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Field observation 1

Berenice Perez-Morales

Intro to Special Education

Professor Rieger

May 13, 2019

Field observation 2

Assignment 1 (Observations)

1) My first impression regarding the classroom environment was very welcoming. The

teachers were very friendly not just to me but to all the students. You can really tell that they

care. Being around kids gives them joy. It feels very warm and inviting, even the kids were very

curious to know more about me. The physical environment of the classroom was very organized,

everything was put in its spot and the classroom decorations were beautiful. The students

handmade all the decorations posted. Even the teacher's desks were organized as well. The

students have many toys and fidget spinners to play and help them calm down. There were two

large tables in the middle of the classroom which was enough room for all eight students. On

both sides of the room there were two office desks for the two teachers in the class.

2) The classroom consists of eight students, five boys and three girls. The classroom is

very diverse so it consists of three African American students, two Hispanic students and three

white students. All the students in the classroom are Autistic. Three of those students leave the

classroom to be integrated into a general education classroom for about half of the class. One of

the Hispanic students is in ELL so he is constantly pulled out of class for extra help and testing.

During my observation I have seen lots of moments where the students get violent with teachers

to the point of kicking and biting so they are very aggressive but they do have a huge heart so the

teachers do help calming them down and help them realize that what they did was wrong. Some

teachers have to come in to give extra help in these cases. i experienced these moments three

times through the observation time.

3) The posted class rules are actually labeled for each student so each student has there

own rules to try and follow. The rules are use your words, have a calm body, hands to yourself,
Field observation 3

follow directions, work independently and stay on task. These are the rules and each student has

a rules the will focus on the most.

4) Yes, the teacher constantly reinforces these rules. The first day that I arrived the

students were split into two groups. One group focused on asking and answering questions while

the other group focused on rules. The students were to answer whether the rules like keeping

your hands to yourself was cool or not cool. The rules about keeping a calm body was reinforced

the most to let students understand that it is cool to have calm body. Another rule that focused on

was that is not cool to spit on people. These rules were reinforced with pictures as well to give

them an idea of hoe that looks for more understanding. If the students were acting out the were

told to take a break and sit in the corner to calm down. When students were behaving well they

were rewarded with school money which meant that at the end of the week they could buy toy

and more computer time.

Assignment 2 (classroom Layout )

1)The work flow of the classroom is very spacious, for eight students it is enough room .

The classroom is laid out for the students to be in the center of the classroom to be facing the

white bored. There is one student who doesn’t do very well with the other students so she sits in

her own desk behind the students to give her more space but also have her integrated with the

class. The classroom is used efficiently because it doesn’t seem like a classroom but more of a

play room. They have many decorations and play areas to make the class more joyful and fun.

The have a large selection of books and have there own box filled with different assignments

which each student finds easy to access.

2)The classroom arrangement can improve if the students were partnered up with another

student who they work well with because I noticed that when the students are having a break
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they go to there usual friends and are more happy and active rather than when they sit in there

seats and never lots of encouragement to answer questions. If the students were sat with

someone who they work well with that encourages them to answer questions more and are in a

happier mood. That’s way the students who sits alone would also be in a happier mood to be

with one of her closest friends so it would help with her social skills.

Assignment 3 (Instruction)

1)The posted daily schedule is for every day. So the begin the class with a 5 minutes

break to settle down and out there things away then they will begin with math centers. The

students will be split into two groups. After that they go to there specials. Each day they have a

different class so it depend within the week. After specials is I Ready. The three students leave

class to be integrated into a general education class while the other 5 students start I ready on the

computers. After I ready the students work with the teacher once again split into two groups and

either work on there questions skills or cool or not cool. Lunch follows and then recess. Once

returned to the class # talks is count numbers using money or blocks. Math carts are also a

different form of counting for extra help.

