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Politics-(social self, what can you say about the Philippine government and the Filipino

society’s reaction towards the crisis, does this affect your well-being?)

The government implies strict guidelines directing Department of Internal and Local
Government’s chiefs down to the lowest unit of it which is the barangay for cooperation of all
Filipino citizens to the enhanced community quarantine and its extension. Do’s and Don’ts are
strictly observed from department of health, department of education, department of the interior
and local government, senate to congress and to every string of the government to abide orders.
Despite of the implemented rules some of the citizens are hard-headed for not following the rules
due to their social status. Most of the Filipino is not capable to survive in this long run of
lockdown. We can’t blame them because first of all we don’t understand their situation. In this
kind of circumstances we must not equate ourselves to others and let us all be considerate about
others situation. We must think outside the box to fully understand one’s situation and for us to
not easily judge each other. In this crisis, despite of the negative effects we can clearly see the
“bayanihan” of every Filipino that is part of our culture since then and became part of our
identity as a Filipino. Though we are encompassed by this disease many of us are showcasing
heroism to help those less fortunate people. It is very overwhelming to see the unity of every
Filipino amidst pandemic. The crisis is really the bridge helping us to build our camaraderie
toward each other. Personally, I’m inspired surrounded by positivity and it helps me to strive
harder and comply my school requirements. We are one in this situation and we must do our
civic duty.

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