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Die Hard 4


The FBI responds to a brief computer outage at its Cyber-Security Division by tracking down
top computer hackers. The FBI asks New York City Police Department detective John
McClane to bring in hacker Matthew "Matt" Farrell. McClane arrives at Farrell's residence
just in time to save Farrell from assassins. The assassins were sent by Mai Linh; Linh works
for her love interest, later revealed to be one Thomas Gabriel.

On the way to Washington, D.C., Farrell tells McClane that he had written an algorithm for
Linh that could crack a specific security system for white hat purposes. Meanwhile, Gabriel
orders his crew of hackers to take control of transportation grids and the stock market, while
also nationally broadcasting a message threatening the United States. Farrell recognizes this
as the start of a "fire sale", which is a cyber-attack designed to disable the nation's. McClane
and Farrell are driven to FBI headquarters, but Linh poses as a dispatcher and reroutes the
convoy into the path of an assault helicopter. McClane fends off the attackers and destroys
the helicopter by launching a car into it.

Gabriel initiates a second broadcast showing a simulated explosion of the U.S. Capitol,
causing a public panic. Farrell guesses that Gabriel's next target is the power grid, and he and
McClane drive to a utility superstation in West Virginia. They find a team led by Linh taking
over the superstation. McClane and Farrell kill the team, and Linh falls to her death following
a struggle with McClane. Enraged over Linh's death, Gabriel redirects large amounts of
natural gas to the utility superstation in an attempt to kill McClane and Farrell. McClane and
Farrell escape.

McClane and Farrell then travel by helicopter to the home of hacker Frederick "Warlock"
Kaludis. Warlock identifies the piece of code Farrell wrote for Linh as a means to access data
at a Social Security Administration building at Woodlawn, Maryland. Warlock tells McClane
and Matt that Gabriel was a top security expert for the U.S. Department of Defence. Gabriel
attempted to alert the Department to weaknesses that made America's network infrastructure
vulnerable to cyberwarfare, but his unorthodox methods led to his dismissal. Warlock runs
a traceroute and identifies Gabriel's location. Gabriel taps into their connection and reveals
that he has located McClane's estranged daughter, Lucy, and intends to kidnap her. McClane
obtains an image of Gabriel which he relays to the FBI. It is revealed that the Woodlawn
building is actually an NSA facility (designed by Gabriel himself when he worked for the
NSA) intended to back up the nation's personal and financial records in the event of a cyber-
attack. Gabriel's attack on the FBI prompted a download of financial data to Woodlawn.
Access to that data would allow Gabriel to siphon off large amounts of money and disappear
without a trace.

McClane and Farrell race to the Woodlawn facility, where Farrell discovers that Gabriel's
men are downloading financial information. He manages to encrypt the data before he is
captured. McClane kills more of Gabriel's henchmen. Gabriel then takes Farrell and Lucy
(who had been kidnapped earlier) with him as his team flees. McClane pursues Gabriel,
hijacking the semi Gabriel used to conduct the firesale hacking. Gabriel accesses the
communication system of a F-35B Lightning II and—impersonating the flight controller—
orders the pilot to attack the truck McClane is driving. McClane manages to destroy the
fighter jet and then makes his way to a nearby warehouse. There, Gabriel demands that
Farrell de-encrypt the financial data; when Farrell refuses, Gabriel shoots him in the knee and
threatens to kill Lucy if he does not comply. McClane arrives and kills one of Gabriel's
henchmen, but the final remaining henchman (Emerson) shoots him in the right shoulder and
Gabriel holds him at gunpoint.

Gabriel positions himself behind McClane, putting the barrel of the gun in his shoulder
wound. McClane then pulls the trigger. The bullet travels through McClane's shoulder and
hits Gabriel in the chest, killing him. Farrell grabs a handgun and kills Emerson. Afterwards,
McClane thanks Farrell for saving Lucy's life.

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