Class schedule :

Math Centers, I Ready, Work w/teacher, # talks, Math Cart

Specials :

P.E, music, stem, tech, P.E, art

2) Instruction time in the mornings is done as a group, that is when the students are told

the schedule for the day. Throughout the day the students ate split into two groups. When it

comes to individual works it is usually for each student in the area that they need more help on.

Through my observation, I did notice that the same students got one on one time through the day.
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3)My cooperating teacher has a nice, friendly tone with students but once they acted out

she would immediately tell them to take a break. She is very nice but strict with the students

once they didn’t want to behave. To me, it seemed like she works better doing one on one work

with students because she has more patients rather than doing instructions to the whole class.

After a couple visits the teacher was switched out and I had to observe a different teacher and she

seemed more of a sub rather than a teacher because she put movies on most of the time so she

didn’t work with the students like the first teacher. Although she did have her own class she

didn’t teach much in this autism class.

4)The teacher used mostly two sensory modalities which were visual and auditory. There

were more pictures involved and more questions asked for students to pay attention to. The

students were to hear the questions asked and pic the picture that correlated to the question that

had just been asked. There were no hands-on activities mostly computer works and one on one

work with pictures and questions. The students did learn throughout time because it was a daily

activity that they did.

5)The students have trouble engaging and most of the time they did lose interest very

quickly and would throw a tantrum. The students would take long to answer because their heads

were done or were focusing on what other students were doing. Sometimes they did engage and

seem interested but only if they received a reward like a school money or if they were told they

would get computer time.

6)Yes, there is one student that is isolated from the class because she is the most

aggressive so they try to avoid situations from occurring. She also isolates herself in the corner

most of the time. The teachers do have trouble with her working so they do have to threaten to

give her school money away in order for her to complete an assignment.
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7)Yes, I do believe the instructional time is managed correctly because everything is

timed. They have a certain scheduled and they stick to it so the students already know what’s

next and what to do. The students get breaks in between time to not overwork them because

they’ve had issues with violence because of multiple instructions given to them.

8)The transition to a new subject is the breaks. Usually, 5 minutes so within the 5 minutes

they can draw, go on computers, play while the teacher sets up for the next subject and gives

instructions once the timer goes off. The transitions are very effective because it gives the

students time to play but also know it’s time to get to works. The students don’t feel overworked

and also wakes them up a little so they can engage more during work time.

9)In order for the teacher to get the students attention she usually just bribed them. She

used the school money as a form of grabbing attending. She would say if they listen up they each

get $5 or just they gathered up there toys they would get extra break time. One of the other

teachers would play games like the listening game to get them to stay quiet or he would play the

Simon says to get them to focus. I thought the second teacher had more of an effective attention-

getting because he didn’t have to reward them to give attention, he instead played with them

which got them more engaged.

10) The teacher had many issues with aggression because the students have such a short

temper. If the students don’t want to complete an assignment they throw a tantrum and starting

hitting. One of the incidents happened in art class with a teacher who is a floater and she actually

talked to me on the side and told me not to get into special education. She didn’t seem to like her

job because of the constant aggressive behavior hat she experienced. She didn’t know how to

deal with it so she called for back up and the student’s teacher took her out the class and stood in

front of her asking her to calm down. She didn’t want to get near her because she knew it would
Field observation 7

cause a bigger issue so she spoke to her in a clam, sweet voice until she stopped. The student

continued the rest of the class in a calm state.

11)The policies of hinders that students get in class are the timers that the teacher puts up.

She has timers for everything so they know when one subject ends and the next starts. The

school also has bells which students recognize as the lunch bell, recess and end of school. Those

are the only bells they use, other than that it’s a timer in class.

