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15CE34T- Construction Technology 2020-21

Unit- 1:
Soils and its properties

“Soil”means the uppermost layer of the earth's crust, which contains the organic as
well as mineral matter necessary for the growth of plants (or)“Soil” is the un-
aggregated or un-cemented deposits of mineral and/or organic particles or fragments
covering large portion of the earth's crust.
Properties of soil

1) Physical properties
2) Chemical properties

Physical properties
void ratio
The void ratio “e” is the ratio of the volume of voids (V v) (open
spaces, i.e. air and water) in a soil to volume of solids(Vs) in the
given soil mass.

Degree of saturation 
The Degree of saturation “S”is the ratio of the volume of water to the volume
of voids.

Water content 
The water content (w), also known as natural water content or natural moisture
content is the ratio of the weight of water to the weight of the solids in a given
mass of soil.

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15CE34T- Construction Technology 2020-21

Density of soil

1) Bulk density ( , is an indicator of soil compaction. It is calculated as the dry weight

of soil “M” Divided by its volume “V”, it is expressed in Kg/m 3

2) Dry density of soil ( , is defined as the ratio of Mass of solids to the total volume of

the soil. 

3) Saturated density (𝞺sat) ,When the soil mass is saturated, its bulk density is

called saturated density. Thus, saturated density is the ratio of the total soil mass
of saturated sample to its total volume.

4) Sub merged density (𝞺'),The submerged density is the submerged mass of soil
solid (Md)subPer Unit of total volume V of the soil mass

Unit weight of soil mass

i) Bulk unit weight(ᵞ): The bulk weight or moist unit weight is the total weight W of
asoil mass per unit of its total volume V.

ii)Dry unit weight( d); The dry unit weight is the weight of solids per unit of its total

volume (prior to drying) of the soil mass.

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iii) Unit weight of solid ( ᵞs): The unit weight of soil solids is the weight of soil solid
(Wd) per unit volume of solids (Vs).

iv) Saturated unit weight( ᵞsat):When the soil mass is saturated, its bulk unit weight
is called the saturated unit weight. Thus, saturated unit weight is the ratio of the total
weight of a saturated soil sample to its total volume.

v) Submerged unit weight ( ᵞ'):The submerged unit weight ᵞ is the submerged

weight of soil solids(Ws) sub per unit of total volume V of the soil mass.

Specific gravity

The specific gravity of a given material is defined as the ratio of the weight of
a given volume of the material to the weight of an equal volume of distilled water at
that temperature.both weights being taken in air.In other words,it is the ratio of the
unit weiht of soil solids to that of water.

Soil Structure
Soil structure refers to the arrangement of sand, silt, and clay particles within a
soil mass. Air and water movement through a soil mass directly depends upon the
structure of soil mass. Symmetry leads to stability, so if a soil mass has symmetrical
or good structure, water and air movement through it will be smooth. However, if the
structure is asymmetrical, water and air movement will not be smooth and the soil
will be unstable. By knowing soil structure, the moisture content of the soil mass can
be worked on, which is equally important for engineering and agricultural works.

Color of Soil
Generally speaking, soils are classified as dark and light colored soils. By
looking at the color of a soil mass, a rough idea of the moisture content of the soil,

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15CE34T- Construction Technology 2020-21

drainage properties, and degree of oxidation can be obtained. A dark color reflects
poor drainage, high organic content, and low annual temperatures. On the other hand,
light colored soils have better drainage, high annual temperatures, and highly leached
conditions. However, these are rough estimates that only help engineers and
agriculturists to adopt suitable measures to study soil properties in detail.

Chemical properties

Acidity of Soil (pH)

From engineering as well as an agricultural point of view, determination of the
pH of the soil mass is essential. For healthy plants to grow, the acidic and basic nature
of soil must be known. On the other hand, for construction works, highly acidic soil
will affect the bitumen stability of roads and have adverse effects on concrete
strength. (Salinity of soils will also increase maintenance costs.)

Silicate Clay Presence

The presence of silicate clay materials affects the chemical properties of soil
mass. Clay particles have a large surface area and are the finest materials present in a
soil mass. Clay particle increase the reactivity of a soil mass and affect the stability of
the soil mass by forming compounds with external materials. Determination of silicate
clay presence is important to find out the reactivity of the soil mass and its
compatibility with admixtures and construction materials used with concrete.
Cation exchange capacity and the presence of organic matter are two other chemical
properties of soils.

Classification of soil

1) soft soil is defined as compressible soil and yield when loaded, like clay or silty
clay soil which is geologically young, and come to an equilibrium under its own
weight but has not undergone significant secondary or delayed consolidation since
its formation.

2) Spreading soils These are non cohesive soils and give way to lateral escape
when loaded ,that is when these soils are loaded,they spread out, beneath the
structure. But other hand, if confined, prevented from spreading, they are

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compressed and can be loaded considerably, sand ,gravel and murrum are the

3) Hard or Rocky soils These are incompressible and strong soils. They can
withstand considerably heavy load without yielding. These soils are very much
suitable for heavy structure such as multi-storey building overhead
tank,etc.solidrocks, stony soils are the example of this types of soils.

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Field identification of soils

1. Differentiate sand and gravel through visual inspection.

2. Fine sand and silt can be differentiated by shaking a spoonful of soil mixed
with water in a deep jar (or tube) to make a suspension. Sand would settle in
1.5 minutes, but silt needs 5 minutes or more to settle.

3. The above test can be used for clay which requires 10 minutes or more to
settle. The relative quantity of materials (sand, silt, and clay) can be specified
by observing the depth of the materials sediments at the bottom of the jar.

4. Inorganic and organic soils can be differentiated using visual inspection.

5. Smell test can be used for wood or plant-decay odor.

6. Silt and clay can be differentiated using the following steps:

1. Silt lump can be crushed with fingers more easily compared to clay

2. Moisten a spot on the soil lump and rub a finger across it; if it is
smooth it is clay, if marginally streaked-it is clay with silt, and if
rough- it is silt.  

7. Consistency of soil can be determined by checking the ease with which a soil
lump gets moulded.

1. Stiff consistency: cannot be moulded with the finger.

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2. Medium consistency: can be moulded by the fingers on strong pressure

and readily indented with a thumbnail.

3. Soft consistency: easily moulded with the fingers

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