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SRI / ODE / 2 Order / Applications 1


Free Oscillations Of Elastic System (Cantilever)

F 2F
x 2x

(a) (b)

3F 4F

(c) (d)

ƒ A wooden plank or a metal beam is attached firmly to a rigid foundation at one end
with its other end projecting and unsupported as shown in figure.

ƒ The greater the force or load on the free end, the greater will be the deflection.

ƒ If the load is moderate then the plank or beam will spring back to its position when
the load is removed.

ƒ If the load is great enough, the plank will eventually break.

ƒ The deflection of the tip of the cantilever will proportional to the load applied,
x = F / k where x is the deflection, F is the load applied and k is a constant.

ƒ The vertical equation of motion of the mass is

d 2x
M 2 = Mg − F
where M is the mass and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

ƒ But the restoring force provided the deflection of the cantilever remains small
enough at all times during the motion ( x = F / k ). Thus the motion is governed by
d 2x d 2x k
M 2 = Mg − kx ⇔ + x=g
dt dt 2 M

ƒ Use method of undetermined coefficient or variation of parameters to obtain the

solution of this differential equation,
x = A cos ω t + B sin ω t +
with ω = k / M .
SRI / ODE / 2 Order / Applications 2

Free Oscillations Of Elastic System (pendulum)


ƒ It is of length l and carries a mass m at its free end.

ƒ If the mass of the pendulum arm is very small compared with M then, resolving
forces at right-angles to the pendulum arm, the equation of motion of the mass is
d 2θ
Ml 2 = − Mg sin θ
ƒ If the displacement from the equilibrium position (in which the pendulum hangs
stationary and vertically below the pivot) is small then sin θ ≈ θ and the equation
d 2θ g
+ θ =0
dt 2 l
ƒ The solution of this equation is
x = A cos ω t + B sin ω t , with ω 2 = g / l


Free Oscillations Of Elastic System (floating buoy)

ρ m

ƒ Suppose the immersed depth of the buoy is z.

ƒ Its mass (which is concentrated near the bottom of the buoy in order that it should
float upright and not tip over) is m.
ƒ By Archimedes’ principles, that the water in which the buoy floats exerts an up
thrust on the buoy equal to the weight of the water displaced by the water.
ƒ If the cross-sectional area of the buoy is A, the density of water is ρ and the up
thrust is ρAzg , then
d 2z d 2 z ρAg
M = Mg − ρAzg ⇔ + z=g
dt 2 dt 2 M
ƒ The solution of this equation is
x = A cos ω t + B sin ω t +
with ω2 =
SRI / ODE / 2 Order / Applications 3

Force Oscillations (vibrations of springs)

Natural position Block in

of the spring equilibrium Stretched Released

ƒ Consider a block of mass M that is suspended from a vertical spring and allowed to
settle into an equilibrium position.
ƒ The motion of the block will depend on how far it is stretched or compressed
initially and the forces that act on it while it moves.
ƒ To describe the motion of spring, we use Newton’s Second Law of Motion
F = Ma
ƒ Equilibrium position, kp = Mg , where g is the acceleration due to gravity and k is
the spring constant ( k = Mg / Δ l )

ƒ M &x& = downward force of the weight

= Mg − k ( p + x)

ƒ Substituting Mg = kp into the equation

d 2x
M = kp − k ( p + x) = −kx
dt 2
d 2 x kx
+ =0
dt 2 M

ƒ The solution of this equation is

y (t ) = A cos k
t + B sin k

ƒ To determine the constant A and B, we will take our initial conditions the position
and velocity at time t = 0 .

ƒ y (0) = y0 , then y 0 = A

ƒ y ' (0) = 0 , then B = 0

ƒ Mean when the initial velocity of the block is zero, then y (t ) = y 0 cos k
SRI / ODE / 2 Order / Applications 4

Example 1
Suppose that the block stretches the spring 0.2m in equilibrium. Suppose also that the
block is pulled 0.5m below its equilibrium position and released at time t = 0 . Given
&x& + ( k / M ) x = 0 ,
(a) find the position function y (t ) of the block.
(b) find the amplitude of the vibration.

&x& +x=0
k k
m2 + =0 ⇒ m=±

y (t ) = A cos k
t + B sin k

y ' (t ) = k
B cos k
t − k
A sin k

y (0) = y0 ;
y0 = A cos(0) + B sin(0)
A = y0

y ' ( 0) = 0 ;
0= k
B cos(0) − k
A sin(0)

So y (t ) = y 0 cos k

We know that g = 9.8 m / s 2 ,

k g 9 .8
= = = 49 s − 2
M p 0 .2

y (t ) = y 0 cos 49 t = y 0 cos 7 t

However, the block is pulled 0.5 m below its equilibrium position, so y 0 = −0.5 .

y (t ) = −0.5 cos 7 t

(b) Amplitude = | y 0 | = | −0.5 | = 0.5 m

SRI / ODE / 2 Order / Applications 5

Electrical Circuit Problems


C E(t)

ƒ A resistor R (in ohms), an inductor L (in henries) and a capacitor C (in farads) are
connected in a series circuit with a switch AB and battery E(t) (in volts) as shown
in figure.

ƒ While the switch is held against contact B, a current flows in the circuit

ƒ When it is released, the circuit must eventually become quiescent, with no current

ƒ The relation V = iR holds between the potential difference across the resistor and
the current flowing through a pure resistor of resistance

ƒ For a pure capacitor, we have V = q / C , where V is the potential difference across

the capacitor and q is the charge on it.

ƒ For a pure inductor, we have V = L

ƒ According to Kirchhoff’s loop law, if the circuit components are pure resistor,
inductor and capacitor respectively, then when the switch is in contact with B, the
total potential difference around the circuit is
di 1
Ri + L + q = E (t )
dt C

ƒ I= , so
dq d dq 1
R +L + q = E (t )
dt dt dt C
d 2q dq q
L 2
+R + = E (t )
dt dt C
SRI / ODE / 2 Order / Applications 6

Example 1
An RCL circuit connected in series has R = 20 , L = 0.05 , C = 10 −4 and initial charge at
q = 0 and i = i 0 when t = 0 . Find i and q if E (t ) = 100 .

d 2q dq q
(a) 0.05 2
+ 20 + − 4 = 100
dt dt 10
d q dq
+ 400 + 200000q = 2000
dt dt
m 2 + 400 m + 200000 = 0

− 400 ± 400 2 − 4(1)(200000)

= −200 ± 400i

∴ qc = e −200 t ( A cos 400t + B sin 400t )

q p = t r (a)

r =0 ; qp = a q' p = 0 q" p = 0

so : 0 + 400 (0) + 200000 a = 2000

a = 0.01

∴ q = e −200t ( A cos 400t + B sin 400t ) + 0.01

i= ; i = −200e −200t [ A cos 400t − B sin 400t ] + e −200t [400 B cos 400t − 400 A sin 400t ]
= 200e −200t [(− A + 2 B) cos 400t + (− B − 2 A) sin 400t ]

t = 0, q = 0 ; 0 = A + 0.01
A = −0.01

t = 0 ,i = 0 ; 0 = 200(− A + 2 B )
400 B = 200( −0.01)
B = −0.005

∴ q = −e −200t (0.01cos 400t + 0.005 sin 400t ) + 0.01

i = 200e −200t [0.005 + 2(0.01) sin 400t ] = 5e −200 t sin 400t

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