Assignment 4 ( Culture )

Physical characteristics

1)The school property is completely different from what I remember when I came here

when I was younger. The builders are much cleaning, seems like they’ve been painted over

because there are more colors and gives it a bolder look. There has been a new building added

towards the back of the school. It’s a large tall building with lots of windows. There is fencing

around the entire school which are locked at all times. The landscaping is ver beautiful because

now there are rocks and grass and large trees which were never here years ago. The school looks

very well taken care of. There are two parking lots. One in the front of the school and the other

one towards the back next to the new large building. The parking lots are always clean and have

enough room for parents and visitor to park. After school some teachers come outside to help

students cross the road with there stop signs in hand and I’ve also seen the school police after

school when I drive by.

2)Coming inside the school is very beautiful. The walls are painted with roadrunners and

some walls also have students hand prints with different colors and there grade level on top. The

walls are labeled with the classrooms artwork or class achievements. In the school building itself

there are not much windows but in the building outside there are large windows. The school
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itself doesn’t have much natural light but the new building is all natural light with pure white

walls and the students drawing are the only decorations. In order to get into that building you

must open with the key which the school building is always open through the office but there are

two large doors that don’t open unless you get access from the office.

Culture of school

1)The schools mission statement is “The staff, parents and community of Doris Reed

Elementary School will cooperatively provide a safe, flexible, positive learning environment

where students can develop the social and academic skills needed to become productive,

confident, lifelong learners.” The school’s motto is “Doris Reed where students lead to succeed.”

Doris Reeds mascot is a blue road runner.

2)The office is always busy. Every morning when I check in the office is full and the staff

are on the phones and most of them are out sound errands. The staff is very friendly offers you

help. There was an incident with a missing student but the entire staff was out looking for her.

The students interact with the staff at all times they are very happy to see them and always give

them hugs and High fives. The students are very happy and so are the staff members. You can

tell the joy that they students give them.

3)The schedule is always the same, so the bels are always going off at the same time.

There are certain bells for the beginning of class, end of class and four different lunch hours. The

students are seated in their grade levels in their designated lunch tables. The school use a pull-out

program for students with special needs or students in ELL programs or with behavior issues and

they also have their own schedules.

4)The students in my field observation class are usually friendly to each other and once

it’s recess hey love to play with the rest of the students. They make friends easily although some
Field observation 9

students do have trouble knowing when other have had enough playing. There were issues of one

students constantly following another student and I was told it is an everyday thing which they

help control. Other than that other students are very friendly. The students eat together in the

lunch room with the rest of the students. Some do talk to other students and other are more quiet

and timid. I went to there field day and everyone got along and everyone participated in the


5)I asked around for an update on the schools activities and announcements and it’s the

same. The school still does there annually talent show and have their seasonal soccer teams for

each grade levels. Students achievements are recognized through award ceremonies and an

award bulletin board placed in the lunch room. Students are constantly recognized for there

achievements to give them a sense of happiness and belonging.

Culture of classroom

1)The teachers are always expecting a lot from the students because they know what

they’re capable of. The teachers also mentioned to me that they try to break habits. The students

really do get along with the teachers because every morning they are revived with hugs and show

there art works or tell them about there weekend. The first teacher always makes an effort to

make a difference and teach her students something new. She always speaks the the parents to

update them on any changes in class.

2)For the level of participation I would say about half the class participants. The students

who have more trouble with directions are the ones who need breaks in between assignments.

The students have modifications like using calculators for numbers, use iPad for

communication. Some students need certain charts with pictures to get an idea of what is being
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asked. After an assignment is done and the timer goes off some students do receive more time

next to the teacher in case they need help.

3)The teacher has all the power student really listen to her. She can change her tone in a

second if they don’t follow directions. She is very nice and understanding but if she knows they

can do better she pushes them. Students don’t have tantrums with her like with the other

teachers. She constantly reinforces all the rules so when they’re around her they behave! If other

teachers are having trouble with the students she always come to help even when she was to

move into a different class room she would come by to check on her kids.

Assignment 5 (cooperating teacher)

1)The primary reason my cooperating teacher became a teacher was because her mom

was an assistant staff in a classroom for 30 years so she was spend most of her time in school

with her which inspired her to become a teacher.

