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Abbreviation Unabbreviated Meaning of Why it is prescribed

meaning Abbreviation that way
1. ac Ante cibum Before meals Because the
medication may be
better tolerated

2. AM Ante meridiem Morning Medication may be

better tolerated that
3. b. i. d. Bis in die Twice each day A Drug may have half
life so goes dormant
after a while, so more
than one dose is
4. caps capsule capsule Medication may be
powdered form so the
capsule is a medium to
transport that type
5. IM intramuscular intramuscular Because the
medication is absorbed
more rapidly because
of greater circulation of
blood and accepts the
medication in large
6. nocte At night Because sometimes the
medication requires
rest to work in the
body and also may
cause drowsiness.
7. p.c. Post cibum After meals Some medications
bioavailability increase
after food.
8. q.i.d. Quarter in die Four times each day Medication strength
may be weak and
requires a number of
doses to get its full
9. p.r.n. Per re nata According to necessity The drug properties
allow the medication to
be taken when needed.
10. p.o. Per os By mouth , orally Medication can be
easily absorbed in the
GI tract and provides
more comfort to the

11. p.r. Per rectum rectally Rectally medication

may be of higher
strength because the
rectal area is more
contaminated than
other routes.
12. stat statim at once, no more Medication may be
needed just once as;
the one dose has a high
13. q.h. quaque hora Every hour The strength of the
medication may be
required at that
amount of time due to
illness of patient.
14. KVO Keep vein open Very slow infusion rate Medication may be
required in specific
small amounts over a
period of time at paced
15. gtt gutta drop Medication may deliver
required action better
at this rate to the
tolerance of the
16. ad lib. ad libitum Freely, as desired Medication be low
dose that can be taken
as desired.
17. NPO Nothing by mouth Patient may be able to
eat due to scheduled
surgery or due to
18 .TO Telephone order Order received over the Order may be due to
telephone company policy.
19. VO Verbal order Order received verbally May be convenient for ,
patient, nurse, doctor
20. t.i.d. ter in die Three times daily May be prescribed that
way due to illness the
patient may have.
21. SL sub liguam Under the tongue Medication may have
good solubility which
under the tongue can
dissolve quickly.
22. I.D intradermal Medication may be
required to be placed
on the skin for a
prolonged duration of

action like a patch.

23. IV intravenous Into the vein Patient may be unable
to accept the
medication any other
24. subcut Into subcutaneous tissue Medication may be
required in small
amounts and the skin
offers that option.
25. NG nasogastric tube Patient may only be
able to get anything
down through that
route due to their
26. aq water The short written
term for water.
27. tab tablet Form the medication
come in.
28. OD Oculus dexter Right eye Medication may be
required to work
specifically in that eye.
29. OS Oculus sinister left eye Medication may
require a stronger dose
in that eye.
30. min. minim minute May require per
minute dosage of
medication for action.

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