job markers in the ACM system. the default definition
can be changed, just double click the definition text and edit the text.

4. The Logo setting will select a logo and the logo will be displayed in the charts reports.

Report setting
The report setting includes charts report setting and data report setting.

In the charts report there will be two charts, chart1 can show all parameters curves, chart2
only show 3 parameters curves. for chart1, if the acquired data includes density, rate and
slurrytotal, then the averaging density can be calculated, you should input the expression
for density, rate and slurrytotal, for example, the ACM-3, the density, rate,slurrytotal
expressions respectively are: ch1, ch3+ch4, ch8. the unit for the density, rate and
slurrytotal should be same to the acquired density, rate, slurrytotal current units. If the
program doesn't acquire density,rate and slurry total at the same time ,then the averaging
density can't be calculated. Chart2 can show 3 parameters curves, it can print each
parameter curve and also it can print a curve which is a calculated parameter,for example,
if you want to show a curve which is calculated with value of pressure2 - value of
pressure1, just input the expression ch5-ch4, ch5 means pressure2, ch4 means pressure1.

In the report setting you can select parameters to be printed , the time step will determine
the intervals between two records.

Real time/Replay setting

In the real time run window, the scales for the real time chart are respectively named as
P,V,R, L. You can give a range for each scale and you can select a scale for each
parameter, If you select P,V,R or L for one parameter, then in the real time chart, the curve
will be printed according to the selected scale. the related information please refer to the
Real time data acquisition via COM Port. part.
Real Time Data Acquisition via COM
1. Click menu File|New File to create a new job file, or click menu

2. Data detction, please refer to Data detection via COM Port

3. Parameters Setting. When the COM Port is connected, click menu Setup|General to
input job information and parameters information, please refer to Parameters Setting.

4. Click menu Real Time/Replay Setting, in the window you need to select a scale for each
parameter and decide which parameters curves should be printed in the real time window.
Please refer to Parameters Setting.

5. After the COM Port is connected, click menu Operation|Real Time Run to enter the real
time window. During the real time recording, click the "Graph Left " menu can scroll the
X axis to the left, when want to come back , just need to click the "Graph Right" menu.
when want to pause recording the real time data , please click the "Pause" menu.
6. Relative operation: In the real time chart area, when the mouse is put on the curves,
there will show a tip which indicate the value of the point which the mouse is put on.
When click one curve, the scale which the curve is used will change its color to the color
of the curve, then you will clearly see the the range of the curve which you are click.
when you need to change settings for the chart, please click the right mouse button in the
chart window, then there will show there the Real Time/ Replay Setting window, then you
can change the setting for the chart which you select, please refer to Parameters Setting
part. If you want to change the max value or min value of one scale(P,V,R or L), please
double click the scale, there will pop a window, in the window you can input the max
value and min value for the scale, for example, if you want to change the range for the
scale V ,first click scale V, then input a max value and a min value.
Stored Data Download via COM Port
1. Create a new job file, File | New Job File

2. Operation.

a. When created a new job file, click menu Communication |COM Port,there will
show a COM Port Setting window, if the ACM System is sending data to the data
acquisition software, then the data acquisition software will automatically test to
find which COM Port is used to communicate with ACM System, when it found,
the window will disappear. If for some reason ,the software can't find the COM
Port number, then you should select a correct COM Port number in the COM
Port Setting window, how to know which COM Port is used, please refer to
Trouble Shooting, After setting the COM Port setting, click menu Operation |
Stored Data Download to download stored data.
b. In the SERVA ACM, the ACM need to do the following steps to send
stored data out.

(1). In the ACM information screen press "DATA F8" key.

(2). Press the "F2" key.

(3). Press the "F2" key

3. After stored data is downloaded, click the menu File | Stop to stop download,
and then click menu File | Save to save data.

4. In order to make sure that the data is not be lost, you should create a new job
file and give the right COM Port number, and open the download window first,
and then do the relative steps in the SERVA ACM screen to send data to data
acquisition software(refer to above step b).

5. Notice, In ACM system don't download more than one job number data to one
job file(SERVAview job file), one stored job number data just download to a new
created job file(SERVview job file), and because the CPU RAM is small, it can't
stored so much data, so in ACM System for each new job ,you should clear the
previous data to save space for current job, in the below screen press the F5
button to clear previous job data.

Data Acquisition via Ethernet

When the ADMNET module is used to communicate with this software via Ethernet, first
the computer which installed this software should configure the IP address.
(1) Open the Windows 'My Network Places' property
(char 1)

(2) Open the 'Local Area Connection' property

(chart 2)

(3) Open the 'Internet Protocol(TCP/IP)' property.