2)The main challenges my cooperating teacher faced was the special education laws

because of the goals they must monitor and reach. The IEP’s are hard.

3)The best part about teaching for my cooperating teacher is knowing she made a

difference in her students and seeing the progress she’s made.

4)The way my cooperating teacher determines where her students sit is by creating a

layout and adjusting through time of there are behavior problems.

5) The way my cooperating teacher determines her flexible groups is by observing how

they work with others. She puts a mode student in a group to show others how things

are done

6)The standardized testing the students use are the KTA Kaftment Test of Achievement

and the WASK.

Field observation 11

7)The requirements she needs for reporting progress is a quarterly report. The students

have a class dojo where she communicates with the parts and give them daily report from class


8)My cooperating teacher constantly communicates through class dojo and if it’s a sever

situation she will ask to speak in person. The students also take a communication sheet.

9)Grading for her is every week they’re receiver 2 grades per subject.

10) A lesson plan for a whole months takes about 3 days to make and prepare.

11)Strategies she uses are positive reinforcements and APÁ techniques.

12)Positive reinforcement programs she uses are PBSA and leader in me.

13)Specialist teachers are not very much involved with the instructional planing. My

cooperating teacher does her own planning and teachers her lesson plans.

14)My cooperating teacher is evaluated 3 times a years her the AD and is evaluated 4

times by ARL.

15)My cooperating teacher has not been evaluated poorly so she has no idea what

consequences there are and hopes to not find out any time soon.

16)The type of support she receives are from class funds for any upgrades but she doesn’t

not receive any other help outside of school. Parents do help bu bringing in snacks supplies. Any

donations are well received.

17)What surprised my cooperating teacher the most was the amount of time it takes over

when she’s at home. She stated it is time consuming and takes a vast majority of time at home

for plannings. She finds herself thinking about her kids while at home.

Assignment 6 ( Observing a student )

Field observation 12

The student that I observed is very defiant. The class started off by give them a 5 minutes

break. The settle down but this students is very distracted so he does need additional help telling

him what time do. The students was tapping the teacher a little to hard so she did ask him to ask

for a break. He has trouble talking so he uses an iPad through the day. When he is told to take a

break he uses his iPad to ask. His iPad has pictures and words. He must repeat the word on the

iPad. The teachers told me he repeats things over and over again so if he likes a show he will

repeat what he’s head on the show. As a break he watches Curious George. Teaching him how to

speak more is there main goal. The first assignment of the day was reading out sentences. He had

to repeat the sentence after the teacher. He wasn’t very focused but they were very consistent. He

is very smart because when he answered the questions it takes him time but he answers correctly.

He just needs time. He does have moment where he does want to work so he takes walks and

walks a doing the school with one of the assistants. He needs help with his speech but is working

on it. The iPad really helps him so he’s really good with technology as well.

Assignment 7 ( Summary)

I have never been inside a special education class so I had no idea what to expect. Once I

walked in, I was in such joy. The students were welcoming the entire environment was

welcoming. I got to see how much effort it takes to teach a student, how much help a student

needs. There were three teacher in the classroom for eight students and still need more attention

and extra help. A special education class runs differently from a general education class. The

teacher in the class makes the assignments and the support staff is there take take half the kids

which a floater, observes before jumping in. They support the teacher at all cause but they aren’t

belittled because they’re teachers as well. The classroom is managed very well, I like how they

have a timed schedule so they get used to doing things as a routine. I’ve also learned plenty of
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strategies for when A student acts out. After coming in a couples times I learned all there names,

the assignments, I learned how to help them because they also started to become friendlier with

me, they looked at me as another teacher which made me feel welcomed and gave me a sense of

belonging. It is a very difficult but the teachers never lose hope because they know that by the

end of the day they’ll make a difference in there lives. I really enjoyed my field observation

because there is quite a lot to learn, and so far I’ve learned a lot.

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