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Quiz 4
Name: ________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Score: _________________

Give the correct answer to the questions/descriptions below.
1. What is the main aim of the Speech Act Theory? ___________________
2. It is carrying our the force of the participant's statement in a speech act. ___________________
3. The speaker verbalizes a wish which can be carried out by the hearer. What type of speech act is being
performed? ___________________

FOR ITEMS 4-6. According to J.L. Austin, "Almost any speech act is really the performance of several acts at once,
distinguished by different aspects of the speaker's intention". Based on the three main classification of speech acts,
identify what type is the given description below.
(Locutionary, Illocutionary, Perlocutionary)
4. how one is trying to affect one's audience ___________________
5. the act of saying something ___________________
6. what one does in saying it, such as requesting or promising ___________________
7. What must a listener or reader do in order to understand the meaning that the speaker intended to express in a
colloquial language? ___________________
8. Give the selection factors for realizing appropriate speech act strategy.
A. ___________________
B. ___________________
C. ___________________
D. ___________________

Identify what type of illocutionary act is the statement in each item, or if it is merely a question. Choose from the
options below. Write the letter and the word.
A. Commisive B. Directive C. Expressive D. Representative E. Declaration F. Question

1. A child says to her playmate, “Yippee–cookies!!.” ___________________

2. A doctor says to a patient, “I advise you to stop smoking.” ___________________
3. A fathers says to his child, “Why don’t you spend less time watching TV?” ___________________
4. A friend says to another friend, “Why don’t you like to ski?” ___________________
5. A teacher says to the student, "You should maintain you grades or you will lose your scholarship."
6. One secretary says to another, “My daughter’s getting married in August.” ___________________
7. A priest says over an infant, “I baptize you in the name of . . .” ___________________
8. A mother says to her daughter, “Who washed the dishes?” ___________________
9. A passerby says to a motorist with a flat tire, “Let me help you with that.” ___________________
10. A woman says to someone next to her at the grocery store, “It’s going to be a very windy day.”
11. A police officer says to a young man who was speeding, “You’re under arrest” ___________________
12. A suitor says to the young lady, "It was such a spectacular performance. I'm sorry I don't even got the chance to
see it." ___________________
13. A coach says to a team member, “Way to go!” ___________________
14. A teenage boy says to another teenage boy, “Go ahead–Make me!” ___________________
15. An umpire says, “Strike Three!” ___________________
16. One friend says to another, “I swear I won’t see Martha again.” ___________________
17. A parent says to her child, “I forbid you to leave your room.” ___________________
18. A man says to a friend, “What time is it?” ___________________
19. A buyer says to a seller, “I agree with your terms” ___________________
20. A judge says to a happy couple, “I now pronounce you husband and wife.” ___________________

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