(chart 3)

(4) In the chart 4 window input a IP address and a Subnet mask, first in the SLC PV
screens to find the IP address of the ethernet module, the computer IP address is same to
the ethernet module IP address except the last number, and the Subnet mask is, after input the IP address and Subnet mask, click the "OK" button.

(chart 4)

Receive Real Time Data Via Ethernet

1. Click the menu File | New Job File to create a new job file, or click menu File | Open
to open a job file to append data to the job file.

2. Click menu Ethernet Module | Ethernet Communication.

3. In the Chart 5 input the SLC IP address and remote port ,the remote port is 6565.
(chart 5)

4. In the Chart 5 click 'Connect to Ethernet Module' button, when the status is
'SERVAview is connected', then the connection between ethernet module and SERVAview
is ok, if the status is others , please wait for a moment and click the 'Connect to Ethernet
Module' button again until the connection is ok.

5. After the connection is ok,click 'Receive Real Time Data' button,then in the main
window right bottom corner there will show the text 'It is testing data...', when the status
becomes 'Data testing success', first give settings for the parameters and job information
in the gerneral window, then click the menu Operation|Real Time Run.

Download Stored Data Via Ethernet

1. Click menu File|New Job File to create a new job file, or click menu File | Open to
open a job file to append data to the job file

2. Click menu Ethernet Module | Ethernet Communication

3. In the Chart 6 input the SLC IP address and remote port ,the remote port is 6565.
(chart 6)

4. In the Chart 6 click 'Connect to Ethernet Module' button, when the status is
'SERVAview is connected', then the connection between ethernet module and SERVAview
is ok, if the status is other , please wait for a moment and click the 'Connect to Ethernet
Module' button again until the connection is ok.

5. When the connection is ok,click 'Refresh Job File List' button to get the job file list.
(chart 7)

6. In the job file list select a job file, and then click 'Download one job file' button, there
will show another window, after the downloading finished, click menu File | Save to save
data into the new created or opened job file.

Send WITS Data to TCP Client

1. Create a new job file.
2. Click menu Ethernet Module | Ethernet Communication .
3. Click 'Connect to Ethernet Module' button, when the status is connected, then the
connection between ethernet module and SERVAview is ok, if the status is other ,
please wait for a moment and click the 'Connect to Ethernet Module' button again
until the connection is ok.
4. After the connection is ok,click 'Receive Real Time Data' button,then in the main
window right bottom corner there will show the text 'It is testing data...', wait until the
status becomes 'Data testing success',
5. Click menu Communication | WITS Transmission.
6. In the WITS Transmission window, if the send data item is be checked , when
servaiew is in real time run mode, the WITS data will be sent to TCP client.
Charts Report
Charts Report Setting
Before print charts, first click menu Setting | Report Setting to give settings for the chart,
Please refer to Parameters Setting

Charts Report
After setting the chart information, click menu Display | Chart Report ,in the bottom of
the chart area please input a time length for the chart, when the input time length exceeds
the time length of the whole job, the chart will print the curves which the time is from job
starts time to the job ends time. If the input time length is less than the time length of the
whole job, then the chart will print the curves whose time length is the time length you
input. If you need to show average density for current page curves, you need to pitch on
the "average denisty" item in the chart bottom, and in the report setting window, there
must be expressions for Denisty,Rate and Slurry total in the "Average Density Setting"
Item, If expression for Density , Rate or Slurry Total does not exit, it indicates that the
average density can't be calculated. After all setting is right, click menu Show Traces |
Draw Traces to print the charts (to see chart 1). If you want to cut one segment from
current page curves to print, please first double click mouse left button to give the start
point of the segment and then double click mouse right button to give the end point of the
segment, there will show a red line and a blue line(see chart2), and then click menu
Show trace | Draw Trace to print the segment curves.
(chart 1)

(chart 2)
Data Report
Data Report Setting
Before print data report, need to select parameters to be printed, please refer to
Parameters Setting part.

After setting the report setting, click menu Display | Data report, in the data report there
you can change the data value, just double click the data you want to modify, when the
data can be edited, input the value you want, then press the Enter key.

Notice, when the values(which are the original values) in the data report are modified,
program will automatically create a new job file to save the modified job file. If the
current job file is named as xxxx.SVD, then the automatically created job file will be
named as xxxx-copy.SVD. Next time when you open the xxxx-copy.SVD job file to
generate a data report, the data values will be the modified data values, but when you
open the original job file xxxx.SVD to generate a data report , the data values will be the
original values .

When print preview the data report, if the 'Time' column superposes the first data column,
please drag the 'Time' column width to be larger, then print again.

When output data to a EXCEL file ,it will generate a data sheet and a chart sheet in